
Ridazz Roulette!

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Something Else The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #84 - All City Toy Ride V Fry-Day NIGHT #33 - Swarm the Pier Hot Box Parties Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Taco Tuesdays data center Handicapped Canines #27 - Safety Ride The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial

The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

Topic Box:
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HELP: newb getting a...   14
3rd world Ridazz   11
hi all road bike.. t...   4
NEW karate Kid wtf! ...   9
hi everyone.   8
lacm   29
Who calls and doesnt...   15
one question   23
Christmas POLO!!!!   7
Pancakes!   12
happy birthday jesus   0
12/24 RIDE TONIGHT?   19
Rollin on 8   0
Photog, LA Sheriff, ...   44
On the LAPD watch li...   27
xmas day chinese foo...   22
ATTN: la duderina   41
give me $2,000 to   10
Crank Mob Taggers?   99
Double D's   25
đồng   2
Post yet Fixie   67
what kind of rim is ...   4
Merry Christmas!!!   0
happy haunika   7
Raise your Hand ....   11
attn: L.A.P.D   23
happy Kwanzaa   2
Quit Tagging On Ride...   14
My thumb.   35
taco tuesday on FOX ...   11
Spandex....   10
5 foot drop and 8-st...   6
Wind sucks worse tha...   20
who wants to be on m...   6
Volunteer Work   10
new years resolution...   47
Has anyone seen Mich...   2
aerospoke   3
lance in sherman oak...   12
Attn: Joe Borfo   6
Utility Bikes   6
fuck laws   7
don't be THAT rider....   76
NYD 2010 - Midnight ...   3
don't be THAT roadie...   5
Bike boxes.   16
Festival of RIGHTS   39
No Bicycle Themed to...   7
peanut butter is a g...   4
Bikes on Bumpers   1
There Will Be Dinosa...   0
public transportatio...   8
is santa here yet?   1
Promising myself   2
He-Man ride 12/17   4
WTT rear hipster whe...   5
I SPY....   6
i don't know where i...   0
if you missed ...   6
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X ray pics.   7
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attn: delirium   23
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Anne hathaway hits a...   49
Prisencolinensinainc...   11
Chynnabooth Photos!   15
ATTN:moms Must Discu...   40
reckless SUV at CRAN...   115
RWNN 12.18.09   9
LACBC Holiday Ride S...   0
Be Safe Out There   0
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Training Wheels   3
West Side to RWNN   3
Toy Ride Toyzz   1
bike talk on air kpf...   4
zoommmm weeeeeee   16
coyotes   16
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2 free kids bikes   1
make Drew Carey PAY   3
NOM NOM Favs   10
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Repost Thread!   1
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Swarm! Don't Get Fat...   27
Rollers are Funny as...   3
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i'm looking for a ne...   8
Car-Free Friday BREA...   6
help me go to new or...   9
I need Time Trial ba...   16
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need super small fra...   18
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MR timestaps   9
Roomate needed in Ho...   5
If you think your fa...   24
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Bike Allowed Full la...   4
Cop Prob   0
Stolen Bike - UCLA -...   5
3 Cyclists Down in C...   19
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GhOst bIkEs!   22
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Ride Dream   12
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Decent Rent   25
i saw this hipster.....   30
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Steampunk ride!!!   16
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I saw..........   4
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only if   6
OC Hit&Run -arrest   39
FLIP video review   7
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LAX Ride Tonight   5
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HELLO????   28
birdman wants more c...   10
arizona border ride(...   80
LATimes - Bike Aware...   2
attn:indigis or road...   3
DIY Bike Tools - Ken...   1
mashing mondays in c...   3
Obama = Peace   70
what ever happened t...   2
tandemXcore   3
anyone from like HP,...   1
666, Question for yo...   5
HELP   7
30 Seconds to Mars V...   265
another coward   7
2009 TOY RIDE START ...   73
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Are you kinky?   62
It's Snowing on the ...   1
LOST @ BRW   1
THE FLY   27
Banner   22
We Ride for the Kids...   8
SCLA:. to ----------...   0
Virginia Ridazz!   17
Need a camera man?   0
TOY RIDE 2009 SPOKE ...   33
Please BRING A TOY t...   21
There is only ONE!!!   105
50cm bike BEST DEAL ...   8
WSJ cheapened   12
sam & adam crash tac...   27
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cyclist killed toda...   35
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check this shit out   6
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props.   12
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Rear Cover   5
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attn: barleye   5
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i miss shadddy   10
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Thread Box:
30 Seconds to Mars Video showcasing LA Riders
Thread started by thunderthighs at 10.7.09 - 10:46 pm

Dear Friends,

This Sunday night, October 11th and Monday night, October 12th we will
be filming a one of a kind night time mass bicycle ride through the
streets of Los Angeles as part of the short film for Thirty Seconds to
Mars' new single, (which was just released this week!) “KINGS +

We’d love to invite you to join us for THE RIDE. We are shutting down
streets, tunnels, bridges, Santa Monica Pier and even Hollywood Blvd!

We will be celebrating the world of night rides, fixies, tall bikes,
short bikes, weird bikes, costumes and most of all, the incredible
community and unique individuals that make up this world. This short
film is a lyrical journey from downtown to the Santa Monica Pier.

The time is TBD.

If you'd like to go on this special ride with us and represent the Los
Angeles bicycle scene, please send the following information to
ridenow123@gmail.com by Friday October 9th @ 6pm so we can know who is coming.

1. You name
2. Your Rida handle (if you have one)
3. Your date of birth
4. Include a photo of yourself (optional)
5. If you have a trick bike, tall bike, etc.

We are looking for specific individuals to feature in the video that
have specialty bikes, costumes or anything unique at all. We want you
in this project.

We will need you to check in and sign a release. If you want to be
featured and have specialty bikes, we will need you to be there the
full time for continuity purposes. PLEASE specify if you can only come
one of the days and which day that would be.

If you've never experienced a night ride with hundreds of people it is
sure to be a night you will not soon forget!

We're really excited to be able to capture the LA bike culture on
film! There will be a lot of other riders you know there, so, invite a
friend and lets ride!

YOU CAN FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: www.twitter.com/ridenow123


how much money does this pay?

10.7.09 - 10:52 pm


You will need to contact the email above and ask them directly.

10.7.09 - 11:03 pm



It's a trap.....the wrath of Kuang Lee

don't do it

10.7.09 - 11:11 pm


social rides have become a fucking joke according to this shit!!!
30 SECONDS TO MARS can eat shit!!!

10.7.09 - 11:12 pm


shit ,shit ,shit!!!!

10.7.09 - 11:13 pm


Yeah 3 words to describe this shit:

Jared Fucking Leto

10.7.09 - 11:14 pm


10.7.09 - 11:17 pm


Wow lads, don't choke on your resentment. It's a band, shooting a video.
Last time I checked we a) lived in Los Angeles and b) weren't really a bunch that minded having pictures of us taken on our bikes, or videos made of us riding.

10.7.09 - 11:18 pm



Leto at peoples ride....

10.7.09 - 11:18 pm



responding to a comment by Foldie
10.7.09 - 11:31 pm



responding to a comment by bananaphone
10.7.09 - 11:36 pm


Ridazz, don't whore yourselves out! If you want to be on camera so bad that you'll let these guys use you for free, nobody can stop you. If you want to keep Midnight Ridazz non-commercialized, avoid this. If anyone involved with the band or the making of this video were regular Ridazz, maybe I'd be interested. But as far as I'm aware, they're not . . . and one of the main reasons they're probably wanting to use Ridazz is because we're FREE. I, for one, will stick to rides that don't exist for the purpose of using our image for the purpose of making an easy buck.


Team Creanberry
10.7.09 - 11:56 pm


It's a remake.........

10.8.09 - 12:00 am


I consider it volunteer work. I volunteer for bikes a few times every week anyways. At least this time I get fed. Tacos, FTW.

10.8.09 - 12:05 am


oh in that case it is ok

note: post says nothing bout tacos. But I am sure your TV head will enjoy to camera time.

responding to a comment by profoscurity
10.8.09 - 12:09 am


Tuesday night while we were all gathering for Harry's birthday ride, Leto's half-brother told me they are going to have taco trucks there during the shoot. The homie Dustin was right there with me. I thought he would have told every one else.. OOPS.

10.8.09 - 12:28 am


ACTUALLY, I even told him about Abe's vegan tacocycle that was at the last crank mob.. he seemed kinda into it. Abe should go make some money this weekend.

10.8.09 - 12:32 am


To much information given to ride a bike I never had to give that kind of information before to ride a bike with midnight ridazz before why start now

10.8.09 - 6:24 am


Someone should tell these guys that The Flaming Lips shot a video with riders in Portland last month. Or maybe someone did tell them....

10.8.09 - 7:01 am


fuck your tacos. do you know how much film shoots typically pay extras to just stand around, not to mention unique freak bikes and costumes?

now if there was someone you knew or free beer involved...

