Sea Shepherd and new moon? It's the organizer combing her judaism (food will be kosher and it's on a Sunday) and her radical politics (Sea Shepherd, Fed Up with Hunger benefit, vegetarian food) and her love for cycling.
bike punk responding to a
comment by User1
09.5.09 - 1:02 pm
This is a really awesome route, I promise.
6,500 ft of climbing through the Santa Monicas and into Ventura County, down Malibu, and an extra loop through Topanga Canyon. Its challenging but goes through some of the most scenic spots in LA.
It's only $36 for another two days (Oct 1st) and then its $56 (which is still reallllly cheap for a fully supported century).
Plus what other century are you gonna get a tofurky lunch? And the money goes to two really great causes.
Yes, I realize the name is confusing, and has little to do with the ride, but it's our first year, and it happens to be on the day of the rising of the new moon of the month, so gimme a break it made sense at the time!
Regardless... it will be fun.
Please come out and join us!
lastditch09.29.09 - 11:33 am
yo. If you hope to ride this and need a ride up there, we may have some space. The volunteer crew is leaving East Hollywood at 530am. Hit me up if you want to jump in an automobile. It'd be punker if you rode to the start, but you know, 'cars are okay some of the time' as RAMBO says.
You can register day of. If you register today (see website) you get entered into a raffle to win some prizes.
bikeswarm at gmail
bike punk10.15.09 - 5:00 pm