NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Thread started by fuckyouriders at 08.22.09 - 11:29 pm
Listen up you fucking bike pussies, you ride down via marina again and threaten me or my wife and you've had it. You're all a bunch of pussies, you ride in a pack of 200+ and threaten people everywhere you go, what a bunch of idiots. You also break every traffic law you can, you're lives are so worthless and pathetic that you think that's cool.
Ride down via marina again and threaten me or my wife as we cross the road when it's our right of way as a pedestrian and I'll knock any of you idiots out who come close. That's a promise, you can't go around harassing people anymore and threatening to "kill" or "run over" people walking down the street is very fucking lame.
Idiots and losers clearly ride together, you've proved that. I live here, threaten me again and I'll fucking wreck your face. Your days of riding through marina del rey are over.
i agree with you,no one should ever threaten you and your family,i would feel the same way,but i also would like to warn you,some of these peeps are animals.I once saw a pretty big dude do what u want to do next time it happens to you...and to be honest ive never seen someone get sent to the hospital,he must have had at least that i counted 15-20 people beat the crap out of him with u locks..and let me tell you it wasnt pretty.I just left that ride,it suked.So you might wannna think that over again,its just not worth it.Now if they touch you is diffrent you have to defend yourself,Just beware bro.You called em pussys,and pussy's will gang up on you.where you riding?
So you felt threatened by some people on bikes, and now you want people on bikes to feel threatened by you. That's how these chest-puffing exchanges work, right?
From your description, it sounds like you ran into some assholes and have a right to be angry. It's a bummer that nobody is going to take you seriously as long as you go on insulting the group and making largely empty* threats.
If someone actually threatened you, well yeah, that is "lame." If someone was just saying "watch out, you're going to get run over" or "are you trying to get yourself killed?" then that sounds more like an acknowledgement of reality than a threat. But I wasn't there, so I'll let you or seomone else clarify the circumstances on that one.
When you say things like "your days of riding through marina del rey are over," it comes off as delusional, not threatening. If you actually want to have an effect on people's behavior, come back again when you've calmed down a bit. It's amazing how people tend to listen to someone when they sound like a reasonable human being.
*Before you respond with something like "oh, you'd better believe I'll kick your ass," consider what would have happened if you had actually hit somebody. The group dynamics, shall we say, are not in your favor, and the law tends to treat assault and battery a bit more seriously than traffic infractions.
i pretty sure i know what was going on since i was there. he was hostile and quite stupid to be crossing the street *while* that many people are riding through. just be cause you have the right of way and clearly see a multitude of riders obviously not stopping means its not a good idea to cross. if i don't do that with cars you don't do that with cyclist.
No one made you cross the street. if you did not cross the street no one would have threatened your wife or you. Sorry it happened that way but use better judgment and use said judgment to not talk trash on a forum and not cross a busy road.
Enough with the flashy deep-v's and "cool-chrome, just like my mom" frame colors.
I say everyone mount horns and blast them in unison when coming near an intersection.
I think that is a marvelous idea!!! I would love to go on the fuckyouriders ride. Im actually happy that hostle douche bag posted this thread, because it gave us yet another reason to start another awesome ride!
420Sneaker responding to a comment by sack or crack you choose
08.23.09 - 9:49 am
I Love This Shit. Believe me. This guy walks the world is a constant state of anger and hostility. He looks for and finds reasons to justify his internal black turmoil. Someone posted that they remember this looser walking through the ride beCause he saw he had a green light. If that was the case now wonder he was abused. He's the one who was causing a dangerous situation. He is the one who instigated negativity Mong a group of riders who's only desire was to create fun and joy. Now throw in the jealousy that this dope felt seeing people celebrate life while he is trapped in his mind full of hateful self talk and you get explosively aggressive threats.
I don't know if this poster is real. I do know that people like him are real and far too common.
The guy just wants a fight, he doesn't give a shit about traffic laws or anything, all he cares about is that he can throw down with some teenager. I got news for you though, its not high school. If you get in a fight at this age you could be seriously hurt or killed when you consider the mob mentality of bikers. If you have a grievance, take it down a level instead of perpetuating the violence.
I remember this ... You might want to re think this .. Not only did she bolt out screaming stop stop stop ... I heard people saying do you want to get killied not were going to kill u. I yelled this out to her ... Because running out like that will get someone killed...
