Who is crazypenis?
Thread started by
Roadblock at 10.19.09 - 9:12 pm
Crazypenis. Stop being an asshole. You are ruining this place for everybody.
ROADBLOCK. I don't wanna say that I told you so. But I think I still will. I told you to boot this mofo weeks ago....
Debut21310.19.09 - 9:18 pm
Now wield your mighty hammer of absolute power and make him dissapear.. ;)
Debut21310.19.09 - 9:20 pm
I think it's eddieboy.
barleye responding to a
comment by eddieboyinla
10.19.09 - 9:21 pm
I actually laughed out loud...
TheJen responding to a
comment by barleye
10.19.09 - 9:22 pm
I don't think it's Eddie.
Mook responding to a
comment by TheJen
10.19.09 - 9:23 pm
I heard from"the homie" that CrazyPenis is Barleye.........mwhahahaha
palucha6610.19.09 - 9:23 pm
i don't think he should get the boot any more than toweliesbong
snowcone10.19.09 - 9:25 pm
What palucha66 is:
gonna be forced to ride in rollerblades in spandex on the next m.r. ride
What palucha66 is not:
down with da homies
barleye responding to a
comment by palucha66
10.19.09 - 9:26 pm
Towliebong has admitted that various members use this fake acct. So I agree both these trolls should get booted. Both are fake...
Debut21310.19.09 - 9:30 pm
Y'all take yourselves way too seriously. That was a joke.
Roadblock can feel free to delete me. I rarely read the forums anymore except to laugh at a couple of obsessive freaks. The truly smart, engaging, witty, and funny posters left loooooong ago.
toweliesbong10.19.09 - 9:39 pm
Oh, it was nice to see eddieboyinla post today. He's always cracked me up.
toweliesbong10.19.09 - 9:40 pm
If I had to guess I'd say CrazyPenis is Snowcone. Either way they both make me miss TheFrenchConn (never thought I'd say that) and they both make me sure I would never send anyone new to this site for info. Snowcone's "hate ride" posting today was way over the line.
frumble10.19.09 - 10:11 pm
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by eddieboyinla
10.19.09 - 10:26 pm
I know who Crazypenis is.
Foldie responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 10:27 pm
ohhhhhh im pretty sure i know who you are now.....
Debut213 responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 10:32 pm
Dude I've been riding with you guys for almost two years. Why do I have to be anybody other than CP?
CrazyPenis10.19.09 - 10:35 pm
Post a picture of yourself...
TheJen responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 10:38 pm
god damn it can't people just fucking let things go already? All this he called me this, they don't publicize that ride, it's not fair whaaa wah whaaa. You can't argue someone into liking you. You can't arge someone into not being a douche to you. Be a man and just let shit go. The best revenge is to live a happy life. If you don't like the way people are it's too bad cause there are millions more. We should all be so lucky to have the time to care. We sit behind computers waaaahing about bike rides?! People are being bombed out of their houses halfway around the world. What would you say to their faces? "Waaaaaaa! Look at what he/she said about my bike crew and forum comments!"
we should all be focusing on the bike plan or making the best ride ever or helping people get out of their cars... Or just not arguing about stupid petty shit.
Hate ride? WTF? Cmon people you know better.. Don't drag the calendar into this petty forum bullshit. The calendar is sacred. Any more joke rides and people Who post them get the boot I don't care who you are.
Sorry. I'm just pissed cause I have to come back to smelLA
Roadblock10.19.09 - 10:50 pm
If you bothered to take a look at the original thread "Keeler Critical Mass" you would see what this is all about. These guys posted up an out of town ride with less than three hours for anyone to plan for. Not only that, if someone was interested in this ride, there was practically NO useful information regarding this ride. You can take a look at the thread and the ride posting and judge for yourself. You are ignoring Snowcone and he's agrees with what I've been saying. Yeah it wasn't cool to spam, but that's what tren way had done when continued to asked them about doing this. Take a look at the original thread and see for yourself.
This ride had absolutely NO planning online here, everything was planned somewhere else by a select group of people.