10.8.09 - 7:19 am


That's the thing . . . extras are typically paid very little, and treated poorly on sets (but at least a lot of times they're in SAG and have rights), but they ARE paid and it IS work. So why would anyone in their right mind do it for free? Because we're whores for attention . . . and tacos? Fuck that.

When someone in a car or on foot asks us what we're riding for, I usually either answer with "For fun," or something nonsensical.

Somehow, these possible answers to that question don't have the same ring:

"For 30 Seconds to Mars!"
"Because we want to be in a music video! For free!"
"So we can eat tacos!" (By the way, if there are indeed tacos, who said they're free? And when were tacos such expensive, rare delicacies that they were worth selling out for?)
"So someone else can use our image for commercial gain!"
"For Jared Leto!"

I also hate the idea of drivers stopped in traffic because of us at a ride somewhere in the future, and saying, "Oh, I know about this! I saw it in a 30 Seconds to Mars music video!"

If they don't want to pay us, they should at least make a donation to a cyclist's rights group. I think $50-100 for each person that shows up seems fair. But spending money would defeat the whole purpose of them using us, so why would they do that?


Team Creanberry
responding to a comment by spiraldemon
10.8.09 - 7:46 am


Whores for tacos.

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.8.09 - 8:31 am


See, now.. That IS the thing,..
Katie, Spiraldemon, both of you are spewing misinformation and doing it with full venom.

NO ONE, except YOU two ever said that this was a "free" thing.

You clearly assumed.
So who have you spoken to in the production company? How do you know the expectation is that it's free?


@Spiraldemon- Dood, how long have you known me? Would I put something up here that I didn't think would benefit the out of work ridaz that I know?

Your Assumptions are the Kinda MISINFORMATION the keeps idiots in power and keeps people subjugated. And for what?

I'm just sayin.

Have an opinion, Don't like the band if that's your thing, but dont' put something up here that's simply not true because you're to lazy to do the research.

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.8.09 - 9:23 am


Yeah, stop giving thunderthighs a hard time!

She is awesome and she needs some support.

Unfortunately I will be out of town for this.

This is not the Banana Republic thing guys.

Support her idea or shut the hell up.

Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 9:26 am


If I may offer some expertise; I'm one helluva director with a penchant for punctuation! Notice my use of semicolon? Hmmmmm? But I digress.

Trust me, I've been on a ride too and as I rode alone and dejected, I too thought "Hey, I don't have any ideas of my own, I could totally exploit these people I'm riding with and they'd be none the wiser!" So I did. It's a kin to reality TV, where I don't have to do shit or think of anything creative and these people will fall desperately in love with me and do anything I say... like a love stricken teenage girl.

If you want your shoot to be a success, I suggest stealing clips from youtube, poaching flickr accounts, and showing up for a ride a few times for "credibility." But be warned, these dumb ass kids on bikes know a lot about law and probably know even more about you than you do.


Kuang Lee
responding to a comment by kryxtanicole
10.8.09 - 9:28 am


Why Don't YOU post how much they pay if you are promoting this ride? Why not clear up any misconceptions so that it is clear people are either doing it for free or getting paid for their time.

Shame on you for calling out people when you have no information yourself.

responding to a comment by thunderthighs
10.8.09 - 9:30 am


Sorry Borfo usually I agree with you, but this is BS.

This is Banana Republic. But if the form of Jered Leto.

People can make up their own mind to participate, but I think ridaz also should get paid for their work and the OP has not clarified it.

Have a nice day.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 9:33 am


I am just supporting Thunderthighs. She is just exited about this.

It's a shame you guys are all bitter and jaded and can't do anything without getting a hand out.

In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer...

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by Foldie
10.8.09 - 9:36 am



responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 9:37 am


a) i don't work for the production company but do know that it's a produced, set, ride, by professionals
b) It clearly says that it's a video shoot and not a ride in the posting and in the ride listing
c) if people are interested, which you clearly are not, they can follow the directions and find out how much money is at the end of the road- as typical for any production, there may be different amounts depending on if you are featured or not, so it's not that unusual for the specific amount not to be listed in the initial casting notice.
d) nobody's trying to hijack a ride and film it.
e) THANKS BORFO, it's nice to be supported by those of us who have been around a while & actually done things that benefit the scene and the people in it
f) Again- This is Los Angeles.. Repeat.. YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES.. If you get easliy offended by people asking you if you want to be in their project, you may wanna, I don't know... Move to Portland where they will just ask you if you want to go see their band.

responding to a comment by Foldie
10.8.09 - 9:43 am


I feel like snowcone today.........I will say no more - and I understand where everyone is coming from.

RIde like the wind.......

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 9:56 am


my two posts ask the same question:

how much money does this pay?

my second post said I'd reconsider if the incentives included someone you knew or free beer. you made the assumptions. I never assumed anything.

oh, and fuck the tacos if there are any involved.

responding to a comment by thunderthighs
10.8.09 - 9:56 am


I am actually acquaintances with Shannon Leto and he's a rad dude.

If you don't wanna do it, then don't. My guess is A LOT of people do, they're just not telling.

responding to a comment by thunderthighs
10.8.09 - 9:58 am


"I feel like snowcone today.........I will say no more - and I understand where everyone is coming from. "


10.8.09 - 9:59 am


They're providing snacks and drinks from what they told me. Most likely non alcoholic.

responding to a comment by BICYKILLER
10.8.09 - 10:01 am


Extras know that there's a minimum to be expected. You're minimum is starting at NOTHING. Well I take that back, you offer someone a chance to be in a video of some fucking band I never heard of. FU to your offer!

Benefiting the scene? Do tell! How are going to benefit the scene?

Let's be serious here, you approached us with the intentions of getting some legit extras for nothing, or next to nothing. Get back to us when you got a good chunk of cash that could really benefit our cause.

responding to a comment by thunderthighs
10.8.09 - 10:09 am


Foldie have you seeen that movie!??!?! It's AMAZINGLY GOOD. I can't wait til it goes from VHS to DVD!!! haha... but no seriously, infinite awesome times with that movie.

also, jared leto is watching you.

responding to a comment by Foldie
10.8.09 - 10:13 am


Nevermind all your gaises bickering.... THIS IS WHAT REALLY MATTERS:

"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."
"In any case, I now know that hipster and kwang lee accounts are posted the same Personal Computer..."


10.8.09 - 10:13 am


Ridazz get paid... or get fed!!! -- DO WHAT YOU WANT... your soul doesnt exist anyway.

10.8.09 - 10:23 am


i sell out easy

10.8.09 - 10:36 am


The pay structure should be posted up front.

10.8.09 - 10:41 am



10.8.09 - 10:43 am


call me a whore for tacos, that's totally cool. I'm unemployed and scraping just to keep my apartment so anywhere free food is mentioned I'm there. If I get to be in a music video while I'm at it, cool! I've never done that before and think it would make a cool story to tell my grandkids one day.

"Yeh when ur old pappy had nothin much besides his bike and a skillet, he could still manage to get on the television and have some fun!"

I dunno.. time for a sangwich.

10.8.09 - 11:04 am


What's with all the drama?

Letto and the band (who are from LA) like to ride, and just want to make us a part of what they are doing.

Yea "extras" get paid (not much, a little more if your Union) and they usually put in about 12 hours, and are treated like cattle. I'm sure there will be directing bikes here and there, but nothing you would consider "work." It really comes down to this...

If you like the band, do it.
If you think your being exploited, don't.

10.8.09 - 11:07 am


that pretty much sums up our generation.

"I was on TV"

responding to a comment by profoscurity
10.8.09 - 11:12 am



10.8.09 - 11:26 am


If you like the band, do it.
If you think your being exploited, don't.


responding to a comment by 2zRescue
10.8.09 - 11:30 am


So this is cool, unlike the Kuang Lee situation, because they are not going to be using the Midnight Ridazz logo? And they video won't be shown on MTV or VH1 which of course runs Old Navy and Banana Republic ads.

Also if the camera shots zoom in on your "rad bike" or you as a person....are you really an extra then?: Or an integral part of the video? Extras or atmosphere walk around or ride around in the background. Principles who are given significant screen time are paid for it. They aren't paid in tacos.

10.8.09 - 11:32 am


"It's a cook book, to film ridazz, it's a cook book!"

10.8.09 - 11:35 am


I can't wait for the "spoof" video which I am sure will be 1000 times better.

"When a girl has a heart of stone, there is only one way to melt it...Just add ice"

Cool as ice 2 - staring Jared Leto as "ice" and featuring The girl from "the midnight ride" who had amazingly large headphones as "The girl with a heart of stone"

responding to a comment by hockeyjockey
10.8.09 - 11:38 am


you and your bike will famous- Im all in- I can see it now-the intro should be me popping a wheelie as I head bang to the music

10.8.09 - 11:38 am


hahaha guys it's nothing to really fight over. they're going to shoot it no matter what. it's up to you now to choose to be in it or not.

responding to a comment by hockeyjockey
10.8.09 - 11:39 am


El oh El

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 11:44 am


dress like characters from the kuang lee epic

10.8.09 - 11:47 am


I agree ... if you want to be in it ... do it ...

responding to a comment by mattspeed
10.8.09 - 11:49 am


borfo for president!

