Scene or movement?
Thread started by
northernsoulbyrd at 08.12.09 - 9:56 pm
Javi posted up a really good bulletin on the Nocturnal Cyclists MySpace and it got me thinking. Here's what he posted...
Javier here,
I was interested to know what all or most of the bicyclists think about a few things:
1. Do you see this as a bicycle scene or movement?why?
1.5 why do you bike?
2. Can we make this city more bicycle friendly?how?
just think about it.
Here's one response we got... From a guy we call OT:
I percieve it as a combination of both; a very significant subcluture. It has become very vast, very fast. I bike for several reasons: fitness, transportation, FUN. Besides cycling being eco-friendly, cycling is absolutely one of the best ways to decrease lazyness amongs our "patato couch" society. I see the cycling culture as a way to break the chains of the modern world, and thus sparking a light of hope to a superior way of living, "something" might just be around the corner.
We need more bike lanes fo sho.
northernsoulbyrd08.12.09 - 9:57 pm
I also think its a mix of the 2. A lot of it comes down to the individual person as different people ride for different reasons. Some of us have gone as far as to get rid of our cars and restrict ourselves to clean pollution-free bicycle transport while others of us only ride every now and then purely for social reasons. Either way our little project, or what ever it is, is growing and getting the idea of bicycling as an alternative or even primary mode of transport out there more and more.
I personally ride for a fewreasons:
Its a cheap and interesting way to stay in shape (once you get the bike and your riding gear there are hardly any costs to maintain it)
It allows you to see the world and people around you in a way like none other. drive down a street in a car then ride down the same street on a bike. a little different yes? sights... details... smells... people...
Its great for meeting people and building a network across the whole city
I appreciate the mechanics and physics of it all
I think the best way to make this place more bicycle friendly is to involve others as much as possible. I know its fun to blow red lights and stuff, but at least try to wave or do it in a courteous/ safe manor if thats possible... I think the biggest problem is that most people have never bothered to slide their ass out of their luxury car and onto a bicycle seat so they dont understand what riding is all about or what its like to have an SUV buzz 2 feet past you at 40 MPH
KVNY08.12.09 - 10:46 pm
This is true... I know I never started noticing hills (small or long) until I started riding a bike.
It IS also a great way to network... I know I've met a lot of cool people off the street just by asking them to come and attend my ride. I guess motorists have car shows, but a person in a car isn't gonna stop to tell another person in a car to come to a car show, or what have you, LOL. I guess since the bicycle scene/movement is so small, it's so much easier to just stop and talking to another cyclist.
A few reasons why I ride:
-I can't drive for shit (I'm Asian).
-I wouldn't even be able to afford to drive even if I knew HOW to drive.
-I hate taking the bus.
-A great & easy way to meet people and bond over.
-Anyone can ride a bike.
-I guess it's a great way to stay in shape (I haven't lost one pound, to be honest, LOL)
-It's reeeeally fun.
I love seeing more and more people on bikes. Call me a hipster, call me trendy. I don't really care anymore. I know who I am and I'm not ashamed to say what makes me happy. :)
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by KVNY
08.12.09 - 11:04 pm
mwahahahahhahahahah what?
theshues08.12.09 - 11:27 pm
Hah, i don't think its so much a factor of losing weight so much as building muscle (which can actually cause you to GAIN weight) and muscle endurance and improving circulation
KVNY responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
08.12.09 - 11:48 pm
i find it more of a scene..
a movement is an effort to promote or attain an end... (thank you
we all try to encourage people to ride bikes... but I think we all love to ride for the fun and social aspect of it.. I don't even remember the last time I went to a bar or a club anymore... I'd personally just rather get drunk/stoned on a ride now. I find it more fun... movements tend to fade away... but the MR scene I feel isn't going away anytime soon..
and.. I for one actually have lost weight after I started riding.. 14 pounds to be exact in a span of 2 months.. so suck on that bally's total fitnes.
goosegoose08.13.09 - 12:10 am
Some questions are better left un-asked.
Roadblock08.13.09 - 12:36 am
can we please remove that fall out boy from this web site? that band and song suck ass.
funanu08.13.09 - 2:44 am
so what music do u like?? just asking
palucha66 responding to a
comment by funanu
08.13.09 - 2:45 am
Funanu likes old, jukebox hits from the 50's.
Before he was a rida, he was originally a wannabe-greaser.
He had the chromed out, '57 Bel-Air, the leather jacket, all that good stuff.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.13.09 - 2:57 am
But then you lost your priced Bel-Air in a race against a T-Bird and you gradually morphed into the Orthopedic Surgeon we have all come to love you as today.
The music is what keeps that dream alive, to one day, kick Jimmy Redstone and his piece of shit Ford, into the gutter once and for all!!!
That fire still burns.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by funanu
08.13.09 - 3:03 am
Ha, I agree... Fuck Fall Out Boy. I remember having to hear them EVERY FUCKING DAY at my old job. They had the shittiest playlist ever AND we had to listen to the same shit all the fucking time. Fall Out Boy had a few songs on the playlist. I wanted to die.
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by funanu
08.13.09 - 8:40 am
Javi posted........what the f@&*! This non-sense again .
Don't you folks have to get ready for buring man?
sexy08.13.09 - 8:52 am
Sorry for the FOB. Uses for title more than anything. I agree they suck ballz.
Foldie responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
08.13.09 - 10:33 am
different javi, dude! this one' s real.
coldcut responding to a
comment by sexy
08.13.09 - 2:25 pm
it was a movement until crank mob came around and made every group bike ride a drunken fuckfest with very little riding. now its just a scene where a group of people take turns fucking one another.
ruinedbyidiots08.14.09 - 10:43 am