Ridazz Map

Thread started by
trickmilla at 11.28.08 - 11:45 am

I got inspired by the "Where Are You Located?" thread and found this interactive
MAP. Where people can add their location.
Don't need to put your exact location, maybe just the nearest cross street.
With this
MAP you can see what Ridazz are near by your neighborhood.
So go ahead and Contribute to the
Just click on the link, and find the button in the upper right hand corner that says "contribute to this map".
HAve Fun
Awesome idea trickmilla!!!
I believe we can edit this too once we post? Your answer wasn't really clear yesterday.
User111.28.08 - 11:49 am
Looks like my closest neighbor so far is trickmilla
imachynna11.28.08 - 12:15 pm

The map it grows!
Looks like Bentstrider wins the most dedicated award ... but we all knew that.
trickmilla11.28.08 - 1:21 pm
The map can be edited for those that are curious. It's just around about way of getting there. You'll have to follow the instructions to adding a site, all you need to do is type in "santa monica, ca" or "culver city, ca" or whatever when you're at the Contribute to This Map page. Hit the search button, then hit delete. What you just deleted was the site you were trying to add above. On the Contribute to This Map page you can now edit the entry(ies) you made by clicking the flag and then click edit.
Hope that helps.
User111.28.08 - 2:52 pm
anyone want to delete my robertson blvd. position that put me living on the east coast, go right ahead.
indigis11.29.08 - 11:50 am
now i know where you all exist - all your bikes belonging to me!
bondink11.29.08 - 12:00 pm
nope, he's still on the westcoast and the eastcoast.
User111.29.08 - 12:02 pm
Well, looks like Sheli's the second, furthest away person on the map I tell you what!!.
bentstrider11.29.08 - 1:30 pm
I put in my address, and it got the wrong place...a little ways south of where I actually live. I think it recognized it as Seabreeze Dr. instead of Seabreeze Cir. Oh well, it's pretty close, considering I am now more that 2500 miles away from L.A. on an island in the Atlantic Ocean.
tern11.29.08 - 2:09 pm
i'm the farthest one out of those who posted so far.
so lonely.
DAYLO11.29.08 - 10:18 pm
my mistake........mr. bentstrider is waaaay out there..............
DAYLO11.29.08 - 10:21 pm
I think tern wins the long distance award now!
trickmilla12.1.08 - 8:44 am
I am super excited about the new Tiny Url feature
they now do custom URLs
We now have an easy to remember URL for our map:
trickmilla12.1.08 - 8:47 am
Pasadena ridazz in the house
Where the rest of you at?
ephemerae12.1.08 - 7:57 pm
jabier12.1.08 - 9:03 pm
i pity the fool that puts his real address into this. cross streets, people!
ephemerae12.1.08 - 10:59 pm
yeah ... unless you wants some stalkers ... just mark your neighborhood ... not your bedroom.
That way if you do have stalkers ... they'll have to be dedicated enough to stand around in the cold waiting for you to emerge.
trickmilla12.2.08 - 11:30 am
I resent that.
FBI12.2.08 - 11:38 am
ijunes is tied to a beacon.
A Coast Guard chopper throws him a bottle of water and some crackers every couple of days!!!
He's fine.
bentstrider12.2.08 - 11:54 am
Barley lives on the 405?
marino12.2.08 - 12:40 pm
Bike thief gets a hold of map
"Well, we got ephemerae's bikes, now lets go get the bikes from this guy Rhode Bloch then we will hit the rest of the list tomorrow"
thegodofthor12.2.08 - 3:20 pm
Bike thief continues....
"yeah cause you know, that's the only bikes in LA!"
User112.2.08 - 3:25 pm
So far, I'm the ONLY O.C. ridah.
C'mon, there have to be more of us out there.
I'm feeling lonely.
Creative Thing12.2.08 - 4:07 pm

Hey Leslie,
What's the origins of this sign? Is it in OC or you got it off the net?
User112.2.08 - 4:11 pm
Dennis / SC nomad is behind the Orange Curtain also. But he doesn't talk to us on the forum anymore because we are too much drama for his momma.
Joe Borfo12.2.08 - 4:12 pm

I could post the location of that sign (which I love), but it's out by the Cliff House in San Francisco.
The street its on has no sidewalk, no bike lane, no shoulder, no nothing. I know several streets like that down here, but no sign posted.
Creative Thing12.2.08 - 7:16 pm
Theives don't typically plot out a B&E to steal a treasure such a bicycle.
trickmilla12.3.08 - 8:38 am
i remember hearing about how they b&e'd ideasculptor's bikes
ephemerae12.3.08 - 8:43 am
Didn't ideasculptor's bikes get stolen cause they were out on the porch? Then they came back looking for more?
Think about it, the chances of a thief looking at a map to pull his heist is pretty freakin slim. He's far far far more likely to join a ride and scope stuff out and strike. That is if he even bothers to do ANYTHING MR related.
User112.3.08 - 10:56 am
most theft are crimes of opportunity.
make it difficult for thieves to take things, and lock your shit up
spiraldemon12.3.08 - 10:58 am
Bump one more time!!!
Show urselves, don' be bashful!!!
bentstrider03.30.09 - 12:54 am
Make yourself known! It's cool to see where concentrated pockets of ridazz are.
kryxtanicole03.30.09 - 12:59 am
And a little picture to the box for added effect.
bentstrider03.30.09 - 1:05 am

