Thread started by
_iJunes at 06.9.09 - 9:56 am
The record for the largest parade of bicycles is 1,901 and was organised by Volvic (Taiwan) in Taipei City, Taiwan on July 21, 2007.
how hard would it be to have a parade of 1902 ridazz?
The rules as established by Guinness are simple:
*All participants must be riding a bicycle, which is defined as a two wheeled vehicle powered by only pedaling (sorry no training wheels, unicycles, etc.)
*All Bicycles must travel minimum two mile route and all bicycles must cross the start line .
*There should be no significant gaps in the parade and also bikes should not be clumped in large groups.
_iJunes06.9.09 - 9:59 am
this is interesting,
any idea how big the biggest ride we've had was?
we've surpassed 1000 in one ride before right?
KiMS106.9.09 - 10:03 am
this could be a project for the for some group, as i'm sure corporate sponsorship will be up for grabs considering that you'll probably need permits and what not.
but i think LA can get 1900 bikers together in one place if people really really wanted to
_iJunes responding to a
comment by KiMS1
06.9.09 - 10:05 am
any idea on how everyone was counted?
this would be so fun man.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
06.9.09 - 10:07 am
there has to be a guiness judge, i presume someone would have video or something at the starting line, and record every head that goes through..
but how tight would it be?
The Guinness World Record for the Largest Bicycle Parade is held by the Midnight Ridazz of Los Angeles, CA @ xxxx bicyclists.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by KiMS1
06.9.09 - 10:08 am
yeah but 1901 is closer to 2k.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Avis_One
06.9.09 - 10:09 am
hey is there anyway you can see how many MR profiles exist?
just to give us some kinda range.
like if there were 500 MR profiles and each rider brought like a couple friends or something.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
06.9.09 - 10:10 am
How can
that be the largest parade of bicycles when EVERY San Francisco Critical Mass is definitely over 2,000 (its closer to 10,000) ?
SKIDMARCUS06.9.09 - 10:33 am
maybe the largest parade recorded?
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by SKIDMARCUS
06.9.09 - 10:36 am
Did you mean to say 10K? I heard that registrations were a little lower this year, but the Acura Bike Tour usually has over 10k bikes. If that's not a parade, I don't know what is.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by Avis_One
06.9.09 - 11:12 am
weird ... maybe nobody has bothered to record a bigger ride with GBWR.
It would be great to do it and get in. Even if it is just for a year or two.
1902 would be a great theme too since in the early 1900s there was like 25% of the people using bikes to get around.
trickmilla06.9.09 - 11:39 am
lets make this happen
a 2000 person circle of death...
revolutionary06.9.09 - 11:57 am
my guess is that there are about 5k real profiles of the 14.5k registered.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by KiMS1
06.9.09 - 12:07 pm
That's just silly.
SFCM has about 2000 on slow nights, and pushes around 10K on anniversaries.
Midnight Ridazz was between 1200 and 1400 during it's peak, circa early 2006, before there were rides every night.
What's a parade anyway? Katiepoche probably can answer that.
the reverend dak06.9.09 - 1:06 pm
we need tassles, costumes, people not passing each other, waving, and no one bailing on the route!
neverclever06.9.09 - 1:14 pm
A parade (also called march or marchpast) is a procession of people, usually organized along a street, often in costume, and often accompanied by marching bands, floats or sometimes large balloons. Parades are held for a wide range of reasons, but are usually celebrations of some kind. In Britain the term parade is usually reserved for either military parades or other occasions where participants march in formation; for celebratory occasions the word procession is more usual. In the Canadian Forces the term also has several less formal connotations.[1]
Protest demonstrations also sometimes take the form of a parade, but in such cases are usually referred to as a march instead. - Wikipedia 6/09
trickmilla responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
06.9.09 - 1:22 pm
1901 was largest recorded? Man, "back in da day", if we did not exceed that once or twice, we came pretty close. Ill have to rummage through my spoke cards to remember which rides...
There used to be people that counted... Where are they when we need them?
Rogue Rida06.9.09 - 1:29 pm
We should ABSOLUTELY do this.
With not much more effort than we regularly put out (he says naively)
we could do something that will claim international recognition and generate some good publicity for biking/ MR.
