try to break this
Thread started by
snowcone at 10.6.09 - 9:26 am
i'll buy the first person to break this thread a beer
go ahead and try...
This thread was broken when you wrote the first word.
Beer please!!!!!
Foldie10.6.09 - 10:12 am
yes, you can still be annoying... but can you really break it?
snowcone10.6.09 - 10:15 am
just give me a beer
666 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 10:24 am
Select TOP Douche Nozzle from MR where UserID = 'snowcode'
Foldie responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 10:27 am
gimmme beer!
<div class="reply">
ok you win, you get a beer
snowcone responding to a
comment by 666
10.6.09 - 1:33 pm
<div style="clear:both"></div></div>
66610.6.09 - 10:32 am
just give me a beer
666 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 1:26 pm
reply<div style="clear:both"></div></div>
<div class="reply">
ok you win, i give you
snowcone responding to a
comment by 666
10.6.09 - 1:37 pm
<div style="clear:both"></div></div><div class="reply">
br>ok cool
66610.6.09 - 10:35 am
I guess we found out who the dickhead is that broke the threads!
BTW, I didn't know you could buy beer!
CrazyPenis10.6.09 - 10:35 am
wasn't me
666 responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.6.09 - 10:36 am
i didnt even break the thread yet
66610.6.09 - 10:36 am
thanks for trying... if you see me, demand a beer from me
snowcone responding to a
comment by 666
10.6.09 - 10:38 am
Or at least get the guy a girl/boy friend... (internet doesnt count Snowcone)
md2 responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.6.09 - 10:43 am
If Snowcone is a Mom Rider (i know, I know... its an inside joke... hahahaha....ugh...i still dont get it)....
then why does it seem like he needs a parent?
md210.6.09 - 10:53 am
I was referring to the virgin that started this thread.
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by 666
10.6.09 - 10:54 am
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = ""
_iJunes10.6.09 - 10:59 am
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = ""
_iJunes10.6.09 - 10:59 am
okay looks like no one is clever enough to break it... good enough for me. thanks for your time.
snowcone responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.6.09 - 11:06 am
i think snowcone just came.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 11:06 am
no, no, no... dont break the thread...
This is now, the Snowcone thread:
He'll be forced to break his own thread.
And, which seems apparent... he'll buy a beer for his best friend--his computer!
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 11:15 am
no actually i'm just trying to test some changes to prevent people from breaking threads
strictly business
snowcone10.6.09 - 11:21 am
Oh that was just foreplay?
You little devil you! ;-)
User1 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 11:23 am
oh, this thread is too funny, i'll break another thread for you
666 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 11:24 am
Some of you haven't been paying attention.
There's a new man in charge of Midnight Ridazz admin now.
He is keeping us safe from trolls.
He's smoking them out of their holes.
dot com
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by 666
10.6.09 - 11:26 am
oooooh its a tarp!
i almost fell for it
666 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
10.6.09 - 11:27 am
Borfo got this shit soooooooooo right on the first post.
And La Duderina cleaned it up....
I cant believe Snowcone is this delusional.
The person who breaks thread... is trying to prevent thread breaking. Is this pro bono work that you just do on your "free" time?
Yes, we need code for that... because obviously, some persons lack the ability to keep themselves from breaking threads.... awesome!!
Why cant Tren Way just let him in their crew?
md2 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 11:31 am
Ah don't go there. Anybody can ride with us if they ask us. This is stupid and embarrassing. Let's all get a grip.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by md2
10.6.09 - 11:33 am
you all just need to get to know the
real snowcone
all you see is smoke and mirrors
snowcone responding to a
comment by md2
10.6.09 - 11:37 am
in my mouf!
See, poodles is coming around.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
10.6.09 - 11:38 am
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Roadblock would be stupid if he removes the javascript moderation patch that was applied yesterday to stupid ass threads.
The problem is not that some people can use js in posts.
The problem (if there is one) is how easy it is create new anonymous accounts and post stupid shit.
The problem (if there is one) is how some people have first post syndrome and/or compulsive post syndrome and will post on every single thread whether they have something to say or not.
