thawing chicken

Thread started by
tortuga_veloce at 09.21.09 - 6:33 pm
by placing it in a ziploc bag and running it under running water is really fast!!
well then how do you propose i thaw this chicken, seeing as i don't believe in microwaves?
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by buckchin
09.21.09 - 6:39 pm
how much faster than which other method?
Gav09.21.09 - 6:40 pm
Find a house with their sprinklers on.
buckchin responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
09.21.09 - 6:41 pm
put it in the fridge instead of the freezer the night before you wish to cook it.
or, just go vegan then you won't have these problems...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
09.21.09 - 6:42 pm
Put the thing in the frig the first day or two Poodle!
User1 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.21.09 - 6:46 pm
You don;t have go to Vegan to stop having these problems, just stop eating that garbage!
Graham responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.21.09 - 6:46 pm
put it in the fridge instead of the freezer the night before you wish to cook it.
or, just go vegan then you won't have these problems...
09.21.09 - 9:42 pm
but im too impulsive!
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.21.09 - 6:50 pm
You were close. To avoid wasting water, fill up a big bowl with hot water, put said chicken/ziplock in the water, and put a heavy weight on top to keep it submerged.
0gravity09.21.09 - 6:59 pm
not bad. although, i would fear that the hot water might cook the chicken. i'll try that with cold water next time.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by 0gravity
09.21.09 - 7:04 pm
When I worked in a kitchen I was taught to only use cold water. So you could put the bag of chicken in cold water, but I say go with the fridge the day before, or just thaw it in the shower while your showering.
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
09.21.09 - 8:09 pm
Brilliant! and i thought I was the only person on earth who showered with chicken.
profoscurity09.21.09 - 8:11 pm
So whoever thought of making MR showers with chickens??
palucha66 responding to a
comment by kryxtanicole
09.21.09 - 8:58 pm
Under running water? Why wouldn't you just fill the sink up with warm water and let it sit?
merrickx09.21.09 - 11:18 pm
Actually I heard that putting any raw meat under hot or warm water can make the bacteria stronger.... So just use cold water. Place the chicken in a large pot filled with cold water (NOT TOO COLD) and just replace the water every 30 minutes....
adictpunk04 responding to a
comment by merrickx
09.21.09 - 11:20 pm
obv showers with chicken is the soundest advice.
filmillr09.28.09 - 1:32 am
oh contraire, putting the chicken in the frig a couple of days before you cook it is the soundest advice. You use the btu's you would otherwise have wasted by running it under the water. Also you would save water.
Besides, showering with it sounds so freaking wack. I would be worried about bacteria from the bird infecting the shower too.
User1 responding to a
comment by filmillr
09.28.09 - 1:46 am

but i love salmonella. looks like me and you
filmillr09.28.09 - 2:28 am
That's how I do it all the time.
Another thing I do is separate chicken pieces into portions I wish to eat at a single time.
If I just want two drumsticks, or some thigh sections, two of those pieces will thaw quicker than an entire pack that was kept frozen.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by 0gravity
09.28.09 - 6:27 am
This thread has more longevity than a McDonalds chicken nugget product.
0gravity10.2.09 - 4:04 pm
Microwaves ARE real. You should believe in em.
BICYKILLER responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
10.2.09 - 4:36 pm