did you know
Thread started by
theshues at 09.3.09 - 1:56 am
you cant use the word fag, or !@#$?, on the LAFixed website hahahahahahha im about to get banned over a word hahahahahahhahahaha
one more reason MR kicks ass, freedom of speech.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? i guess i dont say it that often i didnt know it did that. damn!!
GIOVANNI is the maayaan
theshues09.3.09 - 1:57 am
try to say fag on here a couple of weeks ago. The moral police would scramble your word for you.
Computer may save us from ourselves
hipster09.3.09 - 2:12 am
so now you can say "fag"?
User1 responding to a
comment by hipster
09.3.09 - 2:13 am
hahahahaha, that was cause of that website that was vfag something something .com
User109.3.09 - 2:15 am
i remember that
hahahahahahahh we couldnt see that banana republic video cause vfagenda.com
theshues09.3.09 - 2:23 am
hey AL... you busy tomorrow, im building my new bike at bikestation tomorrow you should stop by or give me a call...
theshues responding to a
comment by User1
09.3.09 - 2:24 am
Did you know that 90% of the heroin in Europe and the UK is produced in Afghanistan?
Coe coe buttaa09.3.09 - 2:25 am
Did you know that directly east of that Salton Sea place where you guys play Woodstock '69, that there lies a hefty, above-surface,
gold vein in the Chocolate Mountains??
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
09.3.09 - 3:47 am
holy shit there is gold in the mountains??
palucha6609.3.09 - 4:14 am
i just got banned from LAFixed... hahahahahha cause i said the "f-ag" word and i posted racial motivational posters like the one here------>
for the record, i do not hate on gays and im not racist, but cmon its a FUCKING FORUM, what is this world coming to, how elite are those fucking people, i hate lafixed.
however, i do loooooove MR, thanks guise for understanding the internet.
theshues09.3.09 - 12:11 pm
I don't think it is elitism, I think it is called common courtesy. you say it's just a fucking forum, but people will still be offended. I draw the line at racial epitaphs because it does no fucking good here. If you think this is your joke playground then so be it, but I think people should be respectful and courteous in person and on the forums.
Yeah we can all joke around and have fun with people, but racial jokes is not within the spirit of MR.
Just my 2 quid.
Foldie responding to a
comment by theshues
09.3.09 - 12:18 pm
You're supposed to take the racisms to pdxfixed, I think?
nathansnider responding to a
comment by theshues
09.3.09 - 12:20 pm
I'm not offended in any way by any of that as long as it's not leading to some type of violent action.
Aside from that, I still think it's crazy how if one white guy says it without malice intended, he then proceeds to get beat down by an army.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by theshues
09.3.09 - 12:21 pm
epitaphs go on a tombstone. the word you seek is epithet. but racial epitaphs would be really bad, cause they'd be carved in stone forever.
cassidy responding to a
comment by Foldie
09.3.09 - 1:23 pm
Good point and touche. Internets are making us dumber. or I just suck at spelling.
Foldie responding to a
comment by cassidy
09.3.09 - 1:31 pm
post pictures on 4chan of your tongue up congos ass. you wont.
i mean, thats pretty much how it was between you two in the anti-porn thread on lafixed before you got the boot.
ruinedbyidiots09.3.09 - 1:36 pm