Thread started by
Roadblock at 06.16.09 - 5:32 pm
It's time for phase two of Operation SAFE STREETs brought to you by the department of DIY. a.k.a. The department of YES. AKA lets get the word out to drivers with a MASSIVE campaign of bicycle love and co-existence.
We need to raise $850 minimum to make it happen. donate what you can. Thanks.
CLICK THIS BUTTON. I will give reports on funding received. When we hit the goal we move to PHASE 3 of Operation SAFE STREETs.
Roadblock06.16.09 - 5:33 pm
I'll give you my money tomorrow at City Hall.
Everybody who can should be going there anyways!
Joe Borfo06.16.09 - 5:34 pm
in terms of organizers for the various sectors of the city... I'm looking for people to help distribute these posters. so far we have Bike Oven and Orange 20 on board. We have TWBGang on board. We have Box on board. We need West Sidazz on board. and South Sidazz on board and Valley people on board. please get at me. The more the merrier.,. roadblock at midnightridazz dot calm.
This isnt about egos or who is leading who... this is for our lives. this is about US. we need to do SOMETHING. no more talk. this is DOING.
Roadblock06.16.09 - 5:42 pm
$50 ($48.25 after paypal fee) has been donated via paypal... about $800 to go!
the faster we raise the money the faster we move to phase 2 and 3....
the faster we get the word out!
we need team captains in all areas. let it be known.
Roadblock06.16.09 - 7:34 pm
that donation was from OvertheHill! just realized it was you through your email.
Roadblock06.16.09 - 7:36 pm
man i havent been on here in a while....
me and kenr are down for the street team phase
theladiesman responding to a
comment by Jazzy Phat Nastee
06.16.09 - 9:14 pm
More donations in today.
Gav $30
Barleye $25
Stephen and Enci Box $100
jxjx $80
User1 $20
Dayone $20
Gohomedorothy $20
azn invazn $25
Net Paypal Donations $163.26
Total Cash $200
only about $500 to go.
please make sure you use the donate button here or at the top of this thread and not the "support" button on the top left on the site so I can distinguish between site hosting donations and Department of DIY donations. thanks
Roadblock06.17.09 - 1:17 pm
Donations Update
Tomato $10
Borfo $54.68
Brinton $50
Total Net Paypal $270.92
Cash $200
We're a little over half way to Phase 2: Operation Squeegee Hell
Roadblock06.17.09 - 7:00 pm
An email with your donation details has been sent to Timota...
slowrighthand06.17.09 - 7:09 pm
This thread should have as many replies as all the other negative threads up right now.
Come on people... let's help out. I'm just waiting for Friday/payday. I'd also like to be part of the street team.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
06.17.09 - 7:14 pm
slowrighthand $22.22
Roadblock06.17.09 - 7:34 pm
oh snap, i'm totally down to donate. i'll bring this up at
the meeting :D
snowcone06.17.09 - 8:58 pm
About $370ish to go! Not at a compooter right now so I can't check the exact figure....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.17.09 - 9:03 pm
The Team Captain of Team Midnight Ridazz comes through with $75
Nice one man.
About $300 to go!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by ephemerae
06.17.09 - 11:14 pm
mark me for $20 cash next time you see me. i dunt likey der payer pal ' er.
neverclever06.18.09 - 5:27 pm
When do you need this by?
I closed 4 of my credit cards so I am pretty sure the one I used for PayPal is done… also fuck that fee.. I want to donate $60 cash
I will be out and about tomorrow during lunch having a beer and again tomorrow NIGHT
Maybe I can give it to Borfo
Let me know what works
kakemvret @ geeeeeee male DOT cum
Kakihara06.18.09 - 5:34 pm
et06.18.09 - 8:10 pm
More donations in... I will post the totals when I get to a computer.. I will probably be on the RWNN tonight for anyone who has cash.
Getting really close to the target!
