Hit and Runs REPORT
Thread started by
Roadblock at 09.1.09 - 3:12 pm
please list all the hit and runs you know of that have occurred in the last year or so here. I'd like to put together a piece for the transportation committee to chew on and perhaps make a motion to change some laws....
I've got mine on file of course 5/09 glendale ave. and park
Jesus Castillo 3/09 glendale ave and park
Swank 6th 8/09 east of western
post them up please.
Hummer v Tena etal was almost a Hit and Run. He tried to run...
daymen09.1.09 - 3:13 pm
I know Raquel is @ BM so I will post hers. 8/9 in Highland park @ fig and 52nd
Foldie responding to a
comment by daymen
09.1.09 - 3:14 pm
On behalf of G.Brown (who doesn't post here) I mention his hit and run on Riverside Drive, near Silver Lake. on May 27. He was side swiped by a car from behind. Went down and never saw the car. Missed about a week of work with bruises and scratches.
trickmilla09.1.09 - 3:22 pm
Don't forget
Rod Armas who was killed during the LA wheelmen's grand tour on PCH by a drunken asshole who left the scene.
trickmilla09.1.09 - 3:25 pm
*Cough, cough*, that was a hit and run.
The only reason they didn't get away was because they had a bike stuck under their Bummer and the cops saw it.
User1 responding to a
comment by daymen
09.1.09 - 3:27 pm
great responses the more data I can show in my article the better.
believe it or not the scumbag who hit me is probably only going to get a misdemeanor.... because I didnt break any bones.
Roadblock09.1.09 - 3:32 pm
I was hit 02/01/09 on Santa Monica Blvd. and Prosser Ave.
Gav09.1.09 - 3:41 pm
palucha you got hit?
describe the circumstances did you file a police report?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by palucha66
09.1.09 - 3:48 pm
you too gav, gimme some info on the circumstances.
everybody, describe their situations please when responding.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Gav
09.1.09 - 3:49 pm
no need for a report,
I was going to Crank Mob that day.
And some car cut me off making a right turn.
I just slammed to the side of the car because i braked. The car was a grey Rav-4. Didnt get the licence plates on the car. But it just drove off. All I got was a bruised left arm.
Coincidently, John almost got hit that day and my friend Geo got hit but he grabbed on to the car.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.1.09 - 3:56 pm
I was going home that night from a ride because I had work the next morning and I did not want to stay out late. I just remember coming to an intersection and thinking I have to make a right turn. I was knocked unconscious and next thing I know I was surrounded by paramedics and being loaded into an ambulance. My bike was completely destroyed, my helmet shattered into bits and pieces, my glasses were lost, and it looked like I was dragged some distance. There was a trail of blood and helmet particles.
Apparently a couple women driving by called 911at around 12:30 am, I remember leaving the ride at 12:00 am. I don't remember why I headed toward Santa Monica, but looking at the map it seems like I was trying to avoid the hill that Olympic and Pico lead to.
I may as well just describe only things I do remember.
I didn't brake anything but I suffered a deep cut to the back of my head, a split ear, slit nostril, and split lip, which required stitches and staples. I also had long lasting bruising to my heels, ankles, knees(still not 100% normal), calves, and thigh while most of the road rash was on my lower back and right over some of my vertebra. These were my injuries because I was wearing a leather jacket and messenger bag. The leather jacket was just shredded while the bag strapped it to my body.
I couldn't stand for a couple weeks because my heels were badly bruised. I couldn't walk for a while longer because the muscles in my right leg were pretty much unusable and the knee could bare no weight or movement without tremendous pain. I spent a month in bed immobile and inflexible, any movement of the back felt like I was tearing the scabs.
Gav responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.1.09 - 4:45 pm
Bicykillers 8/6/09 hit and run by Black Nomad, intentional !
rider injured, broken hip
In bike lane on Sepulveda Pass near Getty Center
Rider had front and rear lights, and helmet
Police report filed at scene.
Officers statement: You guys shouldn't be out here riding at night.
Dedicated81809.1.09 - 4:47 pm
I forgot to mention, yes a police report was made.
Gav09.1.09 - 4:57 pm
You guys have to take these encounters more seriously son. You don't and we'll all continue to be treated as nuisances and roadkill.
Drivers take ANYTHING happening to their cars seriously. Case in point, that driver in the video where those two hipsters are fighting. One has a u-lock and the other is able to move faster. The guy without the u-lock kicks the other hipster's helmet out in the street and hits the rear quarter panel of a car out in the street. The end of the video shows the driver and someone else examining the car for damage. Know the video I'm talking about?