10.8.09 - 11:52 am


Souplesse Trailer 1 from Andy Nguyen on Vimeo.

Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 11:55 am


LOL! Some of you have the nerve to request PAY!??!? for being asked to roll on your bike (which you're supposed to love) in front of a Digital Camera. That's ridiculous. First off, if you wanna be a paid extra MR is a bad place. So don't respond to this ad as if it were a legit posting on Mandy's or something. Some of you are posting as if you are an actor yourself. If that be the case, then you know by demanding pay and being an idiot before the production is going to guarantee you being not on the set and never called again.

And to all who think this is a venue for selling out...well...that's plain dumb. This video will never expose a SINGLE rider enough for them to become the star of the video and make his own show off that appearance and then sign huge contracts for big names which only interest is in money.

It seems like some people read this ad, think this is some huge high budget film with millions to throw around, when its just not. It's a small group of people putting up their own money to get recognition and exposure for their talent. This video will not make a profit, this video will by no means make anyone "sell out".

So please, while you're sitting at home bored, hitting the refresh button on this site. Don't take someones idea and blow it up into some huge drama party so you can be entertained for a couple of hours.

10.8.09 - 11:56 am


+ 1

responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 11:59 am


I sure hope Kafourki Sky will get some attention at least.

The most awesome bike i.m.o.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 11:59 am


First rule of a video shoot, there is no video shoot

Jared got paid for fight club why can't I

responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 12:05 pm


This pay issue is maximal silly....

If anyone has friends in the industry... many (ALL) had to work for free on a number of gigs in order to make union, or get the bigger gigs...

DO WHAT YOU WANT...get your tacos

10.8.09 - 12:07 pm


talent is obviously subjective

30STM <> talent

responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 12:07 pm


Isn't Virgin Records paying for the cost of the video?

10.8.09 - 12:17 pm


what's wrong with asking, "How much does this pay?" what else is there if some stranger is asking for a significant part of my time? why do I sit in an office in front of a computer from 9-5, M-F? if I'm doing a job for someone I don't know, I expect to be compensated in some way. personally, I want money.

responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 12:26 pm



never listened to the band but fuck it
riding for money and representing MoM Ridaz in the video,

Any other MoM Ridaz joining courage said you can wear your vests!

10.8.09 - 12:30 pm


What's wrong with wanting to get paied for you taking up my whole night? Doing what some director wants me to do? I don't get it. Do explain that. Next you mention that MR is a bad place to ask to get paid. HELLOOOOOOOOO, she came into MR asking for free extras, I didn't go out soliciting for being an extra. Some of us are posting as if we're actors or something? Who would that be? Name names. I don't see it anywhere. And I won't be called back if I demand a pay? Really? WHERE'S MY MONEY MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!

responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 12:41 pm


"the nerve to request pay"


does that mean we can ask Jared Leno to work for US for free? perhaps for the priviledge of using this community the man can go to each of our rides and CORK for us for free?

responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 12:42 pm


i'll take a quiet life

10.8.09 - 12:43 pm


a handshake of carbon monoxide

10.8.09 - 12:43 pm


in honor of Ridazz Camp at the Salton Sea and Black Rock City, let's bring megaphones to this event and show what Ridazz are all about.

10.8.09 - 12:46 pm



Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by sgrant
10.8.09 - 12:52 pm


ha ha! I didn't know what the music sounded like either.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 12:53 pm


"What's wrong with wanting to get paied for you taking up my whole night? Doing what some director wants me to do? I don't get it. Do explain that."

Well my good friend. Nothing is wrong with wanting pay. But this is clearly not a paid gig, so asking for it...well...it a make a no sense.

After reviewing the posts above, I would have to agree that not a single person up there has presented themselves as an actor. So you my friend are RIGHT! and myself, well caught in a little rage typing.

You will not be called back asking for pay on a non pay gig. But i can call you for something else....

responding to a comment by CrazyPenis
10.8.09 - 12:55 pm


obv the world is fair and your argument is sound.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.8.09 - 12:56 pm


hell yalll

10.8.09 - 1:00 pm


I'm really happy for you, I'm going to let you finish, but.... ah forget it.

Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 1:02 pm


And it makes no sense volunteering the night to possibly get a glimpse of yourself in a video.

If you can promise you'll never come soliciting for unpaid workers here, I think we'll have an agreement.

If not, I'm still waiting for an answer as to how this will benefit our cause.

responding to a comment by filmillr
10.8.09 - 1:03 pm



Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by CrazyPenis
10.8.09 - 1:09 pm


What cause?"? We has a cause?? I thought this site was just to find peeps to ride with... Of course, some of us do more to further visibility and respect for cycling on the streets, but..........

hey, wouldn't getting a bunch of us real ridazz into the eyes of the general public through such a medium, serve to increase awareness and presence anyways?

where is this video getting released? I think I heard the song on kroq last night..

I don't know. I'm just gonna go have fun. If it's not fun, I will pedal away.

10.8.09 - 1:09 pm


I remember see this actorsinger @ the last barcopz!!!

I remember thinking wtf is this guy doing riding ( it was either a ss or a fixed with one front break) on brachopz. Granted I didn't actually see him ride but only showed up @ the stop. But now after reading this request I know that he was just showing his face so he can get some cred with us for his video!

Its cool people can do as they please. Sounds like we should show up and just get every mother fucker on the ride fed then book it as soon as the cameras start to roll. J.k

10.8.09 - 1:11 pm


if the video is anything like this i'm in.............

10.8.09 - 1:26 pm


Can I drink my wine and smoke my medication while participating in this event?

If not, pass.

10.8.09 - 1:27 pm


Gig: Open to Public-- Be an extra in a video, no real skill required, except ability to follow directions and be able to ride a bike and or pose by a bike.

"Actors": And how much for this "work"?

Gig: Not sure if its s paying gig or not, but we'll feed ya'll

"Actors": I dont work for free

Gig: You help us make a dope video, and you get to be in a video... and guess what, you dont need real talent or skill... JUST show up. And we know how much people love to be seen in video and such

"Actors": I have and live by principles (i.e. I'll do it if I'm paid).

Gig: "geez... well if we pay you, will promise not to download music anymore

"Actors": Fuck that!!! I'll about Free

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.8.09 - 1:29 pm


The OP implied that this was beneficial to MR.

"e) THANKS BORFO, it's nice to be supported by those of us who have been around a while & actually done things that benefit the scene and the people in it"

Still waiting to hear from the OP on this.

responding to a comment by profoscurity
10.8.09 - 1:29 pm


Has anyone actually listened to the song ..? Just kinda curious ....

10.8.09 - 1:32 pm







Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
10.8.09 - 1:40 pm


I have heard it once ... I'm just kinda curious how they are going to incorporate a bike ride in L.A ... it shall be entertaining ... Most of there videos are pretty hardcore with the cinematography ...

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 1:45 pm


They can't compete with Fuss Vom Gas.......

bike video

responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
10.8.09 - 1:50 pm


I'm sure it could be fun. Especially with C.R.A.N.K. MOB on the scene...

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
10.8.09 - 1:51 pm


LOL they're going to pay more for his hairstylist then they will for 30 of you taco whores!

Sooner or later word's going to get out that MR is the place to go for cheap/free extras. Then every smuck in Hollywood will be pitching their stupid ideas to us.

Thanks guys!

10.8.09 - 1:52 pm


"I'm just kinda curious how they are going to incorporate a bike ride in L.A"

--Have you ever listened to the crap people blast on rides??????? People will ride to anything... techno, country, pop, rock, death metal, hiphop....... Flock of Segulls... anything

responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
10.8.09 - 1:54 pm


I know who you are now.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by CrazyPenis
10.8.09 - 1:55 pm


I know who you are too.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 1:57 pm


oh shit. i want that chopper badlee!

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by Foldie
10.8.09 - 1:58 pm


I know who you are

10.8.09 - 1:58 pm


not everything has to be about money.

maybe some people enjoy this kind of thing. maybe they've never been to a professional set before, and just want to see what it's like from up close. to actually participate in the shoot, that's just a bonus for them.

maybe they want to try something they've never done before.

maybe they're fans of the band.

or maybe they just think this would be a fun way to spend a day.

how many things have you done, just for fun? did you get paid to do all of those things? you probably had to spend some of your own money to do a lot of those things.

do you seriously expect to get paid for every single thing you do in life?

different people do things for different reasons. if you don't think it's worth your time or trouble, then don't do it. nobody's making you go.

10.8.09 - 1:59 pm


if you guys didnt make cycling mainstream, none of this garbage would matter.

10.8.09 - 1:59 pm


ok, I got no response from the email. anyone else find out how much this pays?

will this gig help a broke, unemployed rida out?