This is both mean spirited and exclusive. Both which go against what MR has stands for. Does this policy just apply to some people some of the time? Is there another ride posting that's more mean spirited than this one? I doubt it.
CrazyPenis10.19.09 - 10:57 pm
how was the keeler critical mass ride not a joke ride? i did not start this shit and to single me out is fucked up.
snowcone responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.19.09 - 10:59 pm
Go visit Iraq, Afghanistan or Gaza and say those exact words to a resident there. Tell me what they say, and that will be my answer also.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 11:01 pm
Boy, you shut yer mouth when Rodblock opens his.
Learn your place.
TheDude responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 11:02 pm
I suggested a way out for tren way and they didn't take it. It just marks of being arrogant. All I asked was that they apologize to the board here. That was it, and it would have been over. What was so hard about doing that? They didn't have to insult people here. That's what I'm getting at.
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.19.09 - 11:04 pm
I'm not singleing you out. This message is pointed at everyone who posts fake rides in the calndar.
But you and I both discussed that you now have a higher degree of responsibility to the community now that you have access to the code and database. You have to separate yourself from the petty bullshit. Sorry dude I'm not trying to give you a hard time.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.19.09 - 11:07 pm
I already said my shit. Look at this picture I have posted like 15 times today, and do it.
STOP POSTING THIS CRAP. Listen to the cat.
Roadblock speaketh. That's the end of it.
You don't even have the balls to reveal your true identity, and post a picture of yourself.
TheDude responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 11:08 pm
You didn't say jack shit. The only thing you've done is post a bunch of pics. BFD.
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by TheDude
10.19.09 - 11:14 pm
idk but everyone else but im only starting to use this website just to look out for rides...too much drama sometime in these threads.
Huey55510.19.09 - 11:16 pm
Boy, if you got ROADBLOCK to call you an asshole.... WOW!
IF you could read between the lines (of the pictures) you would get it.
I vote for a perma - I.P. ban, Roadblock.
TheDude responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.19.09 - 11:20 pm
Yeah he's making this call without seeing the whole picture, just like you are. If you saw the original thread, you would see that I was being real civil about this, and the only thing I was getting from towlebong is a bunch of spam. Snowcone was there and he knows. Everyone else on that thread was tren way members attacking me and doing NOTHING to resolve this.
The advice is still legit, STFU, and unless you got something constructive to say about this issue.
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by TheDude
10.19.09 - 11:28 pm
Sure! Give me a call 323.534.9543 Dan
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by CrazyDouche
10.19.09 - 11:46 pm
I KNOW I'm not getting the whole picture. The POINT is that it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Shaddy is a good guy in my book cause I know him personally and haven't gotten bad vibes from him only good vibes. Do any of you guys that are giving him a hard time know him? The same for trenway and mom ridaz.
Sure everyone has their character flaws. And sure, it sucks that trenway makes awesome rides and then don't invite everyone. Imagine if MR went that direction when we tripped out that the ride reached 150. Thought that was too big. But like I said, at the end of the day people are people and no one is going to argue them into being different. The only way you can change someone is to inspire them by creating better experiences.
Gotta catch a plane to smelLA.
Roadblock10.19.09 - 11:47 pm
You WERE being civil. You have been an asshole for several hours now. Please stop.
SnowCone, towlie, and you went too far today. I am not happy that snowcone would post a fake ride. He knows better.
It doesn't matter who saw the whole picture or whatever. Look at the big picture of what you are doing here.
I have posted good advice here many times to you, snowcone, and towlie.
Allow me to post it again.
STOP POSTING. Stop posting this childish shit about this ride. Just stop it.
Let's make another thing clear. Roadblock OWNS this website. He has the power to make the rules. If you think you belong here in even the slightest way (obviously you think so) then you should listen to RB.
TL;DR - Stop being an asshole, listen to Roadblock. Post less, lurk more.
TheDude responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.20.09 - 12:02 am
Definitely not any persona created by me, my anguish comes straight from the heart.