User1 responding to a
comment by palucha66
09.1.09 - 6:00 pm
Even if I made a report cops wont do shit. The car took off. There are thousands of Rav-4's in LA. Also I wasn't really injured like Gav was. All they would have done is let me go.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by User1
09.1.09 - 6:23 pm
It's true. I wish there was a database like bikeportland has that everyone reported on. You guys have to report these things officially. Even if nothing happens it is still on the record books.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by User1
09.1.09 - 6:43 pm
There was a site I ran across called bikehits, but I can't find any reference to it. I was using a liveDVD at the time, so I didn't save the link. I figured I could remember it. Looked good too.
User1 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.1.09 - 7:36 pm
Ben Mook was also hit on Sunset in Silverlake. I don't know the details. He's also at burningman.
frumble responding to a
comment by User1
09.1.09 - 7:56 pm
yea on ym way to crank mob like palucha said i was going south on western on pico heading to venice a car last minute decides to take a right and jump lane with out even looking and side swiping me the only reason i didt fall was because i held on to the car and held my balance and as soon as they realised what happend they started to speed off ass i was holding on and the passanger was laugin so i slapped the bitch and let go lmao!!!!! the people on the corner saw everything and ended up laughing
BLAHER responding to a
comment by frumble
09.1.09 - 10:52 pm
Uh oh, don't grab onto cars
Gav09.1.09 - 10:57 pm
yea i know thats why i let go right before he took off or else i would have had crashed into a poll
BLAHER09.1.09 - 10:59 pm
09/21/07, Kenny and I got hit at McCann/Santa Fe Springs Rd in Santa Fe Springs.
Jeronimo09.2.09 - 3:17 pm
From the
Humpday Hustle thread on lafixed:
random hero©
6 hours ago
got hit by a car. an old lady. no joke, she was born in 1919. hit me. i was traveling west on melrose, her east. when out no where she turns left to go into a parking lot, i yell, try to swerve around she keeps coming, boom! bike stop I flew 10-15 feet. body is pretty jacked, bike being looked at. not riding for a bit. nothing broken. I ragdolled it pretty good. Old lady tries to leave the scene another driver follows out onto vine-rossmore, confronts her and gets her to come back. police come, charge lady with felony hit and run. I'm in pain. be fine soon.
nathansnider09.2.09 - 6:23 pm
From my blog post written December 31st of incident on the 30th in West Hollywood. I was assaulted by physical grabbing and egg throwing, but did not go down or get hit by the actual vehicle.
"Well in a rather frightening fashion I encountered some sickening individuals in a car who felt they would get physical with me last night. I had heard stories of cyclists being attacked, usually at dead hours in shady parts of town, but my encounter was at about 10:30 pm on the busy road of Santa Monica Blvd. while going through West Hollywood. Traveling through there is something I do often as I live in Santa Monica and my girlfriend Meghan lives in Hollywood and she gets off work at 11.
I was traveling east bound and went through the intersection of Santa Monica & Fairfax as the light turned green, hustling along as I always do, when a car pulled up beside me scarily close. I thought this was a driver trying to buzz me for a scare, since they surely saw at least one of the 4 (yes 4) tail lights I had on. Then it happened, I saw hands reach out of the rear passenger window and grab my messenger bag. The assailant tugged on the bag hard and I tugged back and amazingly shook him off without losing my balance. I noticed it looked like it was a fully loaded car 4 or 5 people, white or silver 4 door sedan, all males either white or light colored Hispanic.
I screamed fuck at them at the top of my lungs when it sunk in what just happened, and started pedaling at sprinting speed to try and catch the license plate. When I really push it I can get going over 30 mph, but apparently the scream was intense enough they felt compelled to floor it and started weaving between vehicles probably close to the 45-50 mph range. With a series of synchronized greens and light traffic to their advantage all my strength wasn't enough to catch up.
After burning out and giving up the chase, I pondered if they were seriously trying to steal the bag right off my back or just trying to fuck with me because they could. When I got to Meghan's place I discovered yellow sticky gunk, presumably egg, was on the side of my bag. This made it pretty clear to me their intent was to fuck with someone, and I just happened to be the convenient target.
What really had me burning with anger though was that had I not been such a strong cyclist, I easily could have been knocked off balance and fallen in the middle of the road way, which could have led to more serious injury, potentially even death if the following car could not avoid collision. These are people with no qualms about jeopardizing the lives of others because they fucking can, and can get away with it.
I filed a report with the police of West Hollywood, but without a license plate number there is little I can really do. I'm a pretty easy going guy who rarely wishes ill will on others, but I'd be lying if I didn't start envisioning some U-lock justice on their vehicle. I don't know what else to say other then it was really fucking scary and I hope karma catches up with them one of these days. "
GarySe7en09.2.09 - 7:03 pm
I was hit on a thirsty Thursday ride in front of the Hollywood on ramp. Going straight, had the right of way but the lady was speeding to get on the freeway didn't get to badly hurt.
On June 25th 2009 I was hit by another car making a left. Guy drove off felt bad and came back. Police report was taken got hurt and missed two week of school.
