wanna listen to some music?
Thread started by
Cranktankerous at 08.20.09 - 11:20 am
i've got this white label Elliot Smith ep back at my studio. picked it up the last time i was in Lisbon.
[cumon folks, lets write some really douchy dialog for the remake]
(Scene 5: Boy and girl walk through China Town)
Boy with no friends: "You don't deserve to be lonely, But those drugs you've got won't make you feel better, Pretty soon you'll find it's the only Little part of your life you're keeping together"
Girl with 12" subwoofers on her ears: "Haven't laughed this hard in a long time, I better stop now before I start crying"
Boy: "I'm nice to you, I could make it through, But you're already somebody's baby"
Girl: "I could make you smile, If you stayed a while, But how long will you stay with me, baby?"
Boy: You're wonderful
Girl: And it's beautiful
Boy: And if I went with you, I'd disappoint you too
Girl: Well I'm already somebody's baby
(The Girl's tough boyfriend enters scene)
Tough Guy: "Guess who back in the motherfuckin house, With a fat dick for your motherfuckin mouth"
what do you think? I can only borrow my parents handheld for the weekend so we should rush the script, right? Im downloading a bunch of photos too.
md208.20.09 - 11:39 am
Yeah, I've been talking it up with the ridazz about doing a parady too. It's gona be waaay betta than the original too!!
We'll have to have a meeting and discuss the details over a pint. Call out the ride md2!
User1 responding to a
comment by md2
08.20.09 - 11:57 am
I might actually want a part in this (not an actor), but maybe a boom operator or something, or fluffer... what kind of parody are we thinking about again?
You guys are gonna bring me back to riding, partying and ruining friendships days again?
Im better off with the script for now. Im prone to finding myself having to put the trouble I get into in perspective...
md2 responding to a
comment by User1
08.20.09 - 12:09 pm
What about this:
(pre the previous scene 5: girl and boy are walking)
Girl with ear infection and huge cotton swabs in ear: "Friends are overrated. I actually would rather spend my time by myself listening to T-Rex."
Boy with too much hair in face: "Yeah, the La Brea Tar Pits were the first thing I saw when I arrived in Los Angeles; it was amazing"
(Girl looks a boy with confusion on her face)
Girl: "Yeah, well can you help me roll up my sleeve so I can shoot up?"
(Girl proceeds to pull cotton swabs out of ear)
Previous scene 5 post begins.
note to younger kids -- T-Rex is a band,
md2 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.20.09 - 2:02 pm
wit a fat dick for ur mothafucken mouf
T REX responding to a
comment by Dropkick_bruce
08.20.09 - 2:18 pm
option 1.
(scene 1: boy rolls up with ten speed with badly out of true wheels, and proceeds to tough guy and girl group).
Lonely boy: "Hey, can I ride with your group?"
(camera only focused on tough guy's face sucking on a ring pop)
Tough guy: No, punk bitch shit face, want me to kick your weak ass?"
Lonely boy: "oh, okay"
(camera pans out and tough guy and his crew are all riding 16" kiddie bikes. Tough guy proceeds to spit out a ring pop and honk his kiddie bike horn and says:)
Tough guy: "Come on Mother Fuckers, lets roll"
i shouldnt have done acid as a kid
md208.20.09 - 2:22 pm
Scene 3: the bike breaks down
(boy desperately seeking love and friendship, rides with an underground Los Angeles group, suddenly has his handlebars fall off his bike).
Scene 4: the repair
(Boy pulls over and moments late the girl comes from behind. She pulls an extra set of handle bars out of her bag).
Girl with birds nest in ears: "Need some help?"
Boy: "shouldnt you be riding with your friends you trifling whore?"
(She fixes the bike for him)
Boy: "should we catch up to them?"
Girl: "Are you crazy? I was so far behind when I saw you, lets go for a walk? Plus I got to fix something else
(girl starts scratching her arm)
enter scene 5
sorry... maybe my script sucks...
md208.20.09 - 3:45 pm
LOL, I love it! Written entirely on the MR forumzz.
cabhauler responding to a
comment by md2
08.20.09 - 4:07 pm
End of scene 5:
Girl: I have to go
Boy: No, please stay with me...(boy looks around, and rubs his arms as if its cold) where am I?
