Do we need to stage a protest at a major intersection

Thread started by
coolassmike at 04.24.09 - 11:53 am

We could do a HUGE Circle Of Death on an intersection like Cahuenga and Sunset in front of CNN and line Sunset with over 1000 bicyclist! Then we send over a "Reprentative" of the group to tell our story! That would be DOPE! As long as its organized we should be safe!
We can organize on Twitter. I can believe I just typed that... Buy it is what it is!
Lets do it!
yeah lets do this!!! NOT!!! -borat
mitch04.24.09 - 12:00 pm
Maybe posting the intersection where we would do this is not such a good idea(?)
Delgado Blood04.24.09 - 12:02 pm
Keep that enthusiasm. Let's focus on the Ghost Bike tonight.
Joe Borfo04.24.09 - 12:02 pm
Let's put it on facebook and we can get those peeps that ride once a month!
User104.24.09 - 12:05 pm
you guys are like the PETA of bikes.
_iJunes04.24.09 - 12:53 pm
I say we get permits (parade permits) just so that if something were to happen (and we all know our boys in black wont let us down) we can have some sort of justification.
how long does it take to cross all the t's and dot the i's?
GodLovesUgly04.24.09 - 2:18 pm