NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
If not for yourselves then for the sake of the spirt of MR, the sake of the spirt consumerism, the personal questioning and self identification followed by the overall self acceptance of hipsterism, and most of all the ending of the sake and spirit of elitism in bike Kulture with a K.
Except for the shitty mainstream rap and country those beer bonging moto bros were playing out of their monster truck speakers Randsburg was a success!
These are the same jackasses that posted the fake CM ride a few weeks ago. They're back at it again. Look to the right and see the ride "Randsburg Critical Mass 5pm HWY 395". What was that about the ride calendar being sacred? It should be for posting of legit rides or something like that? What was that you were saying awhile ago? Guess these assholes didn't get the memo.
legit ride - a ride that anyone reading it can make it to. characteristics of a legit ride, posted a few days before the ride, and able to get to the start via bike. In rare circumstances where the start may be out of town, the ride is posted with enough leeway to plan rides or drives to the start. It should go without saying that all the info is posted on the ride posting, but for unfortunate times when some details are lacking, the ride is posted often enough where questions can be asked.
Furthermore these jackasses are mean spirited. This is NOT what MR is about.
CrazyPenis responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
11.8.09 - 10:24 pm
There was plenty of time to make it. The ride was posted around 2pm and it took me less than 2 hours to get out there. What was your excuse? It's not our fault you're not quick on your feet!
Here's whwere you don't really get it. When you guys post these stupid ass fictional CM rides you are being mean spirited to all on MR. Not to mention you go against the owner's wishes on how this site is used. On the other hand my mean spirit is directed at that the assholes that create these postings and YOU! It's not directed at everyone. See the difference?
CrazyPenis responding to a comment by toweliesbong
11.8.09 - 11:33 pm
I'm too lazy to Google where the hell Randsburg is, but if someone living out there (I say "out there" because I can only assume that this is somewhere in the desert, right?), but anyway, if someone living out there had actually seen this ride posted on MR and then called their friends and they all showed up on their bikes ready to take back the streets? Well that would have been pretty rad, I guess, is my point.
It's not posted, but why does it have to be? 1,000 of rides have been posted on this site, and they all pretty much follow the same pattern. The ones that don't follow this patterns are the one ones these jackasses post up. And these fictitious posts the owner has specifically mentioned he doesn't want people doing.
@palucha66, what kind of message are sending out to the owner if you just nonchalantly post up fictitious rides such as this, and after he's requested you to knock it off? Sure he could delete the post, but why even post them up to begin with? We are more mature than than that right? Or do we have to be treated like kids?
CrazyPenis responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
11.9.09 - 12:26 am
This is NOT what MR is about...... But to talk to people in the way you do is what MR is about because you didnt make it to a ride due to last minute posting
Crazy Penis, it's my understanding that Midnight Ridazz has always had a bit of a prankster attitude. As a matter of fact, the prankster / mindfuckness of hundreds of people on bikes wearing crazy themed clothes is one of the reasons I love Midnight Ridazz. People would fuck around and post fake rides, or post real rides the purpose of which is to fuck around, or post fake rides that turned into real rides that fucked around with fake riders.
Anyways, you need to seriously get a sense of humor. Take a lit 101 class and learn about irony. It's fucking funny. Do you not see the humor in deciding to ride a critical mass in a podunk town in the desert, and then actually riding it? Do you not see the humor in actually posting to a bike riding website the fact that there's going to be a critical mass in a podunk town in the desert? It's funny.
I would really like to meet you face to face. Would you be this angry and aggressive and humorless in person if you and I sat down and explained to each other why we love Midnight Ridazz? If I explained to you across a table over coffee that it is precisely the prankster / trickster attitude that is important to many of us?
Marino, you old fucking cunt. Was it absolutley a priority to slash the mom! Dude lay off the hate. Its your own club member that is putting you guys on blast and for a good reason too. Listen to ur supposed friend and stop posting ur own little private rides that 98% of midnight ridazz won't be able to attend due to the distance or the short notice....
This is a perfect example of how mean spirited u people really are...
Debut213 responding to a comment by marino
11.9.09 - 10:33 am
I wish you luck in your efforts to explain this simple concept to poor Crazypenis and I applaud you for trying. I tried the same thing the last time this crap came around and I failed but honestly can someone named Crazypenis expect to be taken seriously? I think not. Please. Let's all return to culturejamming as usual. Thank you.
frumble responding to a comment by Ms. Stephanie
11.9.09 - 11:08 am
That's it. Trend Quey is mean spiritied and they have a fucked up philosophy. And Marino is the 14th out of ten times that something bad happens on MR.
I've had it with their elitist attitudes and fucked up rivalry with Crazy Penis.