I say organize an all city convergence ride that converges then parades around for 5 or 10 miles (whatever is required by the GBWR).
trickmilla06.9.09 - 1:31 pm
I always wondered why top nerds take advantage of the simplicity of riding a bicycle, while the top dumbshits seem to all have mysteriously undertaken the further complicated task of driving.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by trickmilla
06.9.09 - 1:32 pm
This would be a great project to get the city involved in too. Would give us good karma and earn us some great rapport with the city. Over 2000 would be a piece of cake with the city helping us. Like was said, get some simple sponsorship to pay for expenses and we got it.
User1 responding to a
comment by trickmilla
06.9.09 - 4:03 pm
Over 2000 would be a cinch without the city, with a few months planning and I'd be perfectly happy to not have them involved personally.
On the other hand. If this was to be a 100% legit/ family friendly ride. It could be nice to have official parade status with a permit and with cops corking. Having some supporters inside the machine could be useful to lube the machinations of the bureaucracy.
If this was on a sunday afternoon and planned a few months in advance 2000+ would be super easy.
Then again. How dope would it be if this was a Midnight Ridazz 2nd friday ride as usual so that it could be in the books as a Midnight Ridazz ride just how we do it.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by User1
06.9.09 - 4:42 pm
Haha, I love that.
"That's just how we roll."
imachynna06.9.09 - 5:04 pm
Wrong. Completely wrong.
BUDAPEST CRITICAL MASS has been known to attract up to 80,000 cyclists at a time. You real that right. Eighty-fucking-thousand. Check the pics.
ephemerae06.17.09 - 10:13 pm
Yeah but this Budapest CM is just once a year, on Earth Day.
Taken from their website, http://www.criticalmass.hu/english
Possibly the greatest accomplishment is the fact that the number of people using their bicycles on a daily basis in Budapest has doubled for the third year in a row, a growth rate unmatched anywhere else in the world.
We believe that we are slowly building a cleaner, more livable, and bicycle-friendly Budapest.
User1 responding to a
comment by ephemerae
06.17.09 - 10:23 pm
C.R.A.N.K. MOB has had over 1000 riders for the past 4 months.
Expecting 1200 this month. IT'S SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
richtotheie06.18.09 - 12:09 am
gimme a minute, i'll get it..
tivu09.12.09 - 11:20 am
tivu09.12.09 - 11:23 am
So after all that...
Junu, Chynna,Popsicle,Richie, Brian, Shaddy, Nicki, Steph(in spirit), MOMs Drooby, Eddieboy, TORE CREW, Candy Cane, Paul, Zach, MATTSPEED, Chicken Leathers, Borfo, Harry, VALLEY BIKERY, BIKE OVEN, ATOMIC CYCLES, BIKEROWAVE, Alfredo, Bird Man, Yusur, BENTSTRIDER, Stephen, Stella, TNS, Guisou, and everyone else who is in support of this cause, I would like you to all ride up front donning your finest deathmasks or painted calaveras on your faces.
A new record will be attempted. Largest parade of visibly anonymous bicyclists.
tivu09.12.09 - 11:29 am

i could only imagine the grocery store stop!!
theshues09.12.09 - 11:29 am
No stops. Just a straight shot from the beginning to the end of all two miles through the festival grounds.
tivu responding to a
comment by theshues
09.12.09 - 11:39 am
Oh yes.. and Roadblock.
tivu09.12.09 - 11:48 am
I was volunteering at the Rock N' Roll half marathon last week in VA. The marathon runners are all numbered (obviously). They also had tags that they wore on their shoes. The tags were part of a recording system. Somebody get some MIT friends to whip us up a magnetic tag system.
merrickx09.12.09 - 1:08 pm
Never forget those who came before. It is inevitable that they were onto something.
tivu09.13.09 - 2:30 am
I would also like to humbly request the presence of Team Touch, WINDSRS, Wolfpack, 818 BIKE POLO, and TRAFFIK.
As a reminder, please remember your death masks, the visage of someone deceased, or your calavera face paint in order to receive the spoke card and the subsequent perks which accompany it. :)
tivu09.13.09 - 12:13 pm