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imachynna at 04.3.09 - 11:14 pm
I'm panicking because I'm having issues with my 10 speed and it's being an asshole. What I want to do is convert it into a single speed RIGHT NOW without having a new rear wheel. EDDIEBOY AND MATT STLYE. HOW. HOW. Do I just remove my entire rear derailleur???? HELP. I need this to be ready by 10am so I can go to SD.
Unscrew, then remove the derailleur from the axle, then loop your chain around the gearing that suits your fancy.
bentstrider04.3.09 - 11:21 pm
What about the chain, wouldn't it be too big? and you can have a SS w/ a derailer.
like me. my derailer is broken so i just cut the cable and run on my lowest gear
aksendz04.3.09 - 11:22 pm
What part's malfunctioning? Bentstrider's suggestion will work if it's a problem with the derailleur and you have a chainbreaker available..
danya04.3.09 - 11:24 pm
Well, there's still going to be some residual spring tension trying to hold the derailleur in one place.
Just take it off, set it aside, and do as I say, NOT AS I DO.
bentstrider04.3.09 - 11:26 pm
The chain will be too big. You need to remove some links to make it work. Get to Stillline, he has a chainbreak.
skd04.3.09 - 11:30 pm
Stilline's en route to SF at the moment, unfortunately. That's why I didn't suggest asking him straight off. Chynna, is someone picking you up to go to the van? I bet Fuzzbeast could find a way to fix your bike as well.
btw skd, I heard you were taking care of my sister last CRANK Mob. Thanks for that!
danya04.3.09 - 11:35 pm
What's wrong with your bike? shifting, skipping? bring it down and take it to Mission Hills Bikes. Tommy works there. They can likely get it sorted for you.
Don't go single speed over it.
what size is your bike? what size is your inseam? Maybe we can find you a bike here. Call me in the morning.
Look in my profile for the digits.
Stay calm, don't panic :P
Drew04.3.09 - 11:39 pm
okokok everything is OKAY.
I am calm now, and I completely removed the derailleur, and I made the chain shorter. Here is my only, and very very simple problem... how do I put the chain back together? I don't know how to put the... middle part? The... tube thingy... uhhh.. the part that goes in the CENTER of each link. I don't know how to get that back in...?
imachynna04.3.09 - 11:44 pm
It's called the pin. If you pushed it all the way out, that link's gone forever. You have to only push it part way out, and then you push it in with the exact opposite motion you used to push it out.
danya04.3.09 - 11:58 pm
pics. do you mean the teeth of the cog?
what kind of dropouts do you have.
put the chain on your rear wheel, on the gear that you want it at.
put the wheel in and tighten it
now put the chain over some of the teeth of the cog by the btm bracket. it won't fit all the way so push the pedal forward and it should get on there
aksendz04.3.09 - 11:58 pm
It's called the pin. If you pushed it all the way out, that link's gone forever. You have to only push it part way out, and then you push it in with the exact opposite motion you used to push it out.
04.4.09 - 2:58 am
"pics. do you mean the teeth of the cog?
what kind of dropouts do you have. "
WTF, NOO!?!?!?!
All is said and done. That was easier than I thought and it was a great learning process! WOO
imachynna04.4.09 - 1:32 am
Wait wait, you made the Medici single speed?! WHY!
Graham04.4.09 - 11:00 pm
i'm hoping it was the giant.
coldcut04.4.09 - 11:06 pm
there are also adjuster screws that you can mess with and use a screwdriver to switch gears. so all you gotta do when climbing a big hill is get off the bike, adjust the screw and start riding again!
_iJunes04.6.09 - 9:53 am
It was the Giant, you crazy people! I wouldn't even touch the Medici with my dirty hands.. haha.
imachynna04.6.09 - 11:10 am