stolen bike number 2

Thread started by
Frozen Fingersss at 09.11.09 - 12:41 pm
hello. my dads bike got stolen for the second time near USC. it was locked with a ulock. i'm so sick of this.
JD had let him borrow it indefinitly (i'm so sorry!).
anyways, my dad doesnt have much of anything. he was really starting to enjoy riding but it was also his only transportation. he was really really bummed. he can't afford a bike at all. I want to help build him something. My dad is 5'11 and overweight. A mountain bike would probably work best for him . If anyone has a frame/wheels/ANYTHING let me know please and thank you. My dad is an AMAZING man and didn't deserve this. not that anyone does but it just makes it even more frustrating.
i might how an older mountain bike he can have i just have to look for it.... its somewher inthe garage if its still their... it might need a complete make over a neighbor let me have it like 4 years ago never rode it
BLAHER09.11.09 - 12:53 pm
I've got 2 mountain bike frames with tires (tubes might need to be changed)
Not sure if the brakes work on it... but you're more than welcome to take one.
I'll post pictures of them later today when I get home.
July responding to a
comment by BLAHER
09.11.09 - 12:58 pm
ack... i'm sorry to hear that
i'm sure we will be able to get a bike together for him soon
snowcone09.11.09 - 1:00 pm
i have lots of mtb parts that i was going to take to the swap meet next sunday. if you dont have a bike together by then let me know if you need parts.
Jeff Yess09.11.09 - 1:06 pm
At least it was u-locked, but what a drag for your dad!
Have him check craigslist, they've ALWAYS got cheap MTBs on there, and it's a lot easier / cheaper to build something when you start with something reasonably complete.
That's where I found the old Ross that he had been riding. (The bike was not a big expense, so no worries.)
Or swing by the Bikerowave. We've got a few MTBs we might be able to make him a pretty good deal on.
If anybody sees an approx. 61cm Black Ross MTB (one piece crank, horizontal dropouts, steel frame), let us know.
JB09.11.09 - 3:56 pm
"If anybody sees an approx. 61cm Black Ross MTB (one piece crank, horizontal dropouts, steel frame), let us know."
Man, what's with these extreme frame sizes getting stolen lately? First a 39.5 cm road, then a 61 cm MTB?
User1 responding to a
comment by JB
09.11.09 - 5:24 pm
wow 61cm for a 5'11" isn't that tad too big?
i have an old trek 820 that he could borrow.
its a single speed and the spokes are rusted
breaks need to be tuned
aksendz responding to a
comment by User1
09.11.09 - 5:31 pm
someone had giving me a hybrid bicycle for some kids i was fixing up but i got another frames for them so i have that hybrid sitting there.
Huffy 626
LouisAve09.18.09 - 8:26 am
using the metric system in reference to mtn bike measurements is funny. LoL.
He'll prob want something in the 19-20 inch range.
la duderina09.18.09 - 12:42 pm
are you still looking for a bike?
snowcone responding to a
comment by Frozen Fingersss
09.27.09 - 8:17 pm
Trip out My lady just got her bike stolen 2 man. and u know wat is funny that it was in church man. church.....come on....dammm
KTOWN93710.1.09 - 2:03 pm
i have a pretty cool bright orange mountain bike that would probably fit him (i'm 5'11")
one of the rims might need replacing and it needs brakes
snowcone responding to a
comment by Frozen Fingersss
10.1.09 - 2:04 pm