10.8.09 - 1:59 pm


there is obviously a decent budget to this video and there is money to be made when the video is released. I think myself and other people are rightfully upset because

the concept of the video centers around our activities and culture and yet we are being classified as "extras"

I see no statement as to what the pay rate is for the "extras"

the people involved have no prior involvement in the community

responding to a comment by CrazyPenis
10.8.09 - 2:00 pm


Yes and No .. sometimes I drain in out by running my mouth and talking about random things to the homies .. but you are right people will ride to anything ..

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 2:05 pm


I know who you are!!!!!

I miss Marcus.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 2:06 pm


Then MR can not join...

Let them put an ad in craigslist... and the people will show (FOR FREE).

Ive worked in fashion shows, where designers got models for free, and it was merely exposure (resume data) for the models. Fair? Thats another issue. I'll just say, the models who want pay without having a resume to stand on... well, they dont get the gigs.

They know this kind of stuff is exciting to some... so they're offering it. There are plenty of EXTRA people who are willing to do this for free...

If you think what you bring to the table is worth $$$$$$$$$$$... then they'll pay you. Chances are... some Tall-bike riders will be able to negotiate... everyone else is replicable.

Go be famous people...

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.8.09 - 2:07 pm


Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 2:07 pm


Well here's the thing.. you'll likely have advance knowledge of shoot locations. Slap a shitload of posters up overnight or something and turn lemons into lemonade?

10.8.09 - 2:10 pm


good point. but too bad so many of us will be out of town.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by profoscurity
10.8.09 - 2:12 pm


Yeah I sent en email around 10:30 am and no response. I was trying to get information to post here so people can know what is involved and make an informed decision since the OP didn't.

I get the concept that if your friends of the band you will do it for free, I have a friend in the band she wants revenge and I have done plenty for them for free, but that scenario does not cover the 99% of the community.

Anyone who thinks your time is not worth money probably works at McDonalds.

responding to a comment by spiraldemon
10.8.09 - 2:20 pm


Being fans and wanting to see the "behinds the scenes" is all good and stuff, but isn't there a better place for all this than MR? The thing here is that they want legit ridazz and legit bikes, but they don't want to pay. OK maybe they'll get a few ridazz to bit, but it's going to take alot more than a few ridazz to make it it look like a legit ride. Which I think is what they want. I say good luck getting that many ridazz with what you're offering.

And people that come on here are using a resource and keeping that resource running is not at zero cost. Something to think about if you're just here looking for free laborers.

10.8.09 - 2:21 pm


I can put up posters for free too while I'm there, or even beforehand..

10.8.09 - 2:25 pm


Marino is busy working, but he asked me to tell you, "You are all a bunch of NAY SAYERS!"

Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 2:25 pm


First, I know that Jared Letho has been on rides and may be a perfectly nice guy, but . . I happily give my time, expertise and my photographs to my friends for free, but when somebody I don't know asks me to do something I expect to be paid - especially if they're working with a budget.

No hard feelings, that's just the way it is. I have lots of opportunities to hang out with my friends and ride my bike. I have no aspirations of being an "actor". I respectfully decline.

mr rollers
10.8.09 - 2:27 pm



responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.8.09 - 2:36 pm


I guess you have a point. This isn't like studiodrome's project. I'm actually anxious to see that movie once it gets done.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by mr rollers
10.8.09 - 2:39 pm


wow took you awhile to see the light.....You need more beer.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 2:40 pm


oh and I enjoyed doing studiodrome's project. I got to hang out with some kewl ridazz and an alligator.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 2:41 pm


All I saw was that Courage was asking for support. That's all that mattered to me.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by Foldie
10.8.09 - 2:41 pm


Your Assumptions are the Kinda MISINFORMATION the keeps idiots in power and keeps people subjugated.

Oh, now, that's a bit much. Don't you think? Especially considering that you're the one representing a company (even if you don't work for them) and spiral is the one looking out for the interests of people who will be working for that company?

Back to one, guys. Everyone on their marks? OK, picture's up...let's try it again, but more civilly this time.



responding to a comment by thunderthighs
10.8.09 - 2:41 pm


can we drink on this ride?

10.8.09 - 2:44 pm


liz and i might have seen a rough cut last week and it might have been fucking awesome.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 2:45 pm


"can we drink on this ride?"

Only if you sign a release and drink the sponsored brand of beverage.

responding to a comment by 666
10.8.09 - 2:46 pm


i only drink tecate

responding to a comment by Foldie
10.8.09 - 2:47 pm


I saw Jared Leto on LACM. I thought "cool, famous people are actually riding their bikes now." But I should have known there were ulterior motives.

On one hand, it's great that people want to shoot video or films about bike riding.

On the other hand, the bicycle community is not just about a fad or a trend. It is a movement to use alternative transportation. It's also about helping the larger community as a whole. I hope they capture that in the video.

In the end people are free to do what they want.
Maybe they can pass out tacos at skid row too.

10.8.09 - 2:56 pm


that's the point. put the ad on craigslist or hire us for decent wages and there would be no problem. and resume? our resume is that we are the phenomenon that gave the guy the idea for his video. more than 3000 rides in 3 years is a heckova resume....

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 3:00 pm


"On the other hand, the bicycle community is not just about a fad or a trend. It is a movement to use alternative transportation. It's also about helping the larger community as a whole. I hope they capture that in the video."

You're kidding right? It's going to be about how hip it is to be riding a bike. You may want to read the OP again,

"We are looking for specific individuals to feature in the video that have specialty bikes, costumes or anything unique at all."

Doesn't sound like they're looking for commuters to me.

responding to a comment by urbanpedal
10.8.09 - 3:03 pm


Fuck it...

(obviously we dont know its for free or not)
If for free, and we think there are some real principles involved here, then dont go.
They'll find others or just make some other lame video.

If they pay you... good for you. At the end of the day: its a 30 Seconds to Mars Music Video.

Get your paper... if thats what this is really about.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.8.09 - 3:18 pm



has anyone gotten a response from that email?

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 3:33 pm


This is the same thing as when AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT, the band named after a fart, tried to cast us. I didnt do that video either.

10.8.09 - 3:36 pm


Even thunderthighs has gone MIA.

responding to a comment by spiraldemon
10.8.09 - 3:41 pm


As dreamy as he is, if I liked this band, I'd be ALL OVER IT!!!

But I don't, so I wont...

it's as simple as that.

the reverend dak
10.8.09 - 3:44 pm



Actually now that u mention it, is Taylor Swift into bikes? Just askin...

responding to a comment by the reverend dak
10.8.09 - 3:46 pm


Dear god Noooo... I hate Airborne Toxic Event with a passion ... a passion ....

responding to a comment by JOKER
10.8.09 - 3:46 pm



Finally someone just said it... (hence, this is really about principle... its about...as we all know)

If Wu-Tang asked MR to do a video... that would be dope.

At least someone even has an interest...

Kind of like musicians when they're still trying to make it --- they just want to be heard, right? Then when the $$$$ comes in -- "hell no... I dont do this for free... people always trying to keep food out my chilran's mouf's and shit".

responding to a comment by the reverend dak
10.8.09 - 3:53 pm


Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 3:54 pm


bullshit "reverend",
if this payed well, you'd be all over it.

responding to a comment by the reverend dak
10.8.09 - 3:56 pm


Fluffer pay is not very high in scale.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by spiraldemon
10.8.09 - 3:57 pm


or if it had good beer

10.8.09 - 3:57 pm


Are we talking full blown Wu- Tang or like half of them ...

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 3:58 pm


I this thread still going on?

Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 3:58 pm


I love the ad.

"one of a kind night time ride"

I have done sooooooo many "one of a kind" ride they should just let me tell stories for an hour.

I wonder if there are multiple waivers to sign. Do you need to be SAG?

We will close down shit for you, no worries we do that on our own.

10.8.09 - 4:00 pm


If RZA, GZA and Bill Murray show up... Im in!!

None of these cats have done anything for Los Angeles cycling... but Id be an extra FOR FREE. But i suffer from Delirium

responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
10.8.09 - 4:04 pm


"Actors": I dont work for free

Gig: You help us make a dope video, and you get to be in a video... and guess what, you dont need real talent or skill... JUST show up. And we know how much people love to be seen in video and such

"Actors": I have and live by principles (i.e. I'll do it if I'm paid).

Gig: "geez... well if we pay you, will promise not to download music anymore

"Actors": Fuck that!!! I'll about Free

Truer words never spoken!

and CrazyPenis.... CP or.... ?

responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
10.8.09 - 4:05 pm


ok. The gig pays extras and then featured riders a little more.
That's all I know. No one is trying to get you to ride for free.
Production should be able to tell me by the end of the day how much people are getting paid, AND THEY ARE GETTING PAID.

As for the things I've done for this community:

a) I don't think offering people a chance to ride in a video & make a little extra scratch at a time when we can all use some money could be seen as a negative.

b) Then there's the countless injuries, concussions and broken bones I've splinted and or sat with until the medics arrived.

c) a million flat tires, re-trued wheels & general No Rida left behind nonsense.

d) the fire performing on the rides always when asked.

So yeah, if you don't like the band that's your deal and I can totally appreciate it, but as for being super negative and trying to shut down a legitimate film shoot that is actually going to help some members of this community make a little extra money while they are out of work, that's your karma.