This guy blows it right out his dookie hole as far I'm concerned.
bentstrider10.20.09 - 12:17 am
I've posted a lot of good advice too. In fact I started my argument with good advice AND RB's own rules. I pointed out how they were abusing it and were not following the advice that was followed by others here for years. Posting up all those stupid childish pics you always seem to post up is not good advice. Now STFU and you'll see me doing the same! I'm not about to have a little shit like you talking down at me.
CrazyPenis responding to a
comment by TheDude
10.20.09 - 12:19 am
If I had a nickel for everytime that was used, I'd be a wealthy man by now.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.20.09 - 12:27 am
"I'm not about to have a little shit like you talking down at me."
That made my day, Boy. Now back to the bucket for me, I feel more dry heaves coming on.
Try getting stomach cancer, then tell me this shit matters.
Best of luck to you!!
TheDude responding to a
comment by CrazyPenis
10.20.09 - 12:44 am
my cat's breath smells like cat food.
coldcut10.20.09 - 1:07 am
so the only thing confirmed so far is shaddy is crazypenis, big whoop.
_iJunes10.20.09 - 11:10 am
write bigger, then maybe some one will pay attention to your comments.
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by _iJunes
10.20.09 - 11:18 am
Member since: 10.15.08
Member since: 03.29.09
snowcone10.20.09 - 11:43 am
I'm actually not here to make rules. The forum is based on ridazz love or at least it's supposed to be. I'm not here to tell people what to do and I'm not here to moderate anything. It's supposed to be an open forum that moderates itself. This is more than a forum because we all actually kick it in real life. In real life everything is cool between us all. Or am I not seeing something? I probably shouldn't have posted anything I just got upset when I get emails about trolls and I hate to see my friends, trenways, mom ridaz towelie Borfo and Snowcone all bickering and hating on each other on here.
I'm in DC now.... Heading back to the filth. It's a beautiful filth in certain ways but it is filth that we live in..... SmelLA..... Love it or leave it.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by TheDude
10.20.09 - 12:04 pm
You know something,
I really can't blame tren way for not inviting everyone to their rides.
Look at you people.
I wouldn't want to hang out with you either.
la duderina10.20.09 - 12:04 pm
Member since: 07.15.07
Member since: 10.15.08
Member since: 03.29.09
No biggie.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.20.09 - 12:46 pm
omg pissing contest!
Member since: 09.23.06
ruinedbyidiots10.20.09 - 12:49 pm
your screen name proves to have been a prophecy as to the fate of this forum....
la duderina responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.20.09 - 12:57 pm
Member since: 09.2.06
User1 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.20.09 - 1:01 pm
ahhhhh the birth of a new troll. I wish you the best little one.
User1 responding to a
comment by CrazyDouche
10.20.09 - 1:02 pm
i was merely showing that crazypenis existed before i joined
snowcone10.20.09 - 1:17 pm
I understood what you were saying, at least.
TheDude responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.20.09 - 1:20 pm
rbi's always the first one to jump onto my jibs, I find this kind of odd and disconcerting.
bentstrider10.20.09 - 1:21 pm
Our first female troll?..............
oh wait........... nm
User1 responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.20.09 - 1:24 pm
You wana see my crazypenis? What's ur email?
User1 responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.20.09 - 1:33 pm
bullshit! that's an empty threat.
User1 hasn't seen his penis since 50lbs ago.
it's tiny, buried under his fat belly, and perpetually flaccid.
spiraldemon responding to a
comment by User1
10.20.09 - 2:19 pm
I'm really happy you still dream of me, and I'm gona let you finish, but there's a movie playing y'all! Greatest
movie of all time!
User1 responding to a
comment by spiraldemon
10.20.09 - 2:55 pm
is a tiny, flaccid penis that's been locked in a solitary confinement for years due to massive belly fat crazy?
i'd say so...
coldcut responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.20.09 - 3:35 pm
Fluffa can only dream about me now. :-(
User1 responding to a
comment by coldcut
10.20.09 - 3:39 pm
who's dreaming? it's a nightmare every time I see your dumb face.
spiraldemon responding to a
comment by User1
10.20.09 - 3:55 pm