Listen up you fucking pedestrian pussy, you sign onto these boards again and threaten me or my friends and you've had it. You're just a bag of pussies, you post anonymously and threaten people everywhere you surf, what a bunch of bananas. You also break every grammar law you can, you're posts are so worthless and pathetic that you think that's cool.
lets make a MDR ride!
and see if this douche bag pops out of a corner street w/ his wife, then the youngsters can go pound on him..
then ride thru his block and blast on the music!
Some of the responses on here are pathetic. Why threaten him back with mob mentality and weapons? That does come off like we're pussies. Fuck that. Dude is venting. So far that's two people that had bad experiences in similar area... same ride same night.. Maybe you guys need to see if atitudes on the rides need some adjusting too. Just sayin'
This negates the couple I saw cheering us on in the marina area. That old dude was going nuts claping and cheering us on as we went by. Real happy to see us on the road.
So looks like these couples cancel each other out, yeah?
Maybe someone should have stopped and tried to explain to the people at the cross walk what was going on instead of shouting at them. I see people clapping and cheering all the time, but you will have your random pedestrians that are in a hurry like the cars.
Maybe a pedestrian corker is needed.
Just my 2c
Foldie responding to a comment by User1
08.23.09 - 10:04 pm
It doesn't matter what threats this guy is making. The fact is, most of you guys are lame and are really not following any common sense of riding in public at all. It's really embarrassing. No respect for people either. I don't care if you don't like what I say.
Remember, some of us ride in these areas when we're not riding on MR rides. Some of us have friends not associated with these rides that ride in these areas. The last thing I want to see is a friend of mine get hit by a car driven by some irate fuckwad who's got a chip against riders because of some little wannabe gangster shitstains on a ride told them to fuck off.
Yeah, have fun on rides, but don't be a cock to the people we inconvenience. If they're being patient, acknowledge their patience with a smile and a wave. If they're being dicks, acknowledge their dickery with a smile and a wave. If they're staring slack-jawed at the rolling juggernaut that is the ride, acknowledge their dumbfoundedness with a smile and a wave.
Yelling disrespectful shit and flipping people off accomplishes nothing, and goes towards drivers wanting to put us in their grills. Being responsible doesn't come at the expense of fun.
BMFW responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
08.23.09 - 11:34 pm
@BMFW: "smile and wave" en serio! you will see a HUGE difference at the way people treat you if you just smile and wave or KINDLY let them know what's up... ain't no need to get all crazy on someone! Put some of those anger management/therapy skills to use!
Gizzard responding to a comment by Foldie
08.23.09 - 11:51 pm
Damn this is why I stay at the front of crank mob. All the drama happens in the back. This really sucks because I ride in Marina Del Rey a lot and now I have to worry about someone not valuing my life when I ride my bicycle. Seriously though you punk kids stop pissing off civilians. Some of us have to deal with them in their vehicles on Monday!
i thought about this situation and i came up with the question :for such a large ride why even bother with residential areas? i actually felt bad for the residents who came out honestly wanting to know what is going on because they were awaken by the noise. i have been on other rides where we avoided those areas.
The fact that residents in these areas know who to contact should be a sign to ride leaders. if the group is too large is it too much of a problem to stick to main streets. will it be less fun?
1) brother lives in marina and likes his biking a lot
1.1) we've both grad degrees and sometimes bike together
2) biked next to a guy in pharmacy school and one in a JD/MBA program once in the same night
3) whatever set you off was probably terrible, but going nuts based on affiliation with bikes, cars, being left-handed or of eskimo heritage/whatnot is a recipe for disaster--take your grievances to individuals
meh .. that wasn't to show-off friends or self, but to respond to idea that the people on this site are uneducated or not legitimately part of the communities the 'bike scene' rides through
SRSLY, as someone who rides solo a lot you bet I am ticked off when I see people do really unnecessary stuff. We should keep in mind those who ride to work or school and to get places the next time we are tempted to pop off.
Just goes to show you if she were riding a bike she would 've of been home on time. Just think about it we've all been there before.If we made a thread about everytime someone in a car cuts us off or comes to a complete stop in front of us this site would be full of people like her this shit happens when your in a car or bike sometimes you just have to bare with it.
The OP cracks me up, it's as if he thinks he owns the marina. Fuck that, the marina is a great place to ride a bike, and a great place to take group rides. I've been living / riding my bike there for going on two years now without a hitch. Taco Tuesdays, Pier Pressure, and VCM have been leading rides there for how long now???? Who even cares, it's a nice area. Plus the cops are cool.
@ original poster:
Fuck any pedestrian with a smirk on his/her face who steps into the middle of a group of 500 riders putting all parties in danger- are you really that fucking dense? I guess so! Eat a dick, dumbass pedestrian! I hope karma comes to bite you in the ass.
