ATTN: ijunes (GTroadbike)
Thread started by
roughdraftx01 at 02.21.09 - 2:14 am
"Saw some dude at the Grove walking a white GT road bike lookin' all sketchy with his clipless pedals and normal shoes. As i recall someone from those Bicikillers rides got their white GT road bike stolen"
An lafixed member, Belt, posted in the stolen bikes thread.
gl ijunes.
it takes GT's distinctive geometry to help spot a GT. Good luck.
anyone seen a customized windsor frame, felt airfoil trial fork, vuelta xrp bladed spoke wheels, all black in color with red,silver,white graphics everywhere and lots of popular stickers from our community bike related things...
Eddie GOpez02.21.09 - 9:39 am
Another solution is to ride a tall frame that no one else can ride. Shit never gets stolen.
User102.21.09 - 12:37 pm
not true, jeromes 64cm fuji track was stolen a few months ago. it was subsequently returned, but it was stolen.
ruinedbyidiots02.21.09 - 12:48 pm
does that mean I'll never have my 67cm taken from me?
Gav02.21.09 - 5:47 pm
it's theft proof cuz it'll just crush your balls.
Gav02.21.09 - 7:36 pm