Roadblock06.19.09 - 11:16 am
i hope your postering methods are cleaner than mine. i remember being very wet and pasty at the end of a night of postering. and what's the feasibility of doing this on bikes? i have a trailer we can use.
tortuga_veloce06.19.09 - 11:27 am
ok here's where we are at:
singlejointed $10
alice strong $25
et $10
Mr. Rollers $20
net paypal $429.42
net cash $200
total $629.42
only 220 left to go till phase 2... operation ink everywhere
Roadblock06.19.09 - 1:22 pm
see you at the RWNN
steph responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.19.09 - 1:46 pm
maybe i will see you AFTER the RWNN (which i will unfortunately have to miss tonight b.c i am going to a show instead)
either way. i dont plan on sleeping tonight i am sure someone we both know will be in contact with either of us and transfers of fundz will happen
Kakihara06.19.09 - 1:50 pm
I didn't make it out to ride tonight... but we have a couple more donations and a cash donation from Sc-nomad of $100
I will post the others when I get to the computer....
Roadblock06.19.09 - 9:56 pm
new donations in
Marleydog: $25
Foldie: $20
Danny W.: $20
Total Net Paypal: 491.63
Total Cash: $300
about $80 to go...
We can keep the funds going and get another screen / design made if y'all want to.
Roadblock06.20.09 - 12:26 pm
Orange20: $80
Kakihara: $60
Neverclever $20
total cash: $460
total net paypal: $491.63
as it is we have about 100 more than the projected budget. once we get the first screen made and purchase the ink and glue we're going to see if it's possible to use the extra money to have another screen made for another design.
Roadblock06.21.09 - 9:07 am
Roadblockk, i can talk to my neighbors at LABrakeless about distributing.
how does that sound?
popsiclekid responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.21.09 - 4:45 pm
also, since im a no job teen, with no cash, yet i really really love sticking things on walls that have a meaning, I would be very up for being a westside/venice/santamonica captain.
popsiclekid06.21.09 - 4:50 pm
yes awesome, would LOVE to have LABrakeless involved. perfect!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by popsiclekid
06.21.09 - 5:43 pm
and thanks for stepping up to be a street captain we need people on the west side to be involved thanks
Roadblock responding to a
comment by popsiclekid
06.21.09 - 5:45 pm
Is anyone heading up the 562 area? I'll spearhead that if needed.
User1 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.21.09 - 9:32 pm
awesome. no one has come forward as of yet. so you are the one!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by User1
06.22.09 - 1:54 am
I am also in the 562, I'm down to help!
marleydog responding to a
comment by User1
06.22.09 - 1:48 pm
Cool we could use the help. Get back to me this week some time. Are you going to LACM this Friday?
allanalessio yahoo dog con
User1 responding to a
comment by marleydog
06.22.09 - 5:23 pm
coming in:
July $20
Jason H. TWBG $20
hybrid rida $20
horse sense: $10
Tortuga Veloce: $20
total cash: $480
total net paypal: $587.23
Total funding for the department of YES is $1067
the process is underway... stay tuned. t-minus 2-3 weeks.... till operation guerilla marketing
Roadblock06.23.09 - 2:12 pm
Any small updates?
Gav07.7.09 - 3:18 am
hey all, sorry I got caught up in the All City Race and moving... but now we are on track to get the screen made and start printing. Ashira is in Israel at the moment but will be back at which point we will start printing with Skramble Ashira and Teddy at the spot of all spots.... expect this event to go down in mid august.
so far we;ve gotten a LOT of committment from the East Side Valley and central areas of LA. but not much feed back from the West side. Unfortunately Alex Thompson is going to be too busy to help lead, is anyone else out there on the West Side willing to take the lead on this?
Roadblock07.7.09 - 12:09 pm
this just in, a paypal bump of $20 from MARCUS
Roadblock07.8.09 - 11:27 am
I'm from the westside, I'm not sure about leading anything but I can certainly help a bit if I can. Pick up and distributing ? Where should we put these and how? All along westwood would benefit, that's the worst street to go down on during traffic hours.. impatient drivers driving recklessly close, and there's a whole gauntlet of parked cars. But I digress. Let us know how to help !
dusky09.22.09 - 12:11 am
RB would you like me to include a particular name for this operation in the
Book of the Dead? I'm sure we can raise some funds with that approach as well.
tivu09.22.09 - 12:13 am
Here, maybe this will brighten your day............
User109.22.09 - 12:39 am
poor pup,
that's abuse!
unless it fell into a cotton candy machine.
Delirium responding to a
comment by User1
09.22.09 - 9:54 am
Just dropped off the screen and a big ole stack of paper with Andres who has taken it upon himself to print the posters. The printing is going down at PCC on an auto printer and will be happening this Monday and Wednesday night from 6-9pm
Is anyone available either of these days to help Assist Andres?
