Russell Crowe wins bike race

Thread started by
Creative Thing at 09.3.09 - 10:43 pm
SYDNEY – An Australian newspaper mocked Russell Crowe for smoking and shoveling down a fatty meal during a recent bike ride, so the notoriously salty actor set out to prove he is still in gladiator shape — by challenging the paper's gossip columnist to a duel by bicycle.
Crowe, who has been photographed looking slimmer in recent months, was apparently none too pleased by a column published in Sydney's The Daily Telegraph on Tuesday entitled "Smokes and fatty foods the fitness regime for Rusty." The paper mocked Crowe after he was photographed pausing during a recent bike ride with his personal trainer to puff on a cigarette and chow down on three tacos and a soft drink.
In a story published Friday, the paper said Crowe's spokesman called up gossip columnist Annette Sharp the next day and said, "Get on your bike. Russell wants you to go riding with him. Are you ready to die?"
Sharp accepted the challenge and the pair met a dawn for a 12-mile (20-kilometer) ride through the city. Video of the race shows Sharp struggling to keep up while Crowe zooms along unfazed. At one point, Sharp fell off her bike.
Still, Crowe gave Sharp some credit, telling her she was a better biker than Australian director Baz Luhrmann. "You're twice the man Baz is," he said.
Crowe's manager Grant Vandenberg had no comment. "I think everything's been said in the paper," he said.
Aren't tacos health food?
A soft drink? If it was three tacos, a beer and a smoke he'd already be a Midnight Rida!
mr rollers09.4.09 - 8:52 am
Yeah, what's the big deal? Unless they were Taco Bell tacos or something.
You want a real cyclist diet Rusty? Try two Happy Meals a day, and three if you're riding that night!
User109.4.09 - 9:36 am
I think you're all missing the big picture here.
Tabloid talks shit about big-name actor, big name actor doesn't take shit, promptly owns the fuck out of shit-talker.
In short: tabloids fucking suck, and Russell Crowe is pretty cool for doing what he did.
BMFW09.4.09 - 10:54 am
I don't think anybody is "missing the big picture" - it's rather obvious. I was just commenting on some of the rather interesting (to me anyway) details and comparing his experiences to our own, see?
It's kinda funny what happened, but in another way he probably just ended up providing more fodder for the tabloids and more PR for his own career.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by BMFW
09.4.09 - 11:20 am
Oh, I completely know where you're coming from with your comments (hell, I graze throughout the day here at work). I just don't think it can be overstated how much delicious joy is had when tabloids get their shit handed back to them.
Still fwends, Mr. Rollers? <3<3<3<3
BMFW responding to a
comment by mr rollers
09.4.09 - 11:28 am
A 40 in his cage on his way to get tacos...Now that's a rida!
Gizzard responding to a
comment by mr rollers
09.4.09 - 11:32 am
I thought that tacos were a major food group...;)
alicestrong09.4.09 - 11:40 am
Still friends? - of course. I'm friends with almost everybody, just ask around.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by BMFW
09.4.09 - 1:05 pm
Golf clap for a successful publicity stunt.
Golf claps all around...
nathansnider09.4.09 - 1:18 pm
Hes definitely a team taco rida. Arriba los tacos
el sabroso09.4.09 - 1:25 pm
What? No one posted the
video yet? BTW, I wonder how long Mr. Crowe has been smoking fags?
User109.4.09 - 8:23 pm
YAY! thank you! I couldnt find it....
but it doesnt show her falling down :(
Gizzard responding to a
comment by User1
09.4.09 - 8:34 pm
trust me, I wanted to see that too!!! no dices finding it.
User1 responding to a
comment by Gizzard
09.4.09 - 8:56 pm
he has a personal fucking trainer... that columnist probably hasn't ridden a bike since she was 12. Of course he fucking won. I bet he still dies first.
professor fate09.4.09 - 9:56 pm
"This is actually not a workout. This is just something I love doing in Sydney," he explained, "and LA."
So when he's coming out for Wolfpack? Or is he (like Chuck Norris) too scared?
mr rollers09.5.09 - 2:43 am