Girl: China town dont worry, plus those are my people
Boy: "LAAAAAAME!!!! lame, lame lame, you're a lame-o. Didnt anyone ever tell you its lame to have friends out of obligation? Lame!"
Girl: What?
Boy: "I said, Its lame to have friends out of obligation"
Girl: "I know, but what the hell does that mean?"
Boy: "I dont know, its just lame that you wont stay with me"
Girl: "You dont love me, you just love my doggystyle"
(girl starts to ride away)
Boy: (whispers) "lame"
Girl: (from a distance): Did you call me lame again?
Boy: "lame"
(Girl rides off with tough guy. Boy shows signs of fright from China Town dragon statues)
almost there...
md208.20.09 - 4:16 pm
this may be a bit cheap, but I think it represents Kuang Lee's inspiration
Scene 6: More riding after being dumped by a junkie
(Boy catches up with the group. We get shots of:
--Riders littering
--Other riders throw their trash at the poor boy, pointing their fingers at him laughing
--Riders insult him (I leave this part of the script to TIMESARECHANGING)
--Riders are riding on the wrong side of the rode, half pipe in the middle street, with local freestyle riders doing tricks.
--Maybe some riders are just lying on the floor dead
--I think a street brawl should break out with motorist
--random women running around crying hysterical
--Trannies, we need trannies
--People being choked with Banana Republic belts and scarves
everyone just gets beat the fuck up)
last scene coming up
md208.20.09 - 4:28 pm
Scene 7: The end
(Boy is beat up, bleeding, and his Banana Republic Jacket miraculous turned into a MR jersey. He pulls up to House of Spirits liquor store. In the background Riders are looting the store, while the owners are pointing shot guns in hot pursuit).
(Boy sees tough guy and his friends. Tough guy is crying like a baby because his pink aerospoke wheel was broken in the meyhem and is wiping his tears with a top tube pad).
(Suddenly the girl walks up from behind and looks trashed with condoms hanging from her ears. She semi-startles the boy. He turns around)
Boy: "oh, hey"
Girl: Hey, want to listen to some music?
Boy: (noticing she doesnt have headphones, pauses for a moment) ummmm, yeah, yeah, sure.
(Girl wobbling back and forth, starts to sing Whitney Houston)
Girl: And Iiiiiiiiiiii, will always (and then in a junkie fit, throws up on the boy and passes out as he catches her)
(He embraces her as if he has found true love, looking up to the sky, as if thanking the cosmos for their gift).
The end.
I dont condone violence
md208.20.09 - 4:46 pm
whoa md2, you must of had a shit load of time on your hands today. I'm impressed with the scenes. Maybe when we write up some scripts and see which one everyone likes and peeps can do some editing and stuff.
My idea was to have Eddieboy be our hero in banana republic garb, and have him chasing some little 15 yr tender morsel. I'm thinking Alfredo can play that role. The ride could end up at some really really really seedy underground gay S&M club in the industrial part of LA. The lines and scenes would follow our original story. Haven't worked out all the logistics yet.
User1 responding to a
comment by md2
08.20.09 - 5:07 pm
dude i posted it as a new thread...
its slow man... tons of time indeed.... but I just wrote it here and there... it was fun, i kept laughing and co-workers were looking at me funny...
cocaine is a hell of a drug...
md2 responding to a
comment by User1
08.20.09 - 5:10 pm
That's fucking mean Uswer1, Alfredo is so nice, I don't approve of putting him through that.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by User1
08.20.09 - 5:14 pm
hahahahaha We're not gona make him do anything he doesn't wana do. We'll just bribe him with drugs and stuff.
User1 responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
08.20.09 - 5:21 pm
i dont think putting people in a context with !@#$?sexuals is supposed to be funny or should represent some kind of cruelty.
I think we should keep !@#$?phobic stuff out of it. Its hard enough for many in the queer community as it is, I'd rather support them, then make fun of their lifestyle.
Only drugs, crime, and vomit
md2 responding to a
comment by User1
08.20.09 - 5:21 pm