Thread started by
_iJunes at 09.3.09 - 11:29 am
it looks like he's sitting on the toilet
Gav09.3.09 - 11:37 am
Lazy fuckers!!!!!!
Actually it looks like a lot of fun.
But having had friends who bought Segways as early adopters, I have doubts about it.
Like, where can you ride it? On the sidewalk, in the street? Can you put it in the bike lane? There are no pedals, so when the juice dies, you're done. I've had to walk a Segway home fun.
Don't get me wrong, it's a cool execution of a good idea. Just not sure where it fits in the greater commuter soup.
Drew09.3.09 - 11:40 am
I YIKE to clothesline that smug sidewalk rida.
0gravity09.3.09 - 11:42 am
Looks interesting, but it's limitations will relegate it to yet another piece of technology that fails.
It will only have enough battery for 4 - 5 miles. Good for last mile commuters, but an expensive option at over $4,000
Foldie09.3.09 - 12:39 pm
The thing that attracts me to cycling is the physical work one has to do.
I love being an active particapant in my mobilization.
Just sitting there seems dumb to me.
I hope I am never forced to scoot around in a wheelchair.
Creative Thing09.3.09 - 12:51 pm
It fits in as the last mile for a commuter taking public transportation. This is nothing like the segway. The only similarities is that they're both battery powered and two wheeled. This is far lighter than a segway, and as was shown, it's portable.
I like the design and it's very cleverly executed. The range is a little limited, but that's minor if you ask me. You could always carry a second battery pack if needed.
Looks like a blast to ride!
User1 responding to a
comment by Drew
09.3.09 - 3:26 pm
trust me, I'm no fan of segways.
User1 responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
09.3.09 - 3:36 pm
it looks like he is on the brink of eating shit the whole time...
how can you steer like that?
snowcone09.3.09 - 6:23 pm
what a strong personal brand that guy has
HANDBONE09.4.09 - 8:43 am