Thread started by
Limeyfly at 08.22.09 - 1:41 pm
In response to those of the brethren who attack other peoples rides here, I'd just like to say this.
I have never organized a ride myself and the thought of doing it on a monthly basis seems daunting!!
No matter what becomes of a ride, after they grow, problems develop and that's symptomatic of larger group social rides. I don't think the organizers intend this to happen, it just does. There are really only a few who ruin things for others but the key is to come up with ways to "retrain" or reign in those who's actions make a ride less pleasant.
On the RWNN, Aug 21 09, things went quite smoothly, for the most part, and 3 things helped to do that...
1) Using hand signals instead of shouting out the turns - this means those who take off ahead don't know where they are going and fall into line eventually.
2) NO ALCOHOL stop - this means less drunk riders but doesn't prevent one from bring what one wants to drink, at the start! RIght??!!
3) No ALCOHOL stop - this means NO THEFT!
So......... don't slag off those who put effort into their rides, come up with ways to improve a ride, positive ideas and IMPLEMENT them.
If a ride is not for you, just don't go, enough said.
There are things one can change and things one cannot. Instead of slagging I have learned it's better to just avoid what you don't like, no?...
Limeyfly08.22.09 - 1:49 pm
sometimes you can't avoid it! if you're going on any slower ride, there's going to be people there with bikes that aren't in working condition (singlespeed brakeless) and a bunch of kids with every kind of bike that just don't know how to ride.
i keep telling myself "theyll be gone when the weather gets cold," but until then, i guess im just not going to be doing many rides.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by Limeyfly
08.22.09 - 2:01 pm
i really love having no alcohol stops at rides. i understand its a social ride and all but do you really need to drink at rides to have fun? im a social drinker but i can also do a 20+ mile riding without having a beer and still have fun.
funanu08.22.09 - 2:09 pm
I just hope this winter isn't as cold as last... at least as far as the valley is concerned.
but what am I saying? I might be leaving to Houston for a few months so it wont matter anyway.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
08.22.09 - 2:10 pm
I watched and learned from the best...charlie.
There's not much an organizer can do other than try to keep the route on track and regulate the length of the stops. If you like THE RIDE WITH NO NAME, please come back every month cuz if you've been on one of them, then you know what the ride is all about. My only advice is to try to stay up near the front and ride next to and near your friends who you trust....or stay near the back and give yourself some space around people near you.
barleye responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
08.22.09 - 2:15 pm
I like the no alchy stops. I rolled with my wine and had plenty to share with others. I didn't have to worry about litter either. Oh yeah, I also made it home with some wine leftover.
User108.22.09 - 2:33 pm
Once again... great ride. Route was good, the music was great and I can always count on a kickass spoke card!!
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by barleye
08.22.09 - 2:38 pm
Chris, where were you? haven't seen you out in a few weeks...health-wise, are you doing ok? not meant to thread hi-jack, but a few of us were wondering where the recycle trailer was on RWNN last night...
barleye responding to a
comment by TheDude
08.22.09 - 2:50 pm
Besides...isn't it more fun to have that "post-ride celebratory" beer?
sinaphile responding to a
comment by funanu
08.22.09 - 3:06 pm
C.R.A.N.K. MOB is the leading example of your 3 point list Limeyfly.
Letting the people who speed ahead get lost keeps the ride together
No alcohol keeps things focused on FUN and not where to buy the next drink
And of course, not stopping at stores prevents petty theft from broke ass riders.
And look at the mob now! ...hmm. still drunk and high, but at least not robbing people :D
richtotheie08.22.09 - 3:09 pm
next crank mob.....The Special K crank mob
hipster responding to a
comment by richtotheie
08.22.09 - 3:23 pm
I completely agree, Harry. In particular, the no alky stops have been a big help on the last couple of rides I've been on (except for the guy behind me last night that kept yelling, "The next stop fucking better be at a liquor store!" I wanted to say, "Or what? You'll leave the ride?").
Having some knowledge of what goes into putting on a ride and admiration for those that do it, my criticism of last night's ride is directed at some of the participants, not at Barleye. There's only so much any organizer can do - there's no way to control everything or everybody on a ride.
I'm just at the point right now when I'm healed enough to ride, but don't relish the idea of getting knocked down by some wanker who can't or won't hold their line. When I'd had enough last night I left - simple as that . . . I'll be back.
mr rollers08.22.09 - 3:24 pm
No alcohol on the rides up where I live, but the hard-asses who run them could sure use a drink at least once.
40+ hrs/week at work and getting yelled at by the wife and kids makes these guys evil.
bentstrider08.22.09 - 3:29 pm
Riding my bike is just the thing when I O.D. on getting yelled at by the wife and kids.