See you on set.

10.8.09 - 4:13 pm


i remember the band Air born toxic event were trying to get riders for a video shoot. it was the same night as the last sins and sprockets ride. anyone know what happened with that?

10.8.09 - 4:13 pm


Music Videos are hell even when you are being paid well .. and I'm not sure any of us is hurting for an opportunity to go on a group ride. I love you, Courage, but I'll have to say no thanks this time.

10.8.09 - 4:21 pm


I no have no special/kustom bike or ken-due tricks. will i gets paid $$$$
one dolla make me holla!!

10.8.09 - 4:22 pm


see you'll get your money...

Justice: 1

Street Cred: -2







MR: We do it for the children

responding to a comment by thunderthighs
10.8.09 - 4:24 pm


responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 4:27 pm


More important for our Hippie, Freegan, Justice-first friends....

Dolla, Dolla Bills Ya'll....

Get that thompson seatpost.... cuz bling is bling.

responding to a comment by -Dexter-
10.8.09 - 4:34 pm


just tired of outsider production companies basically raiding the community for free talent and culture. I see the same things go down in the street art community. "well look they already do it all the time for nothing why would we need to pay them anything?"

people are BROKE. there's nothing wrong with getting paid for your services and frankly for providing free bicycle rental, costume rental, medical risk and talent.

it would be different if Jared Leto was an active member of the community and threw rides and fixed flats and so forth like some of the other film makers and band members that actually DO such things around here it wouldnt seem culture vulture it would be like supporting a friend for his project. is he pictured anywhere in the gallery? how many rides has he been on?


(what would the Hell's Angels do?)

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 4:45 pm


I'm still confused how this would benefit the scene? Care to try to answer that?

And why didn't you add, "a) I don't think offering people a chance to ride in a video & make a little extra scratch at a time when we can all use some money could be seen as a negative. ", at the top of this post? Would have avoided alot of BS.

And gf, you haven't seen me super negative. I'm cruise right now baby!

responding to a comment by thunderthighs
10.8.09 - 4:54 pm


method man got popped for tax evasion.

10.8.09 - 4:56 pm


Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by CrazyPenis
10.8.09 - 4:56 pm


I concur.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 4:57 pm


Guess he must've forgotten.
Weed does funny things to your memory.

responding to a comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.8.09 - 4:59 pm


i get it... its a fucked up industry in that sense... as I noted before... the problem is that many people HAVE TO work for free to get the real paying jobs.

I have friends who are Union, and honestly are struggling because the industry is not the same these days. This dude had to work for free for a long time, with little paying gigs, and some nice paying gigs in order to even get enough credit to make union.

Now youre gonna tell me that IN THIS CASE... a bunch of kids are entitled to make a buck, when you have talented people in this industry struggling?

Its not that i dont think people should get paid, its that its silly to think IN THIS INDUSTRY you can act all entitled and shit, when people have put in Real work to earn $$$$$$$$$$$$ (sure some dont).

But the emphasis on being paid in this thread looked so silly, as the MR for everyone ran into the MR who is someone. Suddenly when $$$$ come on the seen...something changed a bit. Suddenly Jared Leto ISNT MR. Suddenly, MR needs to be paid because they are the "phenomenon".

So pay us, join us, or leave us alone, right? Cool... thats all good.

It would have been different if people were like: Awwww, this is really cool that they would want us in the video (but, no, we expect this because of how we perceive ourselves--this phenomenon). In fact it was like...they're trying to exploit us...

Why didnt people really come out and say: Maybe we can them to put a quick message at the end to encourage bike/car safety. It was about putting $$$ in our pockets. Again, sure its tough times, but sometimes... as the OP noted... this was something they wanted to do for MR too... but of course we're all quick to throw in the hidden agenda card, because we're all so fucking cool.

I guess humility fails, when you become someone (as i noted about musicians prior to making it). Cool, MR made it. Rock out!!!

Get your money--Im not hating.

Tomorrow I might take all my posts back too... Delirium

Wu-Tang Forever

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.8.09 - 5:08 pm


One of the main reasons I love living in LA is because the rest of the world looks at us to see what’s happening next. We are the future. I like the idea that the FUN we are creating is going to reach the whole world.
The main outlet for LA to reach the rest of the world is Hollywood. The 30 seconds video is OUR opportunity to use Hollywood to show millions of people the future. This is also an opportunity for us to have FUN in the streets in ways we normally wouldn’t (the streets will be closed). This is a FUNortunity!

10.8.09 - 5:13 pm


Er... am I the only one who thinks maybe this dude is just another new Rida? I mean, those of us who joined "the scene" after it was up and running all remember those first few months when we thought it was the shit and wanted everyone around us to know how cool it was, right?
I mean, how many times do you talk to kids who just started riding with us and now want to write an article about MR for the school paper?
I feel like maybe this is just more of the same, only this guy's got a bigger name.

10.8.09 - 5:17 pm


"This is a FUNortunity" yes it is - Im shure all the haters will be polishing their bikes and laying out there outfits sunday morning- Im shure there will be a ton a ridazz down there and they wont be holding protest signs.

responding to a comment by alec
10.8.09 - 5:20 pm


Leto just knows that if his bands is going to make it to the next level, he has to get MR involved.

Its all selfish exploitation. This is not an opportunity for MR, its an opportunity for 30 Seconds to Mars.

--I'll bet jared Leto will return the favor too... he might be willing to work for free--- maybe we just need to ask.

"Leto, anything you can do to help promote cycling in Los Angeles?"

How about I put ya'll in my next video???

--you gonna pay us???

responding to a comment by danya
10.8.09 - 5:23 pm


Now youre gonna tell me that IN THIS CASE... a bunch of kids are entitled to make a buck, when you have talented people in this industry struggling?


responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 5:27 pm


I agree with Harlan Ellison: Pay the Rida.

10.8.09 - 5:28 pm


Dude... I mean, it's 30 Seconds to Mars. They've already done their Top 40 thing.
Why can't famous people have feelings too?

That being said, it does seem lame that they're not offering anything back to the community at large- I think it would be cooler if they were to offer the difference in costs to LACBC or RB's poster project or something. Maybe we could ask, since a few people do have the direct connections to do so.

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 5:28 pm


I like the idea of seeing my dumb ass riding a bike in a music video. It's not like this is a sitcom or a crime drama; it's a music video that will be played over and over again, which means more opportunities to see my dumb ass riding a bike in a music video.

responding to a comment by alec
10.8.09 - 5:31 pm


hahaha... good one.

I agree.

Get your money.

responding to a comment by PC
10.8.09 - 5:32 pm


Apparently people are going to get paid. So...problem solved. What shall we bicker about now? Ideas, anyone?

responding to a comment by md2
10.8.09 - 5:38 pm


Are you kidding me.........


responding to a comment by PC
10.8.09 - 5:40 pm


THIS IS GONNA BE F.U.N.!!!!!!!!!!!

10.8.09 - 5:43 pm


If Roadblock attends does he get a better cut if we do the same work?


responding to a comment by profoscurity
10.8.09 - 5:44 pm


Didn't read the whole thread, was too annoyed just flipping through it with all the naysaying and complaining bitching and moaning everywhere. Typical.

Personally, I'm thinkin about going to check out how they are doing their shoot. Also the thought of riding my bike through some closed off streets en masse sounds kinda fun.


10.8.09 - 5:48 pm


Closed off streets hmm..

Have you checked out this ride yet?

responding to a comment by jonnyboy
10.8.09 - 6:26 pm


I'm going to be attending the ride. I figure I love riding my bike why not in a different setting under some unique circumstances. Should I happen to make a quick buck... that's cool too.

Plus, Leto's a good guy from what I hear from all my friends that have ridden with him on a few rides the last couple of weeks.

Let's just go and have fun. Whadayasay?

Jazzy Phat Nastee
10.8.09 - 6:52 pm


Jonnyboy and alex made good points. So does Danya. Maybe jarod can help the community by contributing to a PSA.

The lacbc is coming out with a PSA aimed toward drivers. How about if Jarod volunteers for that?

responding to a comment by jonnyboy
10.8.09 - 6:55 pm


why all the hate? the friend that ur adamantly protecting is making a claim. I'm asking her to explain her claim. If you can't help, then bug out.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.8.09 - 7:30 pm


Regarding the desperation, claiming to be so low on cash that they NEED to do this for tacos . . . dude, I'll buy you a taco.

Regarding Thunderthighs being nice . . . I'm sure she is. I never said she wasn't.

Regarding a sense of entitlement . . . the thing about the industry, as I have experienced firsthand and see OVER and OVER on a daily basis, is that if you don't insist on a basic level of respect (which includes getting paid), you will permanently become a doormat. Eager young beavers who work for free generally stay working for free for a looooooooooong time. The industry doesn't like giving hard workers the rewards they deserve, they like to cut costs by abusing those willing to be abused. Asking for fair pay for a night's work (I don't like to ask extras how much they make, but I think it's usually around $125 a day now) is NOT being demanding. Furthermore, of course I ride my bike because I love it, which is why I'm not going to commercialize it by riding in a stupid fucking music video. I'll just continue to ride my bike for free on rides that are about having fun, not taking advantage of me. Furthermore, this is a music video with a decent budget, not a student art project. THEY CAN AFFORD US.

