Thread started by
aurisha at 10.14.09 - 9:46 am
Come out to the Transportation Committee TODAY at 2pm to continue to support 10% for bikes and peds in the Measure R Local Return Funds so that it becomes officially approved! A strong showing at the meeting will make a big difference in getting 10% for bikes and peds!
10% for bikes and peds will directly affect the funding available for bike projects.
When: Wednesday, October 14, 2pm
Where: City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Ca 90012. Room 1010
Recently, LACBC was able to convince the City of Los Angeles to set-aside 10% from Measure R Local Return funds specifically for bicycle and pedestrian projects. This is a significant victory, because there was previously nothing set-aside for bike/ped. The fight is not over yet. This 10% is only in the draft document and still needs to be approved.
Come to the Transportation Committee meeting and support 10% for bikes and peds in Measure R Local Return Funds!
hope some people can make it. a strong showing from cyclists will make a huge difference.
gohomedorothy10.14.09 - 11:48 am
More than a little over a 4 hour notice would have been great!
Contrary to what the appearance may be, ridazz have lives here.
User110.14.09 - 11:52 am
BUMP! wish I could go, but i'm the only volunteer at the bikery today.
profoscurity10.14.09 - 12:51 pm
I went.. it took soooo long and finally when they were getting to our issue, they started saying something like it wasn't finished yet and there was another session to attend. When I heard that, I just bounced to get back to the bikery before closing time.
profoscurity10.15.09 - 12:32 am
"Yesterday, at LA City Council Transportation Committee, we came one step closer to achieving 10% from Measure R local Return for Bikes/Peds. This will total to almost 11 million dollars for 5 years specifically for bike and pedestrian projects. This will be a significant increase for the City of Los Angeles. The Transportation Committee will make a final decision at their November 18th meeting. We hope that cyclists also attend the November 18th. We will keep you posted.
LACBC would like to thank the 15 cyclists who attended the meeting and 10 cyclists who spoke in support of the 10% commitment for bikes and peds.
We also would like to thank the Bus Riders Union, LA Walks, CICLE, Sierra Club and Green LA for speaking in support of this issue. "
profoscurity10.16.09 - 1:21 pm