Reform the LA BAC
Thread started by
ubrayj02 at 01.3.09 - 1:05 am
I just posted an article about replacing people on the LA Bike Adivosry Committee:
I thought a Rida or two might be interested.
I've got a list of places in L.A. to get working if you want to be on the LABAC (by council district number and councilmember):
Council District # - - - - - Council Member
Council District 3 - - - - - Dennis P. Zine
Council District 5 - - - - -Jack Weiss
Council District 6 - - - - -Tony Cardenas
Council District 7 - - - - -Richard Alarcon
Council District 8 - - - - -Bernard Parks
Council District 10 - - - -Herb Wesson
Council District 12 - - - -Greig Smith
Council District 14 - - - -Jose Huizar
We only need
3 new LABAC members to control the board. There are already enough pro-bike votes on the committee (Joe Linton, Kent Strumpell, Glenn Bailey, etc.) If you want to craft some legislative and policy changes to help bikes, this is a great time to do it.
Re-instate Mr. Box would be a good first move.
User101.3.09 - 1:14 am
Getting Stephen Box re-appoined by a council member or the mayor might be a tough job - he's too godd at what he does and if I were a councilmember I'd be afraid of him.
This is a totally volunteer position. The barest minimum needed out of members on the LABAC is that they show up an dwarm a seat one time every two months. Think about that: only 6 meetings in the entire year. It's not easy to get stuff done if you're just going there to warm seat, but that is the minimum.
ubrayj0201.3.09 - 11:56 am
Shame there is nothing in CD4 or CD13; I'm on the boarder of those two districts
aksendz01.3.09 - 12:25 pm
Not to fret: you don't have to be from any council district to do this. It makes it easier to focus on your own neighborhood, but you don't have to.
Here is the challenge:
"Go forth, Ridazz, and contact your local neighborhood councils! Put together a little proposal for improving small things in the targeted council district of your choosing - and shop it around to local neighborhood councils it might affect. Get local councils and other community groups to endorse your idea(s) and/or plan(s).
Once you've gotten your name established in the community, approach the council office and ask the chief of staff to be considered for the LABAC. Show them the work you've done, your endorsements, and how you will actually (maybe) help them a little bit (which is a hell of a lot more than their current appointee is doing)."
I offer my services coordinating and preparing your ascent to the LABAC. I'll help you scope out a good project area, and I'll help you with your presentation and community group outreach.
ubrayj0201.3.09 - 9:48 pm
ATTEMTED POWER GRABERS, THESE POSITIONS HAVE NO POWER. THEY ARE ADVISARY POSITIONS. Many of the people that are allready on the board are true a thru cyclist and are doing there best to get things done. But keep in mind that they are working with the city and things go slow. I suggest going to the meetings to see whats going on. It's easy to talk shit when your not involved.
STEPEN BOX seems to have his own agenda for his own self promotion. and by disrupting the meetings looks for attention.
Dedicated81801.4.09 - 8:51 am
I believe that these are volunteer positions appointed by members of city council.
Yes will will be better if we can get a more informed, educated, and experienced group of people advising the city council. I think i would be more tactical to focus on certain individuals.
As far as Mr. Box goes, I think he is the type of person that is much more effective than somebody serving at the pleasure of the mayor or city council member.
Yes Mr. Box has his own agenda. we all do.
Of the several meetings I have attended I have never seen Mr. Box as an "interrupter" he knows the rules and he expects them to be followed. When he speaks he generally does so at the appropriate time and place. The only exception I have ever seen is when a board or committee itself is behaving illegally and at that point he may speak up, out of turn, and invoke the
Brown Act.
trickmilla01.4.09 - 10:58 am
There's a hell of alot better avenues to follow if one was in need of power. I can't seriously see being on the advisory board as being in a position of power. You're not even in a position of being a powerful advisor with 14 others there.
Joseph been going to the meeting and has seen what goes on there. He's seen who's involved and who isn't. I've Talked to people and been living in LA County for over 16 years, my feelings are that not much is getting done to advance the biker's agenda. I see Mr. Box devoting alot of his talent and energy in advancing the cause. I wish we had 10 more peeps like him and Joseph to tell you the truth!
You have a blog or something that I can read up on you? Or are you just tearing people down?
User101.4.09 - 2:32 pm
Thanks for that User1 - you are absolutely right about this not being about "power", because the LABAC is a powerless organization.
This is about actually doing something to help bicyclists. The LABAC can, potentially, do a lot to help the interests of cyclists get pushed to the forefront in LA politics.
That is what this is about.
There exists already some incredibly solid pro-bike political initiatives and policy changes, and they need to be worked on a bit and pushed into the legislative process. The mayor needs to know about our needs and our collective strength.
To get things done, we need the LABAC to ... you know ... DO IT"S FRICKIN JOB and "advise"!
ubrayj0201.4.09 - 7:20 pm
Their is a lot of mis information on this blog
Listen to this Saturday morning at 10 to 12 AM and maybe some of these questions can be answered.
Call in and ask question. The Topic is the LABAC
Larry Hoffman a BAC member for the 4th District should be there too
lardito01.8.09 - 3:32 pm
4th Distict LABAC is Larry Hoffman
lardito01.8.09 - 3:34 pm
WE on the LABAC have a new President Glenn Bailey and he is doing a great job.
99 percent of what the Board does is never seen or heard about, but i can assure you with the diversity on the Board we have all corners covered and we listen to everyone and many of the ideas that have been accomplished came from the public talking to us and then we all plan how to handle the problem. It is very complicated or should I say red taped in the City, but everything has to be taken into consideration and that takes time.
Listen when some one can close the bike paths down permently by suing for dirt on the path, we all lose . So we have to have to do things correctly.
Larardo09.28.09 - 10:14 pm
I always forget what day the monthly meetings are. I'm gona make it a point to attend these. Keep up the good work!
Attend an LACBC Board Meeting. The Board sets LACBC policy. Meetings are open to the public and are held on every THIRD Wednesday of the month for all months except December, 6:45 - 9:00 PM at 634 S. Spring St, Mezzanine level, Los Angeles, 90014
User1 responding to a
comment by Larardo
09.29.09 - 1:30 pm