This is probably the same sort of douchebag that tries to run ridazz down for running reds and claiming that we should be "obeying traffic law" while at the same time swerving into the group aggressively threatening to kill people with a car, still blabbering about "laws" as if he/she didn't just try to kill someone.
Furthermore, there are asshole pedestrians like this everywhere in LA, not just the marina.
The marina is a peaceful place with decent roads. Also, not everyone who lives there is rich and drives a land rover, and actually quite a few ridazz live there (or have lived there) too.
"Ride down via marina again and threaten me or my wife as we cross the road when it's our right of way as a pedestrian and I'll knock any of you idiots out who come close. That's a promise"
The fact that anyone feels any remorse for this douchebag is beyond me.
Guarantee you he was trying to "exercise his right of way as a pedestrian" right through the middle of the group by trying to get in people's way so he could cause an accident and "teach us a lesson".
I don't fucking care if some 14 year old screams something at you and you get all butthurt, if you try to "exercise your rights as a pedestrian" in the middle of a crowded mob of cyclists regardless of the ride: you're both a dumbass and a douchebag.
jonnyboy responding to a comment by natefrogg
08.24.09 - 2:31 pm
Every time I see this post I cant stop laughing ... I mean really is this guy for real .. LoL .. I keep replaying what happened .. from what I remember his wife was the one with the nuts .. she was brave enough to at least attempt to cross ... the dude who wrote this was posted up on the sidewalk ... like a wimp ....
Im gonna be fucking pissed off, if one of your group rides rolls through "my area" and breaks into mine and my neighbors homes, and if you even think of taking advantage of my neighbors puppies -- you're done!!! You fucking pussies better not eat my left over chilaquiles either; bitches! And if any of you ever threaten my ego while Im crossing streets to spend my money on wine and cheap steaks, especially after I've been getting bitched out by wife for not installing the new shower head at home... I'll smash your face so bad, that I'll laminate sections of it and make it into spoke cards, for the "Your days of riding near the intersection of 4th and Normandie are over" ride-- because Im that down to injure people and subject myself to the court of law, because I hate having to wait, mother fuckers!!!
dude who posted the message obviously feels the feeling you get when you had a chance to do something brave but didnt and you kick yourself over and over about how much you were a pussy not to take a stand.... HOWEVER, at the same time it doesnt hurt to understand and learn from the frustrations of people out there.
The "teach you a lesson" types are all over the place. lets make sure that WE don't come off as teach you a lesson types... these rides and their disregard for the traffic lights can be perceived as either a celebration that all are invited to, OR a bunch of assholes trying to "teach me a lesson" for not riding a bicycle....
making threats back at this guy though? LAME
Roadblock responding to a comment by OsnapsonJC
08.24.09 - 3:06 pm
+10 RB. WOuldn't want to be taught a lesson when riding my bike and running a red with a big group of ridazz.
Hmmm.. Let's play MADLIBS....
"Listen up you fucking CAR pussies, you DRIVE down via marina again and threaten me or my wife WHILE WE'RE ON OUR BIKES and you've had it. You're all a bunch of pussies, you DRIVE in a pack of 200+ and threaten RIDAZZ everywhere you go, what a bunch of idiots. You also break every traffic law you can, you're lives are so worthless and pathetic that you think that's cool.
DRIVE down via marina again and threaten me or my wife as TAKE THE LANE, when it's our right of way as a CYCLIST and I'll ULOCK any of you idiots out who come close. That's a promise, you can't go around harassing RIDAZZ anymore and threatening to "kill" or "run over" RIDAZZ CYCLING ON the street is very fucking lame.
Idiots and losers clearly DRIVE together, you've proved that. I live here, threaten me again and I'll fucking wreck your face. Your days of DRIVING through marina del rey are over. "
You know there is this thought floating around that pedestians are benficial to the cycling world. The more the world becomes pedestrian friendly, the more (i imagine) the world will become bicycle friendly.
Why hate on pedestrians?
Kind of cool, if there was like a rider protocol, where if a driver or someone else gets mad... we just say something scary like, "major chemical spill, cars are useless, everyone is evacuating... take only what is important: beer and costumes"
Maybe that will distract their anger??
I dont know
md2 responding to a comment by jonnyboy
08.24.09 - 3:23 pm
ha somehow it doesnt work as good substituting cyclist with drivers.... driving being the accepted status quo.
