Victorville, Hesperia, Apple Valley anyone?

Thread started by
Thanatos1414 at 06.2.09 - 9:32 pm
Any riders out there live in one of these three cities or close to them? Want to Organize a ride? I do realize its a small dark city but we'll have the streets and the city to ourselves. Reply to the post if anyone wants to participate in creating a ride of sorts!
Lets make that an easy to medium ride.
Anyone? Anyone?
you are not alone out there... prepare for a lot of truck lingo and stargate fantasizing to ensue in this thread...
Roadblock06.2.09 - 9:35 pm
Look no further than the corner of Bear Valley an Hesperia, man.
I've posted a few times, but haven't really followed up due to the lack of interest I was sniffing.
Anywho, glad someone else has finally popped up after 2 years of myself being part of this association.
Let's name a time and a place, PRONTO!!!!
bentstrider06.3.09 - 9:02 am
You seem relatively new to the threads as well, Thanatos1414.
Love the handle, but can't help the fact that it sounds remotely like that of a long-dead, First-Prime that may or may not have been defeated in the past.
Anywho, questiona's.
-How long have you called the Victim Valley home?
-You a Jackrabbit?, SunDevil?, Sultan?, Scorpion?, or Hawk?
-East, or West of the 15?
-How much dust do you inhale on a daily basis due to wind conditions?
-Do you remember J & K Sports before Jay Hammond became a little shit and closed up shop?
We'll come up with more as we roll along.
bentstrider06.3.09 - 9:08 am
Bump for my good buddie!
10-4 Bodacious Buddie. Tightening up on the rubber band and staying outa da bear traps. Bring it back.
User1 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
06.3.09 - 1:52 pm
This guy's probably still asleep, not much going on up here in the way of work.
With school out and such, I feel we could give the people up here a good dose of some MOB!!!
bentstrider06.3.09 - 2:32 pm
I'm the only one with a CB up here, everyone else uses flare-guns and ricer-exhausts to communicate.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by sciencefriction
06.3.09 - 4:08 pm
I've called Victimville area home sense August of last year. I'm 23. Have not idea what you mean by jackrabbit and so on. I'm really new to riding. Just got my bike about a month ago. It's a hybrid of sorts. I live by the Super Target in Apple Valley, off of thunderbird before Central. Yeah, and I'm willing to do any ride. As for how much dust i eat and breath.... too much.
Thanatos1414 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
06.4.09 - 1:05 am
to organize a ride email me at
Thanatos141406.4.09 - 1:17 am
awww this is so cute :D
aksendz responding to a
comment by Thanatos1414
06.4.09 - 1:17 am
dont mind them...
they are from los angeles...
gac06.4.09 - 2:03 am
Jackrabbits, Sultans, Scorpions, SunDevils and Hawks are the mascots of the local high schools up here, but since you've only been up here since August, then that doesn't really apply to you.
Anywho, I've lived up in the desert since I was 4, moved here in '87.
What brought you up to this dust-bowl!!?????
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Thanatos1414
06.4.09 - 6:22 am
I'm affiliated with the Glendale Dynamiters. College and free rent brought me to the dust bowl. Its cool up here. I find that one of the few things to do is going to the Rockster. Nothing wrong with the place, just think there's more fun to be had riding in the streets. Maybe I'm crazy to think that... ah well.
Thanatos1414 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
06.4.09 - 10:03 am
I see mayhem in da desert!!
User1 responding to a
comment by Thanatos1414
06.4.09 - 10:24 am
The Desert Ride! Where being attacked by a Coyote is more likely then being hit by motorists! Now that's what I call adventure!
Thanatos141406.4.09 - 10:30 am
that happens in the city too!
I'm glad bentstrider's finally got a buddy up there in the desert. Maybe we'll see more of both of you down here since you can carpool now??
danya responding to a
comment by Thanatos1414
06.4.09 - 12:48 pm
I've just got a shit work-schedule that takes up all the weekends now, so that's my only problem.
As far as it being great up here, that's what I thought after living up here for 21 years.
But, then I drove a truck with Swift for 13 months and discovered the rest of the world.
Midnightridazz was part of that discovered world.
Right now, I'm just killing some time up here before:
A)Trucking accident from '07 is finally overlooked by the big-boys.
or B)Finally get enough transfer units under my belt to transfer over to UNM.
I will say that the desert was cool when it was actually quiet and small, but some genius decided an over-abundance of tract-homes and under-abundance of businesses/recreation would be a good idea.
Anywho, let's get together and spark that rebellion this car-haven needs.
Too many people with chromes and Flowmasters, not enough purple rims and decorative bar-tape.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by danya
06.4.09 - 2:07 pm
Don't forget Histeria(Oak Hills), Ghettolanto(Adelanto), Barstool(Barstow), Phinland(Phelan), and we even have our own, Felony Flats in Crapple Valley off of the 18 and Flathead Rd near Irwin Elementary!!!
We've even got this rock band known as
Lorene Drive, I went to high school with the lead.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by aksendz
06.4.09 - 2:30 pm
Although a night ride would be awesome, I'm all for doing a day ride on a weekend after finals. Hell, I have my shemagh and I'm going to be getting myself desert goggles soon too! Instead of coyotes we have the potential for heat exhaustion! It isn't fun until someones dying.
Thanatos141406.4.09 - 4:43 pm
Although a night ride would be awesome, I'm all for doing a day ride on a weekend after finals. Hell, I have my shemagh and I'm going to be getting myself desert goggles soon too! Instead of coyotes we have the potential for heat exhaustion! It isn't fun until someones dying.
