Haiti needs your help.

Thread started by
Huey555 at 01.13.10 - 4:09 pm
You can text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts in #haiti.MY thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti.I donated my 10 bucks,10 dollars go a long way.I know this is not bike related ,but if even one of you does it well worth it.thanks for reading this.ride safe and enjoy ure day.peace huey
I understand people wanting to help them out, cause it is truly sad whats happened over there, but im just sick of hearing about how were going over somewhere to help out, be it natural disaster or not, still we have a daily struggle out on our own streets and have for some years now, mentally ill, people living with disease, with no form of help or shelter, how about for a few years we just say fuck everyone else and focus on helping ourselfs out? Just a thought :). as i donate $10
rub_my_crank01.13.10 - 4:23 pm
just figured some of us spend $10 on urb, beer,big supersized fast food combo ,due to excessive marijuana use, etc...hey you never know your money might go to some new orleans folks.redcross is still helping them,but for sure..thanks for sharing and most of all donating big pimping..KEEP YA GRILL CLEAN!!!lol
Huey555 responding to a
comment by rub_my_crank
01.13.10 - 5:40 pm
Seriously...we spend at least that on silly crap...DAILY. If nothing else, do it to piss off Pat Robertson...
sinaphile01.13.10 - 6:01 pm
The death toll is climbing over 100,000
palucha6601.13.10 - 6:03 pm
I understand people wanting to help them out, cause it is truly sad whats happened over there, but im just sick of hearing about how were going over somewhere to help out, be it natural disaster or not, still we have a daily struggle out on our own streets and have for some years now, mentally ill, people living with disease, with no form of help or shelter, how about for a few years we just say fuck everyone else and focus on helping ourselfs out? Just a thought :).
Yeah, 'cause it's not like we can do both or anything. It's like, totally against the laws of physics.
PC responding to a
comment by rub_my_crank
01.13.10 - 6:32 pm
I was hoping there was someone way I could get my money to Cuba, if they are even able to get on Hispano and help out (i don't know if they even allowed on the island or not). I'm not big on giving to the red cross, they have layers of bureaucracy and pay executives more then I think they should be getting paid in philanthropy organization as such.
When I give money to help I hope and desire it goes to help people. Yes I know organization have to have a support structure of people to run it. You can give any way you want of course.
I have listen to reports by
Kevin Pina about the devastation, poverty and the overthrow of democracy in Haiti for some time. I trust him and his opinion. I also know that he is associated with and I know the work that
The Haiti Action Network does as advocates and to get aid into Haiti. I gave money through them. I would suggest you do the same.
Haiti ruling gov't and the UN force that are in Haiti serve the aristocracy in Haiti and the sweatshop operators in that country, they also brutalize the poor majority. I would be afraid of those people getting the money by taking on the donation from the red cross. I don't know for sure. I read and heard the stories from Sri Lanka's military keeping the donations for themselves when the tsunami happened. I just trust people that work on the ground in a country already and know and try to address the problems of the people in that country.
What I'm saying is that I suggest that if you are going to donation some money that you give through
The Haiti Action Network Emergency Relief Fund
Of course do as you see fit!
sexy01.13.10 - 7:37 pm
I haven't listened to the reports yet, but I would suggest you listen to todays and yesterdays
FLASHPOINTS episodes if you want to get a more accurate picture of what is happening.
They features regular reports on what is happening in Haiti.
Long live the people of Haiti. Long live the struggle of Fanmi Lavalas!
sexy01.13.10 - 7:43 pm
crazy...you never know where your money really goes.thanks for the info on H.A.N.E.R.F. looks legit,but now im paranoid of where my money goes.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by sexy
01.14.10 - 1:53 am
fyi the flashpoint epside of the 12th wasn't worth listening to. The 13th had a few good parts of political realization of what could happen in Haiti, but no information regarding what happen.
Huey. don't be paranoid where you money goes, just get more educated. Giving money to the red cross is a noble act, I just think that your dollar won't go as far. They are a huge organization, I'm sure they will be doing more then just some good with all the money they collect.
One thing I got out of listening to the reports orthquake, who would have thought.n Haiti. The hunger in Haiti has been so obvious for so long, but this disaster just multiplies the devastation of it. Energy bars are being used in this situation to help people with the issue of increased hunger after the ea
sexy responding to a
comment by Huey555
01.14.10 - 5:46 am
I think it was said best in the Denzel movie I saw last night...
People kill each other down there over shit we throw out every day over here.
bentstrider01.20.10 - 12:12 pm
Harp was behind it.
And sexy... you're sexy! Good looking out.
-Dexter-01.20.10 - 12:49 pm
"I understand people wanting to help them out, cause it is truly sad whats happened over there, but im just sick of hearing about how were going over somewhere to help out, be it natural disaster or not, still we have a daily struggle out on our own streets and have for some years now, mentally ill, people living with disease, with no form of help or shelter, how about for a few years we just say fuck everyone else and focus on helping ourselfs out? Just a thought :). as i donate $10"
Yes, but if you're having mental health / health / housing / food issues here in the U.S., you can pick up the phone and dial 211 (the United Way's social services helpline), and a nice person will refer you to multiple sources of potential assistance.
The Haitians don't exactly have that luxury.
"just say fuck everyone else and focus on helping ourselfs out"
I believe that's the motto of the Republican party.
JB responding to a
comment by rub_my_crank
01.20.10 - 12:57 pm
"just say fuck everyone else and focus on helping ourselfs out"
I believe that's the motto of the Republican party.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by JB
01.20.10 - 2:56 pm
"Fuck 'em all and let God sort 'em out."
That's the motto of both parties.
Most politicians are lawyers that never got their hands physically dirty to begin with anyway.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by JB
01.20.10 - 4:31 pm