Cyclists unfortunately have to overcome the "stigma" of being seen as a "loser" because they don't appear immediately to be striving to belong to the status quo like every other schlubb in our society. Some cyclists dress up in spandex and buy $5k bikes to overcome the stigma or only ride on weekends and in races. lol. but most of us choose to not give a fuck.... BUT I do give a fuck that at least we as ridazz are trying everything we can to overcome the stigma that we are some kind of gang of lawless / righteous assholes... unfortunately the voices in the media have done a good job of smearing earth rights and animal rights people as eco-terrorists and therefore cyclists often get lumped in by their earth friendly I dont give a fuck about looking like I made it in life attitudes. these things really gnaw at people like the poster and his wife. I mean who sits there at a crosswalk and sees hundreds of people riding by on bikes having a good time and then tries to "teach them a lesson"? just people who are frustrated with something about their lives to the point where when they see others having a good time they want it to stop. BUT like I said, there must be things we can do to lure them away from their inner frustrations rather than stoke their hatred.
Roadblock responding to a comment by sciencefriction
08.24.09 - 3:45 pm
and yes. WPH all city races do a lot to make us look like a bunch of assholes. it's all part of my inner struggle. good vs evil type deal... so far evil is winning I guess.
RB, you're a beacon of knowledge and reason in the cesspool of inanity and bad grammar of the internet.
I think this wraps around to being kind to every type of person encountered on rides. Responding positively to any and all scenarios will ultimately do nothing but improve the public's outlook on Midnight Ridazz and cyclists in general.
Plus, it feels so good smiling and waving nonchalantly to some dickcheese who's infuriated by our mere presence. It tastes like the tears of children.
BMFW responding to a comment by Roadblock
08.24.09 - 3:53 pm
If there's one thing I've learned that this website is good at, it's putting words in people's mouths- so I shall clarify a few things.
I never made any threats to said dude, never said anything bad about pedestrians in general, never said that pedestrians should not have the right of way.
What I DID say is that this guy sounds like a douchebag and I'm rolling my eyes reading his post... If this dbag got in front of me in the midst of 300ppl and I had nowhere to dodge I'd still probably say "hey! thanks for waiting" and give a wave with one hand as a sign of my gratitude- that usually works.
What my main point is, even though someone else in the mob may have shouted something offensive at him, it doesn't make it ok for him to start being a dick & putting people in danger. Pedestrians- use common sense, is that so much to ask?
How about all the fuckin pedestrians that walk on the beach bike path and get offended when you ask them to walk on the sidewalk? I bet this dude probably takes his dog out on the bike path every chance he gets.
hahah yeah man I wasn't talking straight at you when I mentioned the threats back to this frustrated human being....
I think you made a great point. There is not black and white answer either.... most people are on the fence about Ridazz..... it doesnt take much to tip them either way.
This wife of his who decided to wade into the mass could possibly have been swayed to our side... maybe not... it's a case by case basis... maybe someone could have stopped and just said, hi there, where's your bike? come ride with us!
Roadblock responding to a comment by jonnyboy
08.24.09 - 4:22 pm
Okey dokey cool, thanks for the clarification. I was assuming that that was the case, 'til more banter occurred and then all of a sudden I had joined the pedestrian hate mob.
Oh interweb, u-r-so-silly and full of mysteries.
jonnyboy responding to a comment by Roadblock
08.24.09 - 4:46 pm
Maybe she was so amazed, that she went into a trance, walked into the street, and then made her husband wear spandex and helmet to bed that night... but in the heat of passion, she calls out, "Rooooooooooadblooooock".
Husband is at once confused and gets mad. He rushes out of the room, jumps online, watches porn, and then logs onto MR website.
Might want to stay out of the Marina for a bit Roadblock; lay low.
md2 responding to a comment by Roadblock
08.24.09 - 4:50 pm
I wear some to protect my junk on long rides and I've been known to even go all spandex on that ass too... I'm saying there are a lot of roadies out there who wouldnt be caught dead commuting or gasp riding without their full kits. haha
would I buy a $5k bike? nope. I got the money to buy one right now if I wanted... but why? I whoop most of that ass on my $300 (priceless) 69cm canondale "bike for life" touring bicycle that I've had for 3 years. AND I can park that thing outside the restaurant and not sweat too hard about it getting thieved... a 5k bike though? I would never park that thing anywhere. and lastly... I dont care about the value of my bike at all. I just need to know that it will handle an asswhoopin and I'm straight. I cant tell you how my eyes glaze over when someone starts talking bike parts with me. I have no fucking clue or care about the bike. I want to know about the RIDE.