Required Reading
The Relationship Between Social Context Cues and Uninhibited Verbal Behavior in Computer-mediated Communication
marino10.6.09 - 11:39 am
The problem is if everybody's post had the same weight, and everybody was equal, this would be a very boring place lacking expression, and the ones who would get credit would be the ones to write out thoughtful detailed posts, but this is no place for that shit, start a Wordpress blog or something get outttt
_iJunes responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 11:43 am
Right now MR forums is very boring.
And yes iJunes you deserve a lot of credit.
marino responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.6.09 - 11:49 am
Snowcone has been working on this site and the new yes, probono... It's a lot of work. I'd like to think We've actually become friends in the process. It's totally strange sometimes to get to know people whose forum personality is different and unfortunately perhaps more abrasive. I see his forum comments somtimes and understand how Shaddy has managed to get a lot of people pissed because it's hard to interpret the tone. He is totally cool in person. Forums are hard to deal with sometimes. Marino thankyou for the link. we should all read it.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 11:51 am
I think I may have
compulsive post syndrome.
Is there a cure?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 11:51 am
so now its all my fault this place is boring. yay
_iJunes responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 11:51 am
ijunes.... I loved your wahhhh about the wahhhh post that was good writing. you have it.
you kan due et
Roadblock responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.6.09 - 11:52 am
That document is a false doc. Computers weren't even invented in 1992!
User1 responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 11:55 am
Thanks Snowcode for helping out. I like everyone here even if we all become douchey sometimes. I know I am very different in person than on the forums. God love the trolls.
Foldie responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.6.09 - 11:57 am
How would you and I know? We were not even born back then.
The link was ironic (kinda).
marino responding to a
comment by User1
10.6.09 - 12:00 pm
Some of us disregard social context cues outside the internet, so its really just a disaster... and Im still trying to understand which social context is the correct one to follow... so....
enter the Fan Song
Uno, Dos, Tres, cuatro...
dee dee dee dee.....
md2 responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 12:06 pm
doucher1 wasn't born, he was spawned from post-coital drip from an orgy that fell on the playa at Burning Man and mixed with fossilized brine shirmp.
spiraldemon responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 12:20 pm
Dont worry... the article is a little outdated... but one set of research concluded:
Without empirical evidence, the researchers note that the flames appeared to be exchanged by young men who knew each other well. This is consistent with other research reported above. They felt that flaming was akin to the mock physical battles (also a sign of affection and trust) that occur among male adolescents, rather than a sign of dislike or alienation. It appeared to affirm the strength of the relationship that they could call each other names and still remain friends.
---so we're all good right... Marino can work on making the forums un-boring.
md2 responding to a
comment by spiraldemon
10.6.09 - 12:24 pm
"men who knew each other well"
We don't know you md2. You are still creeping us out.
Now let's help our friend shaddy.
marino responding to a
comment by md2
10.6.09 - 12:36 pm
Im guessing you didnt read the article you posted... figures...
md2 responding to a
comment by marino
10.6.09 - 12:46 pm
"its hard to interpret the tone"
well maybe as his friend you can tell him to just NOT SAY MEAN THINGS and to NOT START STUPID FIGHTS.
I don't care what he is like in person on here he is fucking jerk and makes this a hostile place to be. and to me a jerk is a jerk.
Maybe the fact that he is working on the site is part of the problem. He has developed an overdeveloped sense of entitlement and runs around here like his shit don't stink and pissing people off.
It seems to me if this snowcone person keeps hanging around and acting the way he does, this place is not a place I want to be.
la duderina responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.6.09 - 12:47 pm
nice work... using events
i owe you two beers for sure!
thanks to you too marino.. beer for you too
snowcone responding to a
comment by 666
10.6.09 - 1:12 pm
<script >alert('test');
666 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 1:20 pm
"They felt that flaming was akin to the mock physical battles (also a sign of affection and trust) that occur among male adolescents, rather than a sign of dislike or alienation. It appeared to affirm the strength of the relationship that they could call each other names and still remain friends."