Thank you Andres for stepping up in a huge way.
Roadblock09.24.09 - 10:26 am
You mean for next week? Today is Thursday...
I can help.
Joe Borfo09.24.09 - 10:33 am
Yes sir next week. Awesomeness. I will connect you guys if you don't already have my man's number.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
09.24.09 - 11:09 am
fuck. who broke this thread? I kill you.
Andres and I are getting to bidnezz tonight at PCC. We can use some volunteers to help us print! anyone? 6pm to 9pm at the PCC screen printing department. we're also meeting wednesday.
1000 posters.... all city....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
09.28.09 - 2:54 pm
at this point all the money is there, now we just need some people power!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Tricia H
09.28.09 - 3:22 pm
More than down to go help out.
323.557.0642 In case anyone needs to contact me for whatever reason.
As for distributing, I'm more than willing to put a couple of hours in all over la.
I'm normally on the westside but if someone needs me somewhere, I'll be there.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.28.09 - 3:23 pm
Alfredo you are amazing. We DO need people on the West side. I saw that Tortuga is out there ready to help as well. I need to stop over at Bikerowave and see if they might be able to help with distribution on the night of...
NELA is on board and so is Central LA and the Valley.
------------- we're goin' ALL CITY in one night. you know...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Alfredo
09.28.09 - 3:27 pm
We are going to determine which night, fairly soon, correct?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.28.09 - 3:32 pm
i so want to wheat paste. i live on the westside/southbay area. i be glad to do the footwork.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.28.09 - 3:33 pm
roadblock!? you want the MR charms?
selling the charms could help this out
TORE_818 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.28.09 - 3:33 pm
Sorry, I just found out about this fund raise. For the future reference, can you give me the mailing address for the future donation by check?
Tricia H responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.28.09 - 3:34 pm
I have all the money raised I think.. at this point... we need PEOPLE POWER.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by TORE_818
09.28.09 - 3:35 pm
hey Tricia.... as of now the only way I've been accepting funds is via paypal and cash... I'm always up for accepting paypal donations for site hosting. you can click the "support" caption above your login up on the top left. other than that... lets see if I can get all the supplies with the money I've raised so far for this project.
anyone in Pasadena? meet me on the east side of PCC at the screen printing department 6pm tonight.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Tricia H
09.28.09 - 3:40 pm
OK, then I will use paypal for now. Thanks again for the work you do.
Tricia H responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.28.09 - 4:03 pm
I would like to donate but have no funds at the moment, how long will donations be accepted for?
Delirium09.28.09 - 4:19 pm
i'm not feeling too well today. but if i feel better, i'll hit you up about coming to help tonight, andres. if not, which seems likely, i'm down to help on wednesday!
coldcut09.28.09 - 4:20 pm
so day one of ALL CITY POSTermania is done for tonight. we put a little dent in the 1000 sheets. All in all tonight was a goodnight. wednesday will be phase 2.59 if anyone wants to help, cheer, or just give highfives all around lol
It will be at Pasadena City College at the V Building classroom 109 this wednesday from 6-9pm
there is also plenty of bike parking in front =) bring locks because pasadena is gangstah
see you then
andres8409.28.09 - 9:09 pm
Ahhhhh yeah Andres you are the man! I can't imagine doing this without the auto printer. Whew.
We are going to need serious people power for the next phase..... "Operation get organized and distribute knowledge"
Roadblock responding to a
comment by andres84
09.28.09 - 9:34 pm
Looking good!
Could be worth also putting a few of these in the arsenal of DIY:
braydon responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.28.09 - 10:41 pm
won't be able to help print but you know I'm down to put some of those bitches up.
la duderina09.28.09 - 10:53 pm
I remember seeing a map of stolen bikes posted on, is there a map of bicycle related hit-n-runs being collected also someplace?
braydon responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
09.28.09 - 10:56 pm
...and how the fuck did I
just now see this thread? laagging.
la duderina09.28.09 - 11:00 pm
I'm not sure. But there's enough info to start making one.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by braydon
09.28.09 - 11:03 pm
i think there are a few of us, myself included
braydon responding to a
comment by la duderina
09.28.09 - 11:03 pm
I'm pretty organized and can help a great deal. I'll see if I can go on Wednesday.
imachynna09.28.09 - 11:05 pm
Where is this information?
