Warriors Screening w/ Cast
Thread started by
DeKadenzy at 07.4.09 - 1:28 pm
![](/images/forums/small/The Warriors_1246739303.jpg)
Sunday July 19th 7:30 the New Beverly Theater will be screening one of the greatest movies ever made. THE WARRIORS. However this one is a must go! Cast members will be presenting the movie. I anticipate a sell out so a meet will be around 5 and a short ride to be at the theater by 6:30. WEAR YOUR COLORS.
oh, NewBev is alcohol friendly.... shhhhh!
DeKadenzy07.4.09 - 1:29 pm
GREAT movie & best movie theater ever!! Where's the meet up point?
sinaphile07.4.09 - 1:35 pm
so down! go take the which warriors gang are you quiz on FB and dress accordingly.
cruss mob07.4.09 - 1:40 pm
Can you dig it?? Seriously! This would rock! I was planning on going anyway, but with a ride also? NICE!
sinaphile07.4.09 - 2:16 pm
Just told someone about this & they're totally interested in the ride too!
sinaphile07.4.09 - 3:22 pm
i'm so down!
i know who you are, cruss mob!
coldcut responding to a
comment by cruss mob
07.4.09 - 3:28 pm
I'll have a meet point later this week, main focus is to get there before too late, so start point wont be too far.
DeKadenzy07.5.09 - 8:10 am
the outsiders woulda kicked their asses....
barleye07.5.09 - 8:13 am
helllll yessssss
maybe after party on my rooftop since im right by there
Thegirlinglass07.5.09 - 12:00 pm
Who is cruss mob?
By the way, I'm down for this! I still haven't officially seen the entire movie. Blasphemy, I know, I know.
imachynna responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.5.09 - 12:07 pm
Down. Last time I saw this movie it was a midnight screening and I fell asleep toward the end cause I was so drunk/stoned. Meh.
HappyLand07.5.09 - 12:35 pm
I've lived a sheltered life, I never saw this movie. How should I dress up? Any fashion tips? Oh, and I missed the last warriors ride, was outa town. So I'm lost. :-(
User107.5.09 - 5:01 pm
For dressing up tips, I would suggest just using Google images, and grab something you see from one of the gangs in the film. They're pretty iconic and cool to do, so once you check the images out, you should be able to get a good idea of how to dress up :)
sinaphile responding to a
comment by User1
07.5.09 - 6:21 pm
Does anyone know which cast members will be present?
Mexicola07.5.09 - 7:14 pm
I can try & find out which cast members & will post when I know...I know the folks who are arranging the event, so I'll ask 'em. Not sure if anyone has been 100% confirmed yet, but I'll find out this week for ya... :)
sinaphile responding to a
comment by Mexicola
07.5.09 - 7:21 pm
Sweet. I always wanted to see the Warriors in theaters but I'm excited as hell to see some of the actual cast. Thanks in advance too.
Mexicola responding to a
comment by sinaphile
07.5.09 - 7:24 pm
The New Bev costs $7 for the show and is cash only...
sinaphile responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.5.09 - 7:44 pm
man its gonna be fucking SICK WICKED!!
palucha6607.5.09 - 7:46 pm
Warriors was one of my favorites growing up. New Bev FTW. Let doo et
Foldie07.5.09 - 11:44 pm
I despise this movie only because of what happened in the beginning. Let's please learn from such folly.
tivu07.6.09 - 10:28 am
Dood. So rad. I think that's the weekend that most of TWBG will be out of town.....but I'll try to be there wearing my colors, all alone and lonesome.
Ms. Stephanie responding to a
comment by tivu
07.6.09 - 11:10 am
So, I'm hoping that this ride is still happening...I'm waiting to hear about exact guest confirmations, but so far I *think* we have James Remar, Walter Hill & Deborah Van Valkenberg showing up at the New Bev...I THINK...But I should know more soon, as I emailed my friend & asked. But it should be a great time anyways. Is there still gonna be a ride and all that beforehand?
sinaphile07.16.09 - 9:49 am
I'm still going, FO SHO.
Tren Waaaaay, come out and plaaaayaaaaay.....
Ms. Stephanie responding to a
comment by sinaphile
07.16.09 - 10:40 am
Hey there,
I talked with my friend at the New Beverly tonight and the confirmed guests are going to be Deborah Van Valkenburgh, James Remar, and David Harris. Also, James Remar is going to be there for the first film Long Riders, because he's in that too. So...my question is...where is the meet-up point going to be and what time are we meeting? Is it still going to be at 5, like the original post says...?
sinaphile07.18.09 - 4:02 am
Thanks for your help 'sin'. Look foward to meeting you. Fuck yeah lets hear it for AJAX. My fav Warrior. We will meet at 5pm at the Wishire and Western Metro. We will then decide if there is enough funds between us to carry us to a bar or the 7 eleven and pan pac park nearby. YEAHHHHH@!!~!!!!!!
DeKadenzy responding to a
comment by sinaphile
07.18.09 - 1:10 pm
Rockin'! This is going to be great!!! See you there!!! :)
sinaphile responding to a
comment by DeKadenzy
07.18.09 - 6:30 pm
Whoo!!! Thanks to all that made it out. This was even better than I had imagined. Ajax, Mercy and Cochise were there and told cool back stories. The Kibbitz room as a night cap rocked! Made great new friends. Special thanks to Sinafile for working her magic at the New Bev and getting us all seats together. Good luck in San Diego!
DeKadenzy07.20.09 - 11:51 am
Dang man! I really wanted to go to this too. My legs were all fucked from the Big Parade though. Hopefully I'll make it to your next smut ride Louise.
User107.20.09 - 1:05 pm
thanks louis. had a great time. wish i could have hung out late night.
Charlie07.20.09 - 2:26 pm
Yeah!! This was a GREAT time!!! Thanks so much for organizing this!! Look forward to MANY more rides, and hopefully even more New Beverly ones!! And this was such a great way to start meeting folks, too! Rockin' good time all around....Thanks for the good luck wishes- I think as long as I avoid random marriage-proposing Klingons, I'll be safe!
sinaphile responding to a
comment by DeKadenzy
07.20.09 - 10:07 pm