this pretty much sums how i've felt about our interaction until i realized that you were actually pissed off. i felt bad about it because i really enjoyed our battles, however, since then i have not said anything mean to you and try to counter with kindness whenever you say something inflammatory towards me. also, i don't know what i have said to show that i feel entitled to anything any more than anyone else, so please let me know what you mean.
snowcone responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.6.09 - 1:21 pm
<Â script>alert('test');
66610.6.09 - 1:21 pm
<div style="width: 10px; height; 10px; background-color: red"> </div>
66610.6.09 - 1:24 pm
That quote you posted refers to people that KNOW each other and HAVE a relationship. You and I are total strangers. Therefore treating me like someone you are old pals with comes off to me as you just being an asshole. Maybe all your years behind a computer made you forget your social skills?
I only thought you mildly annoying until you started all THAT shit in THAT thread and to me that was way out of line. Starting fights with one of the most respected, well known, and LOVED rida of all of us, rida of the year three years running for NO reason put a bitter taste in my mouth in regards to you and just made yourself look like a tool. Your posts have an air of superiority...and undeserved and unfounded superiority and you have single handedly made me come to the point where I almost HATE this forum and it makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it.
la duderina responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 1:30 pm
Why do you even care snowcone? She's not exactly the nicest of the bunch. The shit that spews from her finger tips aren't all that diffrent from yours. If she wants to kick rocks then do so...
Debut213 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 1:31 pm
! I was going to use that picture against YOU, ijunes!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.6.09 - 1:33 pm
oh like you're a fucking angel. TAMPONCHANGING
la duderina responding to a
comment by Debut213
10.6.09 - 1:34 pm
you talking about md2??? he is very well respected yes...
i can become friends with people without meeting them in person... do not discount written communication! even in person people can have misunderstandings. it's all a matter of realizing that we don't always interpret people as they intended as keeping that in mind when someone pisses you off.
snowcone responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.6.09 - 1:40 pm
dont mind the tone.... im actually handsome in person.
see it works.
md210.6.09 - 1:40 pm
well maybe YOU should keep in mind that people misinterpret your intentions over the internet, especially when calling people that you don't know names and should therefore reword things so as to not be misinterpreted. Funny way to make friends...being a dick...
la duderina responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 1:46 pm
I've never seen you post anything that was downright mean. Can't say the same for snowcone.
la duderina responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.6.09 - 1:48 pm
"They felt that flaming was akin to the mock physical battles (also a sign of affection and trust) that occur among male adolescents, rather than a sign of dislike or alienation. It appeared to affirm the strength of the relationship that they could call each other names and still remain friends."
snowcone: she's not a dude, she's a duderina.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.6.09 - 1:49 pm
tortuga: snowcone is asexual. he knows no gender.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
10.6.09 - 1:50 pm
i offered my hand, you rejected it
so be it
snowcone responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.6.09 - 1:52 pm
I have a connection for crack.
User1 responding to a
comment by neverclever
10.6.09 - 1:53 pm
I would too if I was her. Best thing you could do is leave her alone.
User1 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 1:54 pm
You have a volatile character.
Meh.. love it or leave it but damn stop complaining about it..
Debut213 responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.6.09 - 1:54 pm
you would? you took more than my hand at that art show...
snowcone responding to a
comment by User1
10.6.09 - 1:57 pm
Yeah, but that was cause you were a virgin.
User1 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.6.09 - 2:07 pm
"MySQL server has gone away"
does this site need a beta tag?
professor fate10.7.09 - 1:29 am
<div onnever="alert('oh hai');">hahahhaahhaahhahhah</div>
braydon10.7.09 - 1:45 am
there's probably some exploit, but not a casual one
maximum height for a post would be good to put in the CSS though
braydon10.7.09 - 1:52 am
what did you input to get the position style to not get stripped?
snowcone10.7.09 - 2:15 am
Pretty much exactly what is typed above. maybe it's only looking at styles is other elements.....?
braydon responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.7.09 - 2:24 am
i copied and pasted what you put and my test script cleaned it
snowcone responding to a
comment by braydon
10.7.09 - 2:26 am