FS: 11 bikes a few frames. Perfect for converting to fixed/singlespeed

Thread started by
Bimmtek at 08.9.09 - 10:42 am
What up everyone! got some project bikes that would be perfect to convert to single/fixed gears! For the midnight RIDAZZ ill cut $10 bucks off my price i've got on craigslist.
Call me if your interested im located in hollywood and looking to sell these bikes ASAP! 816-294-7187
dude, these bikes look like shit!!!
man, before fixed gears got trendy, you could have bought these bikes for what they were worth.
twenty dollars!
not eighty!!!
you suck man.
you fucking suck.
i know you're trying to hustle some money (and that's fine) but you're hustlin the wrong crowd.
no one here will pay 80 bucks for a bike you fished out of a pond.
get the fuck outta here!
KiMS108.9.09 - 10:48 am
hah. look at the chain and seat position on the green fixie.
sciencefriction08.9.09 - 11:05 am
yeah why does the green fixie have the seat in "ball torture" position? Why is the chain falling off?
These bikes are all garbage.
The first 3 are 'Free Spirits' which are just as bad as a huffy.
stillline08.9.09 - 4:34 pm
your project bike could look like this with some time and new parts!!
those bikes aren't worth the trouble of restoring or customizing.
mmaceda08.9.09 - 4:49 pm
I could spin on my back for pocket change and buy a complete jalopy from a meth-head cheaper than these.
bentstrider08.9.09 - 5:10 pm
OK, either you are just fucking with everyone or you are totally delusional.
if it's the former i applaud, good show!
but i fear it's the latter. the # rule: know your customer. what a pile of shitty shit! as in shit-tay. these "bikes" are horrible and probably hazardous to your health. if anyone does try to ride one of these bikes they are probably going to get hurt when they hit the first pothole.
shame shame shame on you and your shittily shameful shit bikes.
120spaced08.9.09 - 5:23 pm
Yeah, bunch of crap, what do you expect from someone with one topic and three posts on MR. Opportunist. That being said, if he'll take $50 for some of those completes, that's reasonable for rehab projects.
0gravity08.9.09 - 8:58 pm
you all clearly have no idea wtf your talking about and have no ethic of work nor restoring old bikes. Yes they are worth what they are. Some yes are not worth 80 again thats why i have OBO. If you dont want one then STFU
Some people want these bikes and you could seriously throw a chain on them and tune them up and give it a fresh paint job and the "budget bike... You could do something like this.
For instance several people picked up bikes today for 60-80 dollars.
One of the bikes I had looked like solid rust and was completely dirty and with some work and a few new parts it came out looking fresh. Haters.
Bimmtek08.9.09 - 10:49 pm
For those talkin jive... You clearly have no idea what green is from green. None of the bikes are green and none of them are fixed gears. Losers!
Bimmtek08.9.09 - 10:51 pm
your customers are suckers. you clearly ripped them off.
mmaceda responding to a
comment by Bimmtek
08.9.09 - 10:52 pm
they were referring to your example picture of what the bikes could turn out like
666 responding to a
comment by Bimmtek
08.9.09 - 10:59 pm
yeah not the bikes im selling... I was referencing to how the bike looks. Color scheme its pretty hot. Yes that bike needs some tuning adjustment on the chain, adjustment on the seat.
Please if you do not have something positive to say move to the next forum.
Bimmtek08.9.09 - 11:17 pm
This thread = Good for a giggle.
steph responding to a
comment by coldcut
08.9.09 - 11:28 pm
if you want to rip people off move to the next forum.
this forum is to benefit the cycling community.
if you want to make some cash, have it at a reasonable price.
don't try to fool people. we're here to sniff out folks like you.
don't be a snake.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Bimmtek
08.10.09 - 12:21 am
hot, snazzy, cool, rad, awesome, trendy, frame
mmaceda responding to a
comment by steph
08.10.09 - 12:27 am
he's probably a crackhead at an internet cafe. you'd have to be high to think these bikes are worth more than $20.
tortuga_veloce08.10.09 - 9:52 am
For those talkin jive... You clearly have no idea what green is from green. None of the bikes are green and none of them are fixed gears. Losers!
welcome to a forum dipshit dingle berry, too bad we all know bikes.
theshues08.10.09 - 10:25 am
Whats funny about this is I saw this add on craigslist and was like WTF...
OsnapsonJC08.10.09 - 11:29 am
did ya flag him?
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
08.10.09 - 11:30 am
$10 bucks off just for being part of M.R .. Damn thats a deal..
Debut21308.10.09 - 2:35 pm
This guy found a way to sell crappy bikes with key words of "fixie, fixed, SS" and so on. Nothing new. People have been doing this on CL for a long time. It's up to the suckaz that buy them to wise up and learn. If they were smarter, these snakes wouldn't be around.
User108.10.09 - 5:39 pm
regarding a bike that doesn't have pedals: "this ones in riding condition as is."
professor fate responding to a
comment by User1
08.11.09 - 10:23 pm
if you read everything it says... "SOME" Some bikes dont have pedals.
Anyhow if anyone wants a bike throw an offer at me.
Bimmtek responding to a
comment by professor fate
08.12.09 - 12:08 am
"your project bike could look like this with some time and new parts!"
Yes, a department store clunker can turn into an NJS bike if you think about it hard enough and squint your eyes and use your imagination.
cabhauler08.12.09 - 12:29 am
How do you get a non-lugged frame to look like a lugged frame?
User1 responding to a
comment by cabhauler
08.12.09 - 12:34 am
Dude, all of those bikes are total ripoffs.
Rusty Free Spirits and Huffys for $80?
WTF dude? That's pretty weak.
In PERFECT condition those bikes would be worth maybe $80-90, and most of those bikes would need $50-60+ just to get into marginal condition, much less decent condition.
Most of those bikes have one piece cranks, which means that you'd probably have to get a new crank / bottom bracket if you wanted a fixie conversion with a reasonably straight chainline.
Leave that garbage on craigslist, and don't try to rip off your fellow ridazz.
That's what up everyone.
JB08.12.09 - 11:27 am

these bikes are like the stone in stone soup. you can buy a frame like these for $5-10 at the bikerowave.
the sandwich has spoken.
TORTAWOLF responding to a
comment by JB
08.12.09 - 11:46 am
I believe the Bike Oven were giving away frames and bikes like this.
User1 responding to a
comment by TORTAWOLF
08.12.09 - 11:58 am