Thread started by
snowcone at 08.28.09 - 10:58 am
where are you going?
LACM is monthly and BFF is annually. I think skipping 1 LACM won't hurt anybody. BFF FTW
Foldie08.28.09 - 11:07 am
LACM occurs monthly....
BFF is here and gone...
md208.28.09 - 11:08 am
i'm very noob to this group ride thing, usually just go solo...this will be my third group ride, let's see what happens... =)
natefrogg08.28.09 - 11:09 am
i have a bff film pass, so i plan on missing lacm and the people's ride.
coldcut08.28.09 - 11:10 am
hopefully all the LACM leaders are at the BFF today......... imagine the posabilities
AIDS6608.28.09 - 11:11 am
**possibilities ** can't spell
AIDS6608.28.09 - 11:12 am
gonna troll the forums tonight?
snowcone responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.28.09 - 11:31 am
The question might really be:
BFF Friday: Program 1 or 2... or both?
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.28.09 - 11:34 am
who is TOTM snowcone. I think its time to reveal who is the new one. Plus OsnapsonJC is making spoke cards,
palucha66 responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.28.09 - 11:34 am
fuck you and your titles, your scum of the month. gtfo.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.28.09 - 11:40 am
spoke cards for TOTM?
there isn't one troll that stands out in my mind right now
a few days ago i would have said md2... but not anymore
others would quickly pick timesarechanging
what do you think?
snowcone responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.28.09 - 12:12 pm
snowcone - who are you?
and wtf is this TOTM business
you guys wish you were significant.
by definition, you and palucha are pretty bad trolls.
TAC, was kinky for a bit but he kept retracting his statements in his defense,
fuck you all.
get the FUCK OUT
_iJunes responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.28.09 - 1:28 pm
LOL, You don't know Snowcone? Shaddy... He's super nice.
I'd hit up BFF! Cuz it's true... LACM is every month!
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.28.09 - 1:39 pm
supernice means not a troll.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
08.28.09 - 1:48 pm
ahahaha... you are pathetic... i know you are dying to be troll of the month.. but i can see right through the facade. you seem like a nice guy.
i think i'm going to do lacm just because no one else is!
snowcone responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.28.09 - 2:41 pm
the smoke outside is dangerous.
Take the bus over to the BFF.
Mind your health.
sexy08.28.09 - 3:05 pm
Honestly... i inhale car exhaust on my 11 mile commute to work. Then I get to do the same on the way home...
I think LA people adapt... Fires? psssh, lets go mountain bike riding.
Kidding.. yeah that smoke sucks, it looked like someone dropped a bomb near the hollywood sign yesterday
md2 responding to a
comment by sexy
08.28.09 - 3:10 pm
you can probably do LACM and then the 9:30 BFF screening,
Or the 7:30 screening and the People's Ride.
AND - you can all come to the afterparty and GOLDSPRINTS at La Cita
(change from the plan of Charlie O's)
10pm - 12am
drink specials by 42Below
Free entry with BFF stamp!!
redridinghood08.28.09 - 6:19 pm
I can't buy the pass at this time??/ where can i go to buy them online??
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by redridinghood
08.28.09 - 6:23 pm
Buy them at the door.
The independent is like 2 blocks from me, however it would be nice to ride a bike and not watch bikes...... I can't decide.... bollucks.
braydon responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
08.28.09 - 6:28 pm
So when is the BFF gonna travel to Internet city?
braydon08.28.09 - 6:31 pm
yeah... all of you are gonna go sit and watch people riding bicycles, and you are going to wish you were riding too.
At the same time, I will be riding my bicycle :]
snowcone08.28.09 - 6:46 pm
Dude, I hope people even showed up to Critical Mass over there. I went to Critical Mass over here and literally only 4 people showed up... LMFAO.
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.28.09 - 8:46 pm
critical mass was fun! the route got really weird sometimes, very tight small roads, crunch lol! good times were had, lapd visited us but it was all good, i got lost after the right aid lol, went home and got a burrito =p yummers ZZZzzz....
natefrogg08.29.09 - 1:28 am
there were way more people than that, this pic really doesn't do it justice at all
natefrogg08.29.09 - 1:30 am
lacm freaking sucked.
at most 10 MR veterans.
out of 200 16yr olds with road fixie conversions
i left early bcs it sooooooooooooooooooooked
props to henry though!
he was taking charge a lot
aksendz responding to a
comment by natefrogg
08.29.09 - 1:33 am
it was cool while it lasted. Stupid people took over the peoples ride and made it a "hustle",
palucha66 responding to a
comment by natefrogg
08.29.09 - 1:34 am
that was not a "hustle", at all. not as slow as it should be, but it was not fast.
braydon responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.29.09 - 1:41 am
Is LACM an MR ride?