tivu responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
09.28.09 - 11:13 pm
i know the lapd website has a crime map. might show something like that.
la duderina responding to a
comment by braydon
09.28.09 - 11:15 pm
Okay I started a map, I think I need to invite collaborators to start putting points.... I don't know any points, let me know here or via email your email address so I can add you, and/or addresses to plot. courier ((((at)))
Map: Bicycle Accidents - Los Angeles
braydon responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
09.28.09 - 11:16 pm
cool. my emails on my profile.
tivu, I'm sure ALL the bicycle related hit and runs in LA would be impossible to find. However, I think some searching on this forum and other bike forums will reveal quite a good amount of info to make a map. All the locations of hit and run deaths this year have been reported on this site.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by braydon
09.28.09 - 11:46 pm
@duderina: what's your email and I'll add you
braydon responding to a
comment by la duderina
09.28.09 - 11:53 pm
totally down to help with the westside/southbay!
monovsstereo09.29.09 - 12:05 am
will someone answer my question?
Delirium09.29.09 - 12:17 am
Roadblock says we collected the money. Now its time to find people to distribute them on a particular day. It's going to be an ALL CITY project. We need your help.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Delirium
09.29.09 - 12:20 am
Ahhhhhh yeah. Today was a good day. So we've banged out about 600 posters so far. Like a fuckin well oiled machine today! Andres, Stella, Alfredo, Borfo and I put in work, printing, drying, stacking and cleaning. Wow guys we are on our way. Next up is printing the spanish language version and then operation "spread the word" is on. Next print session is scheduled for Wednesday. See y'all then!
Roadblock10.1.09 - 12:12 am
if you want to get involved with postering on the westside, email wheatpaste2009 (a_t) google groups dott calm
tortuga_veloce10.1.09 - 12:25 am
Anyway to screen those on a few shirts too?
You'll have my $10, and may help with the cost of printing more, not to mention spreading the word!
2zRescue responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.1.09 - 12:57 am
There you go, looks like the west side is getting the party started.
Ridazz we got things buzzing in that spot today. I was afraid of otherwise but the teacher was surpisingly pretty stoked to see the group in action I thanked him and he said it was good for the students to see a production go down that rivals the pace of commercial production.. In other words We handled that shit!! But that's the energy that comes from riding a bicycle all the time huh? Bangin it out. Bang Crew.
so now...... We got west side going now We need an east side google valley google and central google group leaders. How about a shared map between all of the groups.
Roadblock10.1.09 - 1:11 am
Now you thinking. I'm having a screen print party. I'll make that one of the screens. You bring the shirt and 10 bucks I print it bada boom.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by 2zRescue
10.1.09 - 1:14 am
man last night was punk rock for those 600 posters. some lagit shit. and like RB said more stuff to come like shirts, stickers, bandanas you know the reg. and the screen print partys gonna happen ASAP.
so the spanish edition of the postastic voyage is a for sure this wednesday. set your alarms, ask your mom to remind you and maybe even write it on your forhead to remember.
dont forget everyones invited to look, help, and cheer.
andres84 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.1.09 - 11:01 am
i'll distribute in the hollywood area if you need me to.where on wed.
louisiana10.1.09 - 12:15 pm
damn, i mad slept on it yesterday : (
coldcut responding to a
comment by andres84
10.1.09 - 1:19 pm
you guys were kicking ass..
never seen a hustle like that...
that was alot of fucken posters..
on wednesday...
emzeelok responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.1.09 - 11:15 pm
Thanks for the props emzeelok!
We wore out the first design off the screen. We have about 350 sheets left. We were thinking of a Spanish language version. Is that a good idea? Or should we try to come up with another statement?
Roadblock10.2.09 - 9:54 am
a spanish version is a great idea
i think spanish is
necessary if they are posted in hispanic communities
snowcone responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.2.09 - 10:12 am
that email address doesn't work. I'm still in to help put these up in the southbay/westside.
I think I might be into doing a shirt too!
monovsstereo10.2.09 - 12:19 pm
tonight we are Printing the final hundreds of posters tonight at Pasadena city college In Pasadena. located at the V building. Printing starts at 6pm ends at 9pm If anyone wants to come and help please do so and the more the merrier. My numbers 3233317319 and I'll be at the union station at 530 to catch the gold line to Pasadena tonight.
andres8410.12.09 - 2:42 pm