I am going to move to the valley if you guys keep this up.
it looks like people wish that Tren Way would open their rides up a little and post more in advance. Is that the basic gripe here? that these rides are posted a few hours before they happen?
cause we did a critical mass last year at... shit I actually had to google to remember the name of the town... Niland Critical Mass and it was AWESOME. that wasa Tren Way Orchestrated event. Hey Tren Way why dont ya guys post the rides with more notice. people are not going to show up and steal your bikes... mostly...
Roadblock responding to a comment by CrazyPenis
11.9.09 - 12:51 pm
The funniest thing to me is that even if you guys (Tren Way) did post the ride with a couple hours/days notice... a lot of people would still NOT go because of either A.) the distance or B.) they've been rubbed the wrong way by your group or C.) "enter your own reasonable rationale here."
A lesson in irony/sarcasm/pranksterism (I just made that one up) might prove to be enlightening.
Does Creative Thing ever whine about irrelevant shit on the forums? I was implicating User1, who has been complaining about the lack of all-night centuries this summer and has also been known to cling stubbornly to points that most people don't care about.
it was a pretty complex scheme wasnt it? at first CrazyPenis ragged on Mom Ridaz and seemed to try to instigate an epic sized bike gang war with Tren Way.... then CrazyPenis flipped and seemed to come out against TrenWay...
Roadblock responding to a comment by spiraldemon
11.9.09 - 4:55 pm
Hold that thought about opening your mind............ Now what do you think the people on MR feel when they see a ride posted that starts in an hour or two and the start is 100-200 miles away? They think you're mean-spirited! Right? ......... Keep that mind open.........don't close it yet! Why would you keep posting these rides when the owner of this site has asked you to stop?
CrazyPenis responding to a comment by toweliesbong
11.9.09 - 5:15 pm
May I suggest a Business 101 course? This site is not operated by magic or the goodwill of a philanthropist. It's run pretty much by one person, and the last I've read was, don't fuck with the ride listings. Maybe you should get together with him for coffee and explain your overreaching desire to post fictitious ride listings?
CrazyPenis responding to a comment by Ms. Stephanie
11.9.09 - 5:26 pm
Basic gripe here is that they rub it in everyones faces where they're at and what they're doing. They have no intentions of having anyone join them. The ride postings are a couple 100 miles away and they post them with only a couple of hours to get there. Often times with no directions. Someone above said it's a prank, but I'm not feeling it. Where does it say we got to be the butt of jokes around here? I do see where we're not suppose to be mean-spirited.
lofl, I can't even be myself on here. You guys really got something special here! Let's see I'm user1 or CT cause I know that there's a Blueline stop in LB? Or was it cause I pointed out there wasn't a century that was corresponding to the breakfast in OC? I'm confused! :/
This site has really gone to the dogs. No wonder there isn't many new people joining up, or speaking up.
So does this mean they have your blessing to put up fictitious rides? They have complete impunity? That should really sit well with all the other members! Can we get that spelled into what MR is about?
The only person that seems to give a shit anymore is you. And whining like a little bitch likely makes more people not participate here than some ride posting 200 miles away.
Maybe it's time for you to go be emo on your Livejournal about this instead of continuing to cry about something so stupid.
Graham.....really? You ungrateful fuck. Think about all the kids in Albania or Turkmenistan that have not a single ride posted to go on. But here you are complaining that you couldn't go on ONE of the many available to you. WTF?!
You people can do as you please. Fuck it, why should we care. Post ur personal rides as you please. If roadblock doesn't see a problem then niether of us should either. Its his web site any wayz. So this will be my last post commenting about it. Only time I will comment in ur threads is if u comment badly about my fellow mom ridazz. So go eat a big fat dick marino..
nobody is whining except for you. And unlike you, I know nearly everyone who has posted on this thread because they make themselves known to the community called the Midnight Ridazz. You on the other hand want to hide behind your "anonymity" and insult people you don't know. Everyone you've insulted is someone I'd call a friend, and yet you're constantly calling everyone else "mean spirited." Furthermore, your posts hold no water and are meaningless if you are anonymous. if you truly believed in the bullshit you're constantly spewing, you wouldn't be afraid to say them as yourself. If even you don't have conviction in your own words, how can you expect anyone else to take you seriously?
Read the thread again. Just about everyone that is associated with Tren Way is whining. Look at your post above. You are whining. Can any of you guys even address a question posed to you? You guys act like prima donnas, like ur shit don't stink!
Where does it say people have to reveal their indenties before they can voice their opinions here? You find the rule that saids we have to do it and I'll do it. I decide who knows me on this forum, and that's the way it should be. I've made my friends on the rides, and I'm happy with them. I just don't like being someone's joke, and I doubt you'll find many that would here.
Good luck trying to find the answer to my inquiry and finding an identity of your own, loser.
