NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
No, Snowcone, its not a camera trick.
The hill is actually STEEPER than it looks in photos.
I would not believe someone could cycle up or down that street on a unicycle without documentation. And even then, maybe he edited the video?
Hi everyone! I'm the guy in the video. I just joined this cool forum, My name is Terry, aka, "UniGeezer", and I'm 53, and not "2" tired, lol!. It's true, I made it up Fargo on my 24" mountain unicycle. It was the most difficult ride of my life for sure! 32% grade is a monster of a steep ass hill! I really think it was just sheer will and being a stubborn sob that got me to the top! Anyway, glad you all seem to like the vid. Here's a compilation from the past year or so to gove you a better I dea of what I do on one wheel. Cheers!
Also feel free to check out my website,
First off. You look great for your age. What's our secret? Second, how are your balls? On the second video they look like they taking a beating. I can't imagine taking those high jumps and landing on my saddle!
Haha, I think mountain uni is my personal fountain of youth! It has really changed my life so much in so many ways. It's such a great work out since you don't have gears to help you clmb, and you can never coast. You're always pedaling and have a constant lase beam focus on every thing you do...or you fall!
Here's a recent TV news segment and what's funny is that the reporters seem more interested in my "age" then anything else lol. That day I woke up with a 102 degree fever, and had to be at the location at 5:30am! Oh well, the show mus go on! (And btw, when we do jumps and drops, our weight is always on the pedals, not the saddle)