I don't know if this will help, This happened yesterday two blocks away from my house. The block had a power outage due to the fires and everything was dark. A lady was crossing the street instead of riding her bike threw the intersection.A Lady in car made a quick right turn, lifting the lady a good 10ft in the air. her head hit the car's front bumper and she landed face first. she died on impact. Lady was ready to run away but other cars blocked her from leaving the scene.
puglife09.2.09 - 11:54 pm
I was hit on the way home from Bike Polo almost 4 weeks ago, you know the story...I am still suffering the effects...such as right eye blurry sight, right arm fail (cant pick up anything over 5 pounds) neck stiffness...
fucking bastards...it happend 5 houses up from the J-ro insident...
All i have to say it bike lights probally saved my life and me riding sober too
TheRaquel09.9.09 - 10:30 am
a point of semantics...
why is it, when a car moves in the direction of a policeman, they can call that assault with a deadly weapon...and they can justify using deadly force to stop them...
but when a person drives a car with the same intentions toward pedestrians or cyclists it gets classified as a misdemeanor? isn't it still assault with a deadly weapon?
just asking
adrian09.9.09 - 11:26 am
who told you that?
Someone driving a motor vehicle toward ANY human being, police officer or not, with the intention of creating an apprehension of immediate death or serious bodily harm is committing assault with a deadly weapon.
la duderina responding to a
comment by adrian
09.9.09 - 11:42 am
July 11th, 2009
I was riding my motorcycle through Bouquet Canyon as I often do, and all the motorcycles coming the other way were signaling police activity in the road ahead so I cruised real slow until I came upon a scene with about 5 squad cars all over the road and officers taking notes on about a two-hundred yard section of the road.
There were three bicycles on the road, and there was debris that looked like dropped shopping bags full of junk all over the ground. None of the bicycles looked damaged at a glance and there were only cops (no fire or ambulance) by the time I got there, so my first thought was that it was a ridiculous bicycles-evading-arrest thing or something.
I found out later that day (bear in mind I arrived on-scene at about 11am) that the driver was 20-year-old Marco Valencia, and he was driving his F150 piss, piss drunk through the canyon when he hit and killed one cyclist and sent two others to the hospital.
Burn in hell, Marco. Burn in hell.
Story here:
cagerhater09.9.09 - 12:55 pm
so how did the person who creamed Roadblock only get charged with a misdemeanor?
adrian responding to a
comment by la duderina
09.9.09 - 1:53 pm
he has not been charged yet, but I am informed that this scumbag is "likely" to be charged with a misdemeanor rather than as the police report said "felony hit and run" by the detective on my case. the reason is that I had the luck of not breaking any bones when I was smashed into and thrown off the hood on to the concrete. the law considers the extent of injury suffered not the violence of the hit.
reasons I'm not dead or broken bones I attribute 99% to PURE LUCK, with a 1% dash of Wolfpack ruggedness and the fact that I happened to be wearing a helmet, protective elbow sleeves and dickies which also protected me to an extent... I also ride elevated on my bike considering my height, the car had a low hood. had it been an SUV I would probably be dead and I also have experience eating shit on concrete from downhilling on a skateboard all my life and I think my body must have unconsciously tucked and rolled cause in actuallity I dont remember a thing about the fall or impact after coming to rest 30 feet in front of my smashed bike... my elbows and tailbone were the most injured parts of my body. I dont remember hitting my head but my helmet did have a scuff. nothing major though...
this is the number one injustice of such a law as this hit and run law. I, and the entire community of cyclists in CA are facing an imbalance of justice and a direct threat to our lives because this law makes it much more favor-able to run from an accident because the criminal is drunk rather than stay and face the consequences. Drunk driving carries a much higher financial and criminal penalty than hit and run.
I can't wait for the civil suit to be over so I can completely smear this chump's name. you WILL hear about this and I'm going to use this case to illustrate the injustice of this hit and run law. it is a DANGER to all of us that hit and run carries LESS consequences than a drunk driving accident. THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by adrian
09.9.09 - 2:07 pm
that's exactly what I mean...
if it had been a gun...
and you only sustained a flesh wound, would they consider that anything less than attempted murder, just because you didn't die or sustain more serious injuries???
that's why i brought up the whole policeman using lethal force to defend themselves...they can justify a moving vehicle going towards them as assault with a deadly weapon even if they never get hit by that vehicle...so why can't this be considered the same?
or am I incorrect...that they do have to be hit by the vehicle?
quite disturbing, either way
adrian responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.9.09 - 2:17 pm
you are on to something man. the cops are basically covered to the hilt by the law yet the citizens they protect are often left to fend for themselves. if I was an off duty cop and got hit, can you IMAGINE this being anything less than a felony hit and run? of course... nothing surprises me about this broke ass joke of a country we live in....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by adrian
09.9.09 - 2:22 pm