Barleye, great ride last night. These are memories I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
And when I do get old and forgetful. I'll have the wonderful color spoke card to remind me of the fun I had with you peoples.
I've made spoke cards myself, and I really appreciate the trouble and expence that goes into making however many hundred cards Barleye did for us.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.22.09 - 4:35 pm
I think 175 last night and gave out the last one while taking apart the music trailer.
barleye responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
08.22.09 - 5:01 pm
These spandex wannabes I see out here everyday are crybabies compared to you and I.
On the only ride I've done so far with them, they seem to nitpick about anything that looks remotely out-of-step.
Then it's even funnier when you see their wife pull up in the Yukon and drive the little baby home, 1/2 mile down the street!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
08.22.09 - 5:03 pm
Don't get married and have kids then you won't have a wife and kids yelling at you...ha
Limeyfly responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.22.09 - 6:08 pm
wondered where you were Mr. Rollers!!!
Limeyfly responding to a
comment by mr rollers
08.22.09 - 6:09 pm
As you know I have not been on a CM in quite a while now. I think it might be time to revisit this monster (size) of rides!! I have a date tonight otherwise I'd be there!!! Maybe next month!!
Limeyfly responding to a
comment by richtotheie
08.22.09 - 6:12 pm
There will always be crybabies and armchair critics, you just learn to tune them out. The people that like my events show up, thoes that don't stay home. It works pretty well.
rev10608.22.09 - 9:22 pm
I'm with the rev on this one....
barleye responding to a
comment by rev106
08.22.09 - 10:21 pm
there were some idiots on the ride, but theres idiots everywhere, besides that, i thought the ride was great, Brad.
my only iffy was all the turns on streets with tracks with people who don't know how to ride over tracks. but the ride was super fun, challenging for out of shape me, and i liked that it was continuous riding!
tinycities08.22.09 - 11:21 pm
who organizes the ride through marina del rey and down via marina? I'm curious why you all thing you're so fucking cool to threaten pedestrians walking down the street (like saying you'll fucking kill them if they don't get out of the way), break traffic laws and cause pointless chaos in a quiet neighborhood.
I know you fucking idiots think you're really tough in a pack of 200+, but your days are numbered if you keep that shit up, I'm the wrong person to threaten and you idiots when above and beyond by threatening my wife.
I'll see you fucks next week, same place same time.
fuckyouriders08.22.09 - 11:37 pm
I don't think anyone on this thread organizes a ride through the marina. Do what I do with annoying neighbors, start with invoking a polite discussion and see what the results are.
Starting a fight leaves everyone bruised one way or another.
Limeyfly responding to a
comment by fuckyouriders
08.23.09 - 1:14 am
man.. please calm down. I wasn't on this ride you speak of so I don't know exactly what happened.. but i think what they meant by when you guys were crossing te streets is it is REALLY hard to get a huge pack to stop to let someone cross as the bikers are already in the middle of the intersection/walkway... sometimes you might have to wait a few minutes to let the bikers pass on by..sure i know it's in YOUR neighborhood.. but sometimes things aren't always peachy keen....
and.. do you realize now that if any harm is caused on bikers in MDR, we can call it premeditated? Because since you're making harmful threats against the biking community.. written in stone.. i.e. the internet.. where i think we can, if we wanted to waste our time, trace your postings back to your I.P. address...
Look we're sorrry.. just calm down.. nothing bad did happen now did it?
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by fuckyouriders
08.24.09 - 8:13 am
this guy's totally someone in MR no one has that much time their hands. i'm gonna go home... google... fuck how do spell midnight riders? oh ridazz. ok, now i'm gonna sign up. what's a name that really gets my point across? commence the thread war! I do agree we need to stop yelling at pedestrians/cars - a few years ago it was all "we love you too!!" or my favorite "join us!" now it's "fuck you! get a bike!" - negative Nacy's. double negatives are the worst though.
How to Trace an IP Address
et responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
08.24.09 - 11:18 am
PS: RWNN was so fun this month! I'm loving the no stops/block party.
et08.24.09 - 11:20 am
you are probably right it is someone on MR just having fun.. but at the same time getting a good point across (in a very harsh way).. but they do have a point.. if we want the community to respect us, we need to be respectful of them (even if they are not on bikes)
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by et
08.24.09 - 11:49 am
I'm going to wait until I'm old and have enough money saved up to start having kids.
This way, I have time to properly lay down the switch in case they get out of line.
I say the new standard should be.....
0-17 yrs; grade school.
18-50 yrs; fuck around, have fun, join the army, make some quick cash etc.,
50-100 yrs; Go to college, get a desk job, settle down, meet young hottie, stay-at-home-dad.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Limeyfly
08.24.09 - 2:10 pm