Ok I did both.
P.S Its not a motorcycle helmet
Avis_One03.30.09 - 1:15 am
I rode bmx till about a year ago and that was til my bike got stolen. Bought the full face Azonic T-55 full face helmet seemes a lot better looking than the other dinky skater ones. I ate it real badly not wearing it one time 6ft drop then wore it here and there.
Avis_One03.30.09 - 1:22 am
damn, i'm out in the middle of noo whheeeere
safari03.30.09 - 10:51 am
what a dope ass idea. I just added myself.
Antranik03.30.09 - 11:23 am
Not as far as I.
Essentially, I consider being nowhere near a Metrolink station, being out in the boondocks.
Anywhere you either need a car to get to the start-point in a decent amount of time(within 2-4 hours), or where the Amtrak only services the area, once-a-fuckin-day.
bentstrider03.30.09 - 11:35 am
I mean seriously, maps are awesome. All day long I dream about maps.
Anyway, speaking of maps, can any map nerds (I know you're out there) recommend a really nice map of LA, like to hang on a wall?
I have this lousy gas station map on the wall above my desk at home right now. I think it was designed by a bleary-eyed carnie whose fascination with elementary schools and municipal boundaries led him to make some very unfortunate decisions. It is ill-suited to the task of plotting a world takeover, let alone riding a bicycle.
Come on map junkies. Tell me where to find the good stuff.
nathansnider05.1.09 - 6:50 pm
Who is Indigis? You're my neighbor.
Gav05.1.09 - 6:55 pm
"Anyway, speaking of maps, can any map nerds (I know you're out there) recommend a really nice map of LA, like to hang on a wall? "
Me -
What I did in Sacramento was take two London maps books. These were similar to the Thomas Guides, and I put it together like a puzzle. tapes the edges together into one big huge map. Then I hung this map a hallway that was two stories tall.
That's my idea and I'm sticking to it!
User105.1.09 - 10:20 pm
Someone who goes by the name Snow cone lives next to me!
Mook05.11.09 - 7:13 pm
I'm in Mississauga! (you have to zoom out quite a bit to see where that is...)
That means that the post times are actually CORRECT for me now... and I find it all very confusing.
05.25.09 12:19 am ...so 9:19 pm... no wait 12:19 am
canadienne05.24.09 - 9:18 pm
yeah... who are you? i don't think i've met you before
snowcone responding to a
comment by Mook
05.25.09 - 2:57 am
Ahhh man, I thought PCs our Southern Belle. Looks like Terns our real Southern Belle.
I know!!! Everyone from PC on South are Southern Belles!!!
Damn I should be running this country!
User105.25.09 - 12:43 pm
Your third home appears to be right where I work (Victory and Verdugo)... so in a way it's my 3rd home too, after my apartment and my house in Toronto.
canadienne responding to a
comment by imachynna
07.17.09 - 2:55 pm
i added my casa!! imachynna is gonna laugh
palucha6607.17.09 - 2:57 pm
nice map, cept for those who think they are clever and ruin the integrity of it. LBC represent!
tfunk40807.18.09 - 12:55 am
you mean like the Jesus and Vietnamese Whore?
Gav responding to a
comment by tfunk408
07.18.09 - 1:05 am
and the drowning osamabinladen and ijunes!
tfunk408 responding to a
comment by Gav
07.18.09 - 3:56 pm
Wow so many riders... Imagine if we were all to get together for a massive ride?
adictpunk0407.19.09 - 2:06 pm
maybe on a friday night. we can have a theme and shit. maybe stop a couple times and crush brews.
slowrighthand responding to a
comment by adictpunk04
07.19.09 - 2:09 pm
who is geometrically nerdy enough to be able find the most central location for the largest number of ridazz
there is a plaque at the geographic center of L.A. it would be dope if with had one for the ridazz nation.
trickmilla07.19.09 - 3:11 pm
Let's update and add our locations again!
Who lives in alhambra? There's a big chance I'll be moving there in March.
imachynna02.1.10 - 12:05 pm
I need to change my location. I've got a
serious thing for the Valley. I don't know how it feels about me yet, so I'm still with Ktown for now. ;)
la duderina responding to a
comment by imachynna
02.1.10 - 12:12 pm
I've lived in Chatsworth for my entire life. It is unreasonably far from everything on a bike. Every time I wanna do something cool I wish I lived closer to anything. Even TNS is a 20 minute ride from my house!
outerspace responding to a
comment by la duderina
02.1.10 - 1:09 pm
ok, seriously, who is thegirlinglass, you live 150 feet away from me
superblueman302.1.10 - 1:30 pm
i got a thing for you ;)
666 responding to a
comment by la duderina
02.1.10 - 2:31 pm
i'll admit it. i hate the valley.
coldcut02.1.10 - 2:46 pm
love my valley ridazz. just hate the scenery and lack of human interaction at night.
coldcut02.1.10 - 2:49 pm
Beg to differ on that one, The Valley is the extreme kick-back zone, the Riviera to my piece of Nebraska-bland inspired, desert.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by coldcut
02.1.10 - 3:23 pm
I have lived in the valley for 15 years ... next month Im out ... I need to know what its like to live on the other side of the hill ...
OsnapsonJC02.1.10 - 3:35 pm
Everytime someone says that, I immediately confuse it with Alabama for a split