CrazyPenis responding to a comment by spiraldemon
11.10.09 - 12:59 am
you're the only one whining about rides not following a certain pattern or some made up rules that you believe should be followed. everyone else wants you to STFU. and not everyone on this thread is associated with Tren Way. you have no inquiry worth responding to, just like you have no friends or backers on this forum. you should read the thread and realize you're all alone in your complaints. nobody agrees with a coward and a loser.
fuck off, troll. better yet, get a job. and a life.
same pattern of obsessive commenting about the same thing over and over... making new threads just to say the same negative shit over and over.... using a fake name to do it.
Roadblock responding to a comment by snowcone
11.10.09 - 11:50 am
there are not many rules to this forum and there is an element to this that can't be technically explained or justified. it just came down to, dude... enough is enough.
Roadblock responding to a comment by snowcone
11.10.09 - 12:04 pm
that's how i feel about all the "NoNameTown CM" threads created to talk about a ride posted a coupe of hours before they happen. 132 comments on this one... almost completely posted by one group to keep this shit at the top until no one can stand being here and just leave. then they slap each other five. we just drove away one more person! yes! except this time they got you to ban the person. ehh...
you guys are doing a great job of driving me away. consider yourselves successful.
snowcone responding to a comment by Roadblock
11.10.09 - 12:10 pm
yeah man i hear that, I def feel left out when I see that a group of people planned and did a trip and then post it hours before... I can see that. but, this is a do-ocracy. it's so easy to just counter their efforts with a trip of your own. make it happen!
in light of this, I would ask that Trenway please consider posting their rides with more lead time if they are going to post them here.... that way people dont feel like you guys are rubbing our noses in your good times. it's true. Trenway throws the best ridazz trips around. c'mon guise let everyone join in the fun! pweeeez!
Roadblock responding to a comment by snowcone
11.10.09 - 12:18 pm
Jesus Fucking Christ, can't you learn to ignore harmless shit that bothers you? There are how many other threads to read in the left column? And you just have to read this one?
Believe me, there's no high fiving going on here. Just incredulity at how dull and humorless some people are.
Graham had a momentary lapse in judgement, this thread should have never been started.
Ironically, this past weekend's desert trip was a Gigsville event. We were invited by JetFuel, whom we met at Burning Man last year. Some of Ridazz Camp met him this year, too.
It was not a Ridazz event, it was organized by Gigsville. Loser1 wouldn't have anything to do with a Burner event anyway.
No one is stopping you from creating your own site if you don't like this one. If you really want to control what happens here then you should build your own site so you have that control. Maybe people will like Snowcode posse better and leave MR.
I understand your passion, but at the end of the day people are here to have fun....
like the rules don't like the rules.....enjoy it or you really need to complain so much? If you don't like it build something better......
Foldie responding to a comment by snowcone
11.10.09 - 1:08 pm
No not everyone wants me to STFU, just members of Tren Way and people that aspire to be members, cough cough (RB). There's people that want some answers and basically want you to STFU with your fictitious ride postings. I don't think it's really that much to ask, but apparently it is. Maybe you'd like to read the thread again? Oh yeah, and I got a job and a life. Unlike someone that clings to this gang shit, cause that's the only thing he has in life. Sad really..............
The writing is on the wall dude. You've seen how RB responses to TW. TW has him in their collective pockets. You're holding on and hoping things will get better? Good luck.
Good! It's about time. Look how long we had to work to get that out of you. So if it does happen again, that person is ban right? That includes TW members?
BTW, here's what you are greeted with when you're ban..................
You got the BOOT.
Why do people get the boot?
People can get the boot for any number of reasons including but not limited to:
-- Making threats at other people
-- Spamming the forum with marketing messages
-- Generally being negative or condescending to the community
Please take some time and consider that this may not be the community you were looking for.
Hmmmmmm making threats at other people, seen it with TW members. Being negative or condescending to the community. BINGO!!!! This has TW members written all over it! That little pawn of yours does that all the time. As does that towlebong. The only reason why they aren't banned is cause RB wants to be a member. Come on, make him a member! Then you guys would have no question about who the ruling gang is.
responding to a comment by Crazy_Penis
11.10.09 - 5:17 pm
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Danya made me LOL.
BTW, I shot a Smith and Wesson .40 and a .357 Magnum. I'm ready for the revolution, bitches! First me n coldcut are going to have a cold delicious chelada and then we're all going to storm the castle. Onward!
wow i cant belive i wasted my time reading this hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
glad this shit is done lets ride some bike ya
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh This is what you were referring to? I was wondering why you emailed me a love letter asking me about my crazy penis. LOL I thought maybe you were going off the deep end or Fluffa put you up to it or something like that.
You guys on this thread really need to get out more. I'm not sure if it's the TV or the internet.
+1 T.O.T.D.!!!
I am touched (down there) that you guys are thinking of me though. :D
1. Puck
2. CrazyPenis
3. ?
User1 responding to a comment by marino
11.10.09 - 11:19 pm