Roadblock responding to a comment by la duderina
08.24.09 - 5:09 pm
The thing is, if you have a 5k dollar bike, you don't ride it to the restaurant. That's for serious riding only. I never understood the people I see at critical mass,etc on these really expensive road bikes. can you say, overkill?
and why spend that much? Lighter, faster, stronger, more comfortable, better geometry, better working components, etc. etc..
Past a certain point it's serious diminishing returns though, I'd say that point is around $1500.
Expensive road racing bikes aren't really that great as daily transportation anyway since they only take skinny tires and have no room for fenders or anything to attach a rack to. And yeah, I wouldn't want to lock them up many places.
cabhauler responding to a comment by la duderina
08.24.09 - 7:33 pm
If you got all that cash burning a hole in yer pocket, remember I still have that Wolfpack collage you wanted, and it'll only set you back a C note!
Why bash people for riding expensive bikes? If you don't care, then who gives a crap? I mean, what if that's their only bike? Then they should only come if they ride a crappy bike? Meh.
well I suppose if it was their only bike, but I would personally never take an 'expensive' bike on those types of rides and would highly recommend against it.
Really? I don't think you know me well enough to say stuff like that. I like road racing and roadie culture, especially the classic stuff. I'm not an expert by any means, but please do not lump me in with "hipster dilettante no paid dues no appreciate nothing."
I rode my Mavic-equipped 1982 3rensho Specialized Allez to work today. I don't ride racing bikes to work much, but they are fun and a change of pace. But whenever I go through a puddle I appreciate my bike with fenders. It's a drop-bar road bike with decent steel tubing and good parts, it just has fenders and saddlebag. You can call it marginal but it gets me comfortably to work and I don't think twice about locking it up.
There's nothing wrong with riding a $5000 whizbang road racer to work if you can afford it and it floats your boat and doesn't make you nervous. For daily practical cycling I'd rather have something different.
cabhauler responding to a comment by Dedicated818
08.25.09 - 12:06 pm
There's nothing wrong with riding a $5000 whizbang road racer to work if you can afford it and it floats your boat and doesn't make you nervous. For daily practical cycling I'd rather have something different.
Something off about a felt ar team with a backpack for carrying your extra clothes.
_iJunes responding to a comment by cabhauler
08.25.09 - 12:53 pm
The cost of the bike isn't important as long as whoever is riding it keeps the uptightedness tucked away and acts like an average Joe.
However, I will say that in place of the $5,000 bike, I'm more inclined to throw a $5,000, gold-plated, Nathan K5LA Airchime train horn onto a basket mount of my $500 folder.
It's my bike but I didn't spend too much money on it. It's my old frame, got a newer model. It was waste to let the frame sit, not too comfortable selling used carbon frames. I replaced the wheels with Reynolds Attack but upgraded the cranks with the SI cranks with ceramic bearings. All the bits and pieces were extra stuff that I and other friends had lying around.
It was originally built to poke fun at roadies by butchering a race bike.
sc_nomad responding to a comment by Debut213
08.25.09 - 3:07 pm
I just got back from riding through the marina. Luckily, I didn't get my face wrecked. Like I said, I try to stay at the front of the crank mob away from all the knuckleheads. I've seen people try to walk through the group a few times. I guess they just feel so damn entitled that they think they can part the bikes like Moses. I've even seen people try the same thing with cars. Every time someone bitches about crank mob or other rides they always say we are breaking the law or rules of the road. So the fuck what? There's no provision in the "rules" for large groups of bicycles. The lights aren't timed for it so we do what we have to in order to keep the group together and moving smoothly. Would you (motorists) rather be stuck behind a gridlock of 1000 slow bicyclists that stop at every light and stop sign? It just blows some people's mind when the rules are challenged like that. It's like being plugged into the matrix or something.
ps. Is it true some got stabbed during crank mob? what the fuck??
ps. Is it true some got stabbed during crank mob? what the fuck??
Does any one have any info on this? ive heard through the grape vine that someone was actually assualted by another biker? can any one confirm or deny this allegation>?
Debut213 responding to a comment by Velocipede
08.25.09 - 5:24 pm
yea somone did actually get stabbed. Two "taggers" got into a dispute after they both crashed. One one stabbed another and took off. Some of our riders stayed behind at the scene and waited there until an ambulence arrived. He was rushed to the hospital and is now in recovery. Source: Fellow Rider
palucha66 responding to a comment by Debut213
08.25.09 - 5:36 pm