This was the most organized ride I have ever been on. Especially with the 250 or so riders.
There were lots of cops out tonight, but whoever was leading the ride made us stop at red lights. So no hassles from Five O. The cops waved at us. Sheesh, that's never happened before. Plus the group was able to stay together. That never happens on MR rides. Was it because there were celebrities on the ride? I don't know. But MR rides should definitely take some lessons from the LACM playbook.
hockeyjockey08.29.09 - 1:48 am
It was a good ride, except for the people who stole from the Rite Aid.
My girlfriends and I left at Western and Hollywood to get back to the Valley cause we didn't know where the People's Ride was going to go. Who were the celebrities on the ride?
sgrant08.29.09 - 2:13 am
Jared Leto was there taking some pics
@braydon thats why i have the " "
palucha66 responding to a
comment by sgrant
08.29.09 - 2:15 am
This time around we were a Critical Mass:. I thought the peoples ride sucked but thats just me
Glue:.08.29.09 - 2:29 am
wow its as if we were on two seperate rides. first time i ride in the back to help out stragglers and such. it was a hustle and we were dropped two times. The route was fine for a small 20-40 members group but for 300 it was midnight walkers
aksendz08.29.09 - 3:37 am
The fixed-geared rookies just never learn when to quit.
We need to document this dark side of MR and turn it into a Michael Bay film, complete with a climactic chase scene where a fixie-kid takes a sharp turn and sideswipes a gasoline tanker and makes it explode!!!
Or another speedster goes flying out of control and slams into a beach-cruiser, taking out an entire city block!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by aksendz
08.29.09 - 7:12 am
i have no idea who the veterans are man
but i met a lot of people around my age (i'm 31), and the youngsters i talked with (like this dude name tores or mr. tower or something) were really cool and upbeat and full of energy
i don't really care what kind of bike they ride, if it's a fixie with no brakes though i just hope they show extreme caution is all, seeing this dude faceplant on wednesday tripped me out, we don't need any more of SMACK! =
natefrogg responding to a
comment by aksendz
08.29.09 - 10:25 am
At the start, we gathered up all the ridazz we knew to help lead lacm. Stuart was calling out the turns, and I was helping with henry and others.
everyone listens to you when you have a megaphone
snowcone08.29.09 - 12:39 pm
more of you guys should have helped me in the back.
aksendz responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.29.09 - 1:12 pm
i was in the back a couple of times after corking and trying to show people which way we were going. there were a lottt of people.
i think we had a 1/2 mile of ridazz
snowcone responding to a
comment by aksendz
08.29.09 - 1:15 pm
it was much longer.
after we got out of the residential area on western we had a stretch of 1 mile of riders. I was corking for 5 min waiting for everyone to hustle up.
aksendz responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.29.09 - 1:19 pm
I agree. This ride was huge. It almost seemed to be the size of a Crank Mob ride.
How anyone was able to control it, was a small miracle. But people did step up, so good for them. Anyone who helped should get a pat on the back.
sgrant08.29.09 - 1:36 pm
proposed/tenative lesson: when having a ride that turns into another ride involving an excess of 200 riders have a clearly designated leader + a General route know byb all
i think this dual set of priorities would have prevented 90% of the issues we had
or maybe i am out of my mind
nolikedrive08.29.09 - 1:41 pm
we had a ride leader, but he had bike troubles... i was leading the ride to the ride leader... but they wouldn't stop so fuzz attempted to lead them around until drooby's bike was ready to go and by that time it was already too late.
that was probably the biggest people's ride i've ever seen
snowcone responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
08.29.09 - 1:44 pm
I speak in generality. I ride a fair amount but this was my first LACM. I thought it was really well organized/executed.
Although it became disjointed around echo due to the difficulty of getting so many people on the same page I had a blast all night from when I saw packs headed to the start point from my appartment window in ktown until i got back 6 hours later.
nolikedrive08.29.09 - 2:18 pm