Thanatos141406.4.09 - 4:43 pm
Anytime sounds like a good time, my work days are compacted and I'm taking school on the easy side.
As far as heat-exhaustion goes, it really doesn't bother me.
It's the cold air that usually stops me dead in my tracks, especially the shit weather we've had for the last week.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Thanatos1414
06.5.09 - 6:33 am
I feel you on the crappy weather. I'm trying to convince myself that mother nature is just something I'm going to have to deal with. I was wanted your advice on a purchase. Should I purchase a compact hand pump or a compact foot pump? they're the same price and the foot pumps about 4lbs. the hand pump feels like a few oz.
Thanatos1414 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
06.6.09 - 12:46 am
While a hand-pump will always be good, it's better to have something you could carry at all times.
I recommend a hand-pump with "double-action", where you get air pumped on both the up and down movement of the pump-handle.
Yeah, as far as the shitty weather's been going I've lived up here as long as I did and never realized how truly it sucked until I decided to start riding my bike.
Although I imagine if I stay up here any longer, I'll most likely be switching out my mtb for a fixed-gear and a Short-wheel base, 26"/20" recumbent bike with underseat-steer.
I've got a compact, longwheel-base right now, but the the 20" are limiting me in top-speed.
I recently inquired to this guy in Connecticut selling an Actionbent with the above spec's for $350.
With a ride like that, it'll be the only way to break this wind and make the conditions a bit, more bearable.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Thanatos1414
06.6.09 - 12:59 am
Hey Adam, what bike are you looking at for $350, if you don't mind me asking?
User1 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
06.6.09 - 9:59 am
Here's a link, Mr Allan.
The prices seem to have shot up in the last, two years.
I'm a bargain hunter.
bentstrider06.6.09 - 9:34 pm
$350 for a underseat steer with a 26" rear-wheel can't be beat.
After I acquire this, then it's on to that fixed-gear I've been flapping my gums about for the past, several months.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by User1
06.6.09 - 11:31 pm
Odd-looking, but even without a fairing it will make short work of the consistent, Southern gusts up here.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Thanatos1414
06.7.09 - 7:07 pm
well there fellow desert-dweller, I'm up in Ridgecrest and we actually have a growing bike scene in town...We do a monthly ride on the last Friday of every month which has drawn about 30 people a couple times (decent number for the size of our dust bowl) Everyone is welcome and we'd love to see some new faces.
tiGRReagle06.9.09 - 2:06 am
Well, that's still about 100 or so miles from Victimville, but surprising to hear.
I used to pass near there back when I drove Swift trucks from Fontana on up to Reno.
If there's one thing about the desert communities, you've got clusters of 'burbs, then 50-100 miles of nothingness in between them.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by tiGRReagle
06.9.09 - 2:09 am
Man, where is this guy?
I invited him to come along on the RWNN and CRANK Mob, but I guess he's looking for a more, local experience.
Playing Frogger on Bear Valley Rd near the college is getting a little, tiring for me.
bentstrider07.1.09 - 1:50 pm
Oh fuck yeah man...i recently moved to and my brother are from Los Angeles and we use to ride there all the time...we miss LA and we have been looking for crazy in this dust town for any riders...dude please let me know where u guys meet...i really want to ride...we, me and my brother, have been riding alone....lets get on smashing the road
Mr.LEO11.10.09 - 9:10 am
Again, email me at, for the love of all that is Holy!!!
The OP seemed promising, but now appears to have dropped off the radar and fallen for the lame excuse of a club scene we have up here.
Lets get something going on up here that's worthy of a chill, party ride.
I'm still stumped as to why anyone would want to move up here.
No Metrolink and none in the future, the Cajon Pass needs a good nuking as well.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Mr.LEO
11.10.09 - 11:58 am
alright man expect a mssg soon....yeah man you know LA is relly my home...i dont seem to fit in with the desert, but you know homes are cheap around so that is good, but yeah lets organize a ride...Me and my brother have been asking around for any riders for the past three months that we have been up here...Although some of the people i have asked never rode with a group some of them look really interested specially here in Victor Valley attending
Mr.LEO responding to a
comment by bentstrider
11.12.09 - 8:45 am
Yeah, I dabbled with VVC off and on since graduating high school in 2001, but then with the population boom up here, they started turning away students and also the fact that I don't see any worthy faculty there anymore.
As far as remaining up here goes, once I land another OTR gig, I'm finding another small town elsewhere to have all my mail sent to.
Until then, lets see about gathering a force and doing it "down-the-hill" style.
With all the out-of-work bruhs up here, their toys will be getting repossessed soon, adding to the ranks!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Mr.LEO
11.12.09 - 9:41 am
hell yeah!!! lets make this ride happen i live in ADELANTO...lets make this ride LA style...write back....
LETS RIDE!!!!!!!!
AXESO11.13.09 - 1:29 pm
Email me.
I don't really go to school at VVC anymore due to them not having a particular program, so we've got to branch out to whomever exists outside that scope.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by AXESO
11.13.09 - 1:34 pm
On the homefront, I spotted some kid riding a neon-green fixed, just rolling along Maple Ave in Hesperia.
I was driving down to go pick up my little sis from the other side of town and this kid was pulling off bar-spins along the side of the road.
I pulled over and asked him the typical MR questions and he seemed to know great deal about it as well.
Short story is now I know where to look for possible players for a future desert polo-team.
bentstrider01.16.10 - 3:29 pm