Regarding those who want to be seen on camera . . . seriously guys?

For those of y'all who want to throw good sense to the wind and do this anyway, please allow me to say "I told you so," in advance for when the "ride" wasn't fun because it was WORK, you didn't get paid as much as you thought you should, or at all, and you don't like the video and are shocked about how it represents Midnight Ridazz.

Team Creanberry
10.8.09 - 8:52 pm


Oh hell yeah!!! You tell it sista!!!

An enthusiastic thumbs up!!

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.8.09 - 9:26 pm


Didn't read the whole thread, was too annoyed just flipping through it with all the naysaying and complaining bitching and moaning everywhere. Typical.

Yeah, I hate it when people apply critical thinking to things that other people tell them. What's up with that?

responding to a comment by jonnyboy
10.8.09 - 9:46 pm


see what happens? see what happens when cycling goes mainstream? yeah.

la duderina
10.8.09 - 9:52 pm


I'm really happy for you, and I'm sure you had something important to say. But I have something REALLY important to say.....

responding to a comment by PC
10.8.09 - 10:23 pm


I would go but only if I can ask the camera "Is this Wolfpack Hustle?"

10.8.09 - 10:27 pm


just got an email back from the production co. and the pay is not bad at all .im in
i changed my mind about how i felt about this and i will be there.
i give this bike riding activity 2 thumbs up!
i hope to see you guys there.

10.8.09 - 10:40 pm


I got an email today at 6:37pm that states they are still working out the details on the pay structure and will get back to me, which leads me to beleive they never intended to pay ridazz and are now scrambling to see what they are going to do. Whatever happens I hope those that do participate get paid and have a good experience.

It would be nice if they would coordinate with the OP and post it here so everyone has the benefit of correct information.

I am a native American, ride like the wind, Zoooom weeee

Never forget Kuang Lee.

responding to a comment by mandingo
10.8.09 - 10:54 pm


havent you heard? FUN is dead

responding to a comment by profoscurity
10.8.09 - 11:43 pm


I personally choose pas de attendre. Or whatever. I'll pass. I want to focus on the more meaningful rides.

10.8.09 - 11:48 pm


i would like to get paid...shhhhi!

10.8.09 - 11:49 pm


Must be weird when your alter ego's can decide to do the ride or not.

responding to a comment by tivu
10.8.09 - 11:49 pm


Hmm? If that was an inquiry as to what my reason is for not going, I'll let you know if you ask politely.

10.8.09 - 11:52 pm


sorry. the devil made me due et.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by CrazyPenis
10.9.09 - 1:00 am


PFC England let herself go worse than I did.

responding to a comment by User1
10.9.09 - 1:07 am


FUN is gonna RiSE. ur gonna see!

responding to a comment by 666
10.9.09 - 1:24 am


I just heard from some people who are working on this video that the original idea was to have the ridazz go from the city streets into the Harbor FWY and take over the Freeway.
But they are doing this with permits and unfortunately CalTrans shot down the idea. Fuckers!

This is just a hunch but I don't think this is going to be a lame portrayal of the ridazz.And it pays.

10.9.09 - 1:26 am


its like this, you can say "fuck commercialization of bikes" but if you are really a bike advocate and not just some hipster you will realize commercialization is a good thing. bikes become cool = more people ride bikes = less cars + more bike infrastructure.

10.9.09 - 3:55 am


Commercialization of the right thing could be a good thing.
Cars are commercialized to death in this country, it's time bicycles are afforded some more of that lime-light.

It would definitely serve car-centric enclaves like where I live some duty.
A month of TDF coverage on a premium cable/satellite channel is not enough to spurn much mainstream interest.

responding to a comment by larsenf
10.9.09 - 4:54 am


I only read like half of this thread but all I have to say is:


Co-opt some other subculture.

10.9.09 - 6:44 am


You might have missed the part where even DINGO changed his mind about this...

I wonder why?

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by monovsstereo
10.9.09 - 6:52 am


I don't care if Dingo changed his mind. I don't care if they're going to pay now, and I don't believe they intended to originally.

It's not about the money (on the riders' end) anyway. It's about taking advantage of a scene and community for business gain. I don't think it's appropriate. I think there are far better ways to promote (safe) cycling than allowing a band on a major label to cash in on the popularity of cycling, the best of which is to set a good example. Meaning I ride every day because I fucking love it and I prefer it to driving, not because some guy's band paid me to show up.

10.9.09 - 7:06 am


I should also add . . . with filming down in LA right now, and lots of industry people not able to make ends meet, this is the *most important* time to demand fair pay, equivilant to what "real" extras make. If you're willing to do this for free, you're essentially a scab when there are hundreds upon hundreds of actors/extras who need the money and could competently ride a bike (well enough for them to get what they want on film). I'm in a line of work where I frequently see productions use an extra or a friend to do a job for around $35 that a professional would be making $700+ for, even when the extra is doing a shitty job. The point is, they will jump on the opportunity to use someone for cheaper or free, even when the professionals need the work and it's not in anyone's best interest except the person counting the money at the end of the day. It's a favor not only to yourselves, but all the out-of-work extras/actors, to DEMAND fair pay and fair treatment.

Furthermore, production companies don't care if you are having fun. They don't care if you are safe, unless you become a financial liability to them. They don't care if they are doing things the right or even legal way, again, unless it becomes a financial issue (hell, just yesterday I busted a production for doing things they didn't have permits for and WERE very unsafe and unfair). I'm opposed to anyone commercializing this in the first place on principle, but for god's sake, if you're going to do it, stand up for yourself and don't get used for free!

Team Creanberry
10.9.09 - 8:16 am


As long as people get some cheese then it's all good. People are so quick to want to be on TV they give themselves up for free. This production can afford to pay you for your work. Had they gone through craigslist they would have found all kinds of random people answerring and basically not looking the part. So they are getting a lot of authentic talent concentrated in this comunity.That's worth something. So get paid for it.

10.9.09 - 8:38 am


so how much does this pay?

responding to a comment by mandingo
10.9.09 - 8:39 am


$40 for the night and a subway sandwitch.

More than what you get fluffing.

NOT a Troll!
responding to a comment by spiraldemon
10.9.09 - 9:36 am


Still no reply from the production company.

responding to a comment by spiraldemon
10.9.09 - 9:38 am


I guess the free point is misunderstood.

The point is that many who "make it" in the industry--PAID THEIR DUES.

Some had to take lowering paying gigs, or just helped out, to get their foot in the door. Once you gain leverage... then yes, you can usually get all the $$$$$$ you want.

But a lot (most) worked on many non-paying gigs because they needed the experience and the resume. Call it what you want -- but its true. I never said it was right.

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.9.09 - 9:51 am


Back in the day in the '80s when the old bands would play (old school)
They managed O.K.
They did fine
Although they never got paid (that's cool)
50 cent shows, no cars
we walked both ways through the snow (up hill)
That's how it should go,
but you're too busy counting your dough (each bill)

If you want to be punk, if you want to be cool
Don't forget the golden rule
Stay underground, you must stay poor
Don't grow up and don't ask for more

You live for the green,
dead presidents are destroying our scene (money)
You know what I mean,
you pay your rent by selling the dream (for me)
No Individual Retirement Account
Forget you and your 401K (wall street)
I'm gonna stay as poor as I am today (can't eat)

You can't be punk if you don't care that dollar signs are everywhere
It seems like everyone's on Victory
But I will give away all that's mine, and we won't make another dime
Money changes everything, you see
But I won't let it change me.

10.9.09 - 10:01 am


WOW ! ! ! This thread blew the FUCK up in a matter of hours!

10.9.09 - 10:33 am


24 hours, actually...
not bad...

want to be in a 30 Sec to Mars video? Nows your chance!!!

Get paid, Get on TV, and Get Some.

If ever decide to buy a digital antenna, I'll possibly watch something on TV... actually I would have to get cable or something too... all in all... I'll see you all on youtube.

The Roots - Star
Uploaded by Ofca.</div>

responding to a comment by NOISEPOCKET
10.9.09 - 10:45 am


surprising that they're actually considering pay. Usually when a production company asks for a shit-ton of extras the people come. All they've got to do is have the release forms ready and some catering.

10.9.09 - 11:36 am


" I frequently see productions use an extra or a friend to do a job for around $35 that a professional would be making $700+ ."

$700 is what an actor makes. Someone who has a speaking part and/or is prominently featured for a length of time.
Extras never get $700. Also music videos don't have the same strict union pay rules as film, tv, commercials.

I know that in the past I've come against prostituting ourselves for TV but this project has the following positive attributes.
1. Jared Leto has ridden with us several times. He is the leader of the band and the director of the project. It's his script, his money, not a record company's.
2. They have hired as advisors people who've been part of this community for years like Courage.
3. They will pay you to participate.
4. From what I understand it celebrates/promotes the bicycle culture

Yes. It's a commercial project but as far as commercial projects go it's as good as it can get.

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.9.09 - 12:13 pm


Richie is also on board with this and is allowing use of his mini bikes that are stored in my garage.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by marino
10.9.09 - 12:20 pm


Good response.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
10.9.09 - 3:15 pm


me and all my handles will be there :)

why not? i am FUNemployed and love all night shoots. what's more FUN then riding our bikes anyway?

the comments on this thread never surprise me. i'll see you all there!


10.9.09 - 4:25 pm


> $700 is what an actor makes. Someone who has a speaking part and/or is prominently featured for a length of time. Extras never get $700. Also music videos don't have the same strict union pay rules as film, tv, commercials.

I wasn't talking about acting. I was saying that I frequently see extras get thrown a few extra bucks to provide a service BESIDES acting that a professional would make upwards of $700 for. Not only does it undercut the professionals, but it's a really bad idea and it's usually illegal. Do productions do it all the time anyway? You bet. Hey, it's cheaper, so why not??

>1. Jared Leto has ridden with us several times. He is the leader of the band and the
> director of the project. It's his script, his money, not a record company's.

His money? Do you have proof?

> 2. They have hired as advisors people who've been part of this community for years > like Courage.

They're pawns.

> 3. They will pay you to participate.

Still no proof.

> 4. From what I understand it celebrates/promotes the bicycle culture

Until everyone sees the finished product and decides that it doesn't represent/promote bicycle culture they way they want it to, and they get their panties in a wad because they feel misrepresented.

> Yes. It's a commercial project but as far as commercial projects go it's as good as it > can get.

I think "as good as it can get" means paying well, treating the cyclists like humans instead of animals, and providing some serious, quantifiable contribution to cyclist rights or Midnight Ridazz . . . not this theoretical, imagined promotion of bicycle culture.

Team Creanberry
responding to a comment by marino
10.9.09 - 4:58 pm


Man, I'm liking what this TC chick is saying. This Marino dood? Not so much! :-(

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.9.09 - 5:09 pm


I'll be there, hopefully taking photos.

The bickering here is hilarious. This is also the thread that inspired me to log in and post after like an 18 month absence.

10.9.09 - 5:17 pm


Oh I'm totally out of the running. They're looking for hipsters.

responding to a comment by markedge
10.9.09 - 5:26 pm


I've worked in the film industry for 20 years. I'm one of these people who make $700/day
Yes you are right.
I see it all the time.
They take extras and make them 1st ADs, Gaffers, Assistant Cameramen and Location managers.
And this project is going to be one of these.
I know because three of my friends work on it. They were extras last week.
You've uncovered our evil scheme.

@User1 if that turns you on, I'll wear it. Stop begging.

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.9.09 - 5:28 pm


I was referring to providing animals.

Team Creanberry
responding to a comment by marino
10.9.09 - 7:14 pm



responding to a comment by User1
10.9.09 - 7:24 pm


@ Markedge - good to hear from you!

@User 1 - yeah, I suspect you and I are not the target demographic here.

mr rollers
10.9.09 - 7:55 pm


">1. Jared Leto has ridden with us several times. He is the leader of the band and the
> director of the project. It's his script, his money, not a record company's.

His money? Do you have proof?

> 2. They have hired as advisors people who've been part of this community for years > like Courage.

They're pawns.

> 3. They will pay you to participate.

Still no proof.

> 4. From what I understand it celebrates/promotes the bicycle culture

Until everyone sees the finished product and decides that it doesn't represent/promote bicycle culture they way they want it to, and they get their panties in a wad because they feel misrepresented.

> Yes. It's a commercial project but as far as commercial projects go it's as good as it > can get.

I think "as good as it can get" means paying well, treating the cyclists like humans instead of animals, and providing some serious, quantifiable contribution to cyclist rights or Midnight Ridazz . . . not this theoretical, imagined promotion of bicycle culture. "

i have to agree with Team Creanberry on this... i mean, seriously guys, we really won't know if this project truly celebrates LA bike culture until we see the finished product. doesn't that scare you a bit? how the hell are we supposed to really know if this project is really representing our culture unless we see the finished product first? don't you people see??? there's no way we can truly tell if they are going to let us be ourselves or if they are going to oppress or herd us like farm animals! oh my god, open your fucking eyes! you say there's pay? PROVE IT! NO REALLY. PROVE IT!!! shit... maybe every one of you is working against me. everyone who posted in this thread is secretly working for 30 Seconds To Banana and conspiring against me and my culture. who sent you??? DAMMIT WHO SENT YOU???? i'll show you. you think you've got the best of me but i'll show you. i can outsmart every last one of you corporate zombies. how? maybe i'll just lock all my doors and windows and never leave my house again. how would you like that, huh?? i can live off my Lucky Charms and use my superior forum commenting skills to thwart off corporate demons like yourselves. that's the only true way to promote bicycle culture after all. so if i don't go to this so-called "music video shoot", then they'll never even get the chance to underpay me and misrepresent my culture because without me there will be no finished product. they'll have to completely change their script and find some other subculture to destroy. yep! that's what'll happen. they won't be able to make a video with bikes. iin fact, if i stay inside, maybe everyone will forget that bikes exist and my awesome bike culture continue to thrive sans exploitation from outside evil forces. so yeah, you can count me out for this one. nice try! i win! MUAH HA HA HA! besides... the Stars are playing the Canucks on Sunday so i guess i'll watch that instead.

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.9.09 - 8:00 pm


I was referring to providing animals.

Yes, it's true. Often they may use non-professional animals handled by non-professional handlers. Esp when it's a quick shot. Same with kids. There is no animals involved in this music video.

It features bicycles riding MR style and they are hiring real ridazz not phony extras/actors.

There is also an e-mail circulating back channel with all the details.
If you are interested e-mail ridenow123@gmail.com

1. Your name
2. Your Rida handle/screen name/nick name (if you have one)
3. Your date of birth
4. Include a photo of yourself (optional)
5. If you have a trick bike, tall bike, etc.

I'm going to go. I have no vested interest in this other than several of my friends some from the bike world, some from the movie world are working on it.

responding to a comment by Team Creanberry
10.9.09 - 8:01 pm


rollers and Doucher1,

did you guys want to do this video shoot? if so, did you guys respond to the email address in the first post?

I plan to be there.

responding to a comment by mr rollers
10.9.09 - 8:02 pm


Some of us have been paid to ride on set before, remember that Bones shoot?

Once you're pro why go back to doing it for free. ;)

10.9.09 - 8:41 pm


I think it's a cool thing, I can see some of the points people make, but seems like a lot whining. Hell some people pay money for organized bike rides that don't even get street closures. Anyone who thinks music videos are some big money doesn't know much about the industry. Music videos are typically on shoe string budgets, and a lot of times production companies and effect houses that do work on music videos make next to nothing or even a loss doing them. A lot of companies will take on a music video to get exposure and flex more creative muscle than in much higher paying more commercial work. Music videos may help drum up marketing for records, but little of that money trickles down to the people making the music videos. Yeah it's kind of messed up, but that's how it is, and I think it's unrealistic to think riding your bike in the background is going to land you tons of cash or something.

Cycling needs more positive images in popular culture. Car companies craft the imagery and expectations of transportation through some of the biggest advertising budgets in the world. Bike companies don't have that kind of cash, so any exposure that shows cycling in a positive light to a mass audience I think is a good thing.

10.9.09 - 9:11 pm


I'm afraid to go check out the band.... are they good? I will go youtube..

hahahah @kieron

10.9.09 - 9:39 pm


don't like it... bring pies to throw. like it.... bring pies to throw.

10.9.09 - 10:41 pm


Can someone please look up the word pretentious for Mr Leto.

10.10.09 - 12:18 am


Apparently one of their award winning videos was shot in the Arctic Circle. Pretty expensive location to shoot, but can't even hook up some local LA folks.

10.10.09 - 12:21 am


I'm doing this. See you guyth there!

Joe Borfo
10.10.09 - 12:22 am


8===============3 ~~~~~~~~~~

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.10.09 - 12:37 am


100 dollahs in my mouf. If I see Leto, I'll punch him like Tyler did in Fight Club. I'll tell him Foldie made me do it.

Joe Borfo
10.10.09 - 12:41 am


I'd sell out just to see you do that. What time does the punch Jared ride start?

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.10.09 - 12:44 am


you didn't get the email? oh shit. I've said too much...

this is all pretend. don't pay any attention. this isn't really happening!

dee dee dee deedee dee dee dee deedee dee dee dee deedee dee deedee dee dee!

Joe Borfo
10.10.09 - 12:53 am


Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by Foldie
10.10.09 - 1:20 am


Want!!!!! where can I get one.

responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
10.10.09 - 1:22 am


Bike culture is not for sale. You guys hsould go and find your own ORIGINAL video ideas. Midnight ridazz was not created to support second rate actors vanity projects.

Just because bruce willis and woody harrelson have a band doesnt mean jared leto gets to have one too.

Jared, you should go back to your red carpet schmoozing and sunset blvd club life.

10.10.09 - 6:04 am


The Banana Republic thing was lame, but as long as we fight to keep cycling as obscure as possible by saying F-off to anyone wanting to put us on camera, it will do no good to growing cycling as a whole. Ironically we of course shoot our selves on camera non stop, but no one sees any of that who isn't already in the know for the most part. Makes me think of Bike Snobs poking fun at bike culture being closed in 2009, no one else is welcome.

responding to a comment by stillline
10.10.09 - 12:03 pm


Yeah it's kind of messed up, but that's how it is, and I think it's unrealistic to think riding your bike in the background is going to land you tons of cash or something.

Can you point out one person on this thread that expects tons of cash for showing up at this shoot?

Also we haven't been saying "F-off" to anyone that wants our help at doing shoots like this. Just to people that we feel are here to exploit us, then move on to the next flavor of the week.

Bottom line is people can do this or not. From what I'm hearing is they are expected to do this shit, and then at the end of the night they're getting paid. They don't know how much, how many hours, or anything. Can you say exploitation? I know you can!

You want to promote bicycling? Promote thievery! Yeah, that promotes bicycling.

responding to a comment by GarySe7en
10.10.09 - 1:27 pm


From what I'm hearing is they are expected to do this shit, and then at the end of the night they're getting paid. They don't know how much, how many hours, or anything.

Talking out of your ass again.

Yes we know when,where, how much because we responded to the email address posted in the original post.

At this point is by invitation only anyway. I guess you were not invited. We'll miss you.

responding to a comment by User1
10.10.09 - 1:36 pm


No, actually my source was someone that had emailed and got an email back from this source. I was speaking to him last night.

BTW, why all the secrecy? What is the details on this? Either don't mentioned all this crap or give all the details. This "I have a secret and you don't" is BS.

You going to make me break out my girlie email alias?

responding to a comment by marino
10.10.09 - 1:45 pm


The Banana Republic was not just lame, it was also done for free.
GAP who owns Banana Republic is a multi billion dollar company that spends 100s of millions of dollars in advertising a year and did a bikexploitation commercial without paying anybody from the director, to the crew, to the ridazz anything.

I have no idea how much Jared Leto's band is worth but they are not GAP, they are not the Rolling Stones, they are not U2 and they still pay everybody a decent wage.

responding to a comment by GarySe7en
10.10.09 - 1:47 pm


Certain people who they want to feature in the video and are available the entire time (plus some) are being paid and we know how much. They are spending $10,000 on hiring Ridazz for Sunday. Anyone who wants to participate and have fun can come be background for any part of the day. Now you know. It's going to be FUN. Come play.

10.10.09 - 3:47 pm


Geez, I figured I'd shut up Gary, but Marino????? Holly cows!!!!

Do we have a confirmation on that $10,000? So if 10 ridazz show up, and they contribute equally, they each get $1000?

So much for giving us the BS about being broke huh?

10.10.09 - 3:52 pm


Lets drop this $$ drama BS please... Any production gets a budget on the side for extras anyway... Is it a problem that they give some to the bikers?? Or would you be more happy if NO ONE got anything? . If you were one to reply to the email and make yourself available for the 12 hours of shooting, they have some compensation going to you. It's the least they can do, yes?? Yes. It's about time some filming put some money back into broke ass bikers hands.

Look at like this - These guys want to capture the LA Biking spirit in this video which will be broadcast worldwide... Not only will we be hanging out with our friends on the shoot, but we get free food, drink, closed streets lots of fun and even some of our ridazz are getting fitted for costumes! HOW RAD IS THAT!~?!??!

I'm going to have a blast and i'm sure everyone else who shows up will too... If you're not coming, then stop bickering about it please. This isn't hurting anyone, only helping.

BTW: the 1st shot is of the bike mass all going over the 6th st. bridge at once.


See you there on kafourki sky.

responding to a comment by User1
10.10.09 - 6:58 pm


well said- see all yall there!!!

responding to a comment by richtotheie
10.10.09 - 7:03 pm


Anyone who wants to ride out to this shoot from hollywood- we are meeting at big wangs in hollywood at 2pm (selma and cahuenga) for beers and then riding out at 3pm sharp to downtown to check out the video shoot- anybody In that part of town who's thinking about going -come on out and we will ride as a group .

10.10.09 - 7:12 pm


yehhhhh boiii!! lets ride!

responding to a comment by richtotheie
10.10.09 - 7:24 pm


+100 to richie and everyone else who supports riding.

This is gonna be like Critical Mass/Crank Mob with streets closed for bicycles. A dream come true!

Also I love LA. What is the main industry here? Film production. They could have shot this in Portland or Toronto for cheaper and without putting up with naysayers. But they're doing it in LA. They're gonna feature LA ridazz, LA landmarks, LA streets.;

Let's be proud of our city. Let's show support for the industry in our city. Let's ride!!!

puck killer
10.10.09 - 7:49 pm


I sent an email and only got a we will get back to reply. I guess I am not special.

Oh well maybe if I dress up like a douche and get a cool bike I can make the next video.

Enjoy the shoot guys.

responding to a comment by puck killer
10.10.09 - 10:16 pm


This is the follow-up e-mail you should have gotten:

Hello Riders!!!

We are so excited to have you all involved in our video shoot for Thirty Seconds to Mars.

Here is the final info for Sunday, no more changes ☺

We will meet Sunday @ 5pm at the bottom of the 6th Street Bridge, Downtown Los Angeles. It is on the corner of 6th St and Mateo. We will quickly check everyone in and get ready to ride down the bridge, en mass, at 6pm.

We will be shooting until 4am, and we would love for you all to stay the entire time, but if you can only come for a few hours, we still want you there!

((There can be absolutely no alcohol or drugs or we will get shut down. Also, we can only have people over 18 for liability reasons.))

See you tomorrow for a fun night of riding down blocked off bridges and tunnels Downtown!

PLEASE FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: www.twitter.com/ridenow123--- FOR UP TO DATE INFO :)

responding to a comment by Foldie
10.10.09 - 10:44 pm


who the fuck is 30 seconds to mars?

la duderina
10.10.09 - 10:51 pm


No Alcohol or Drugs????

Ha ha this thing will be shut down by 7 pm for sure.

responding to a comment by alec
10.10.09 - 11:08 pm


Ha ha hahaha Alec you are so awesome.

Somebody attempted to eat a grasshopper today. I thought of you. I know you are the only one who would understand that. Can't wait to tell you about it.

responding to a comment by alec
10.10.09 - 11:11 pm


Also, we can only have people over 18 for liability reasons.))

ahh shit, better look elsewhere, dood.

la duderina
10.10.09 - 11:15 pm


So I tired hard to keep my mouth shut about this whole Jared Leto thing,but I disagree with just about every part of this.First people expecting to get paid to ride there bike in a video.Ok,my problem is if you really LOVE riding your bike you wouldn't need to get paid to ride it in a video.If the project is something you don't support and respect enough that you would do it for free and you need to be paid just to ride your bike in said project,well then you are not only selling this commuity short but yourself as well.Going furter with my complait I must ask do any of you know what the finished product is really going to look like?Does this video show that riding a bike is a fun and eco friendly way to commute?Will you all be show as hardcore 30 seconds to mars fan?Maybe it will show that Jared is "Core Elite" and he has been in the MR scene fighting the good fight and taking back that streets with us all along.Whatever the case in the end this will show the world what we do and a small glims of what we are about,and guess what none of you have any creative control over what happens in the end.I have nothing against Mr.Leto,his acting or his band (I myself am big fan of many band in that same genre).I am not a fan of outsiders coming in to this scene,which was build on grassroots,word of mouth,DYI ethics and making money or cool points off our backs.Where were his cameras when that girl got knocked off her bike at LACM a year or two back?where were the film crews when that Hummer took out stillines tall bike?Why has Funderstorm never opened for his band?!!!Why because he wasn't there when this shit was hard,when it wasn't cool.It really makes me sad to see something I love so much being sold so cheap.

If you need me I'll be a polo

10.10.09 - 11:18 pm


Yeah the song's cheese and leto totally exploited the fire for his own gain. But seems like some mutual exploitation going on for the benefit of tacos, a fun ride, and one more 30-seconds of fame exposure of the urban bike scene to the rest of the world. It's only selling out if this vid becomes popular.

12.13.09 - 10:04 am


whos jared leto??

12.13.09 - 1:06 pm


Hes this guy: http://img5.allocine.fr/acmedia/medias/04/49/11/044911_ph11.jpg

12.13.09 - 2:43 pm


thats not him..lol

responding to a comment by kaslik
12.13.09 - 4:54 pm


actually it is. lol

responding to a comment by Huey555
12.13.09 - 7:34 pm


wtf..he looks fatter..diffrent.

responding to a comment by X-Large
12.13.09 - 7:49 pm


12.13.09 - 8:43 pm


both are him

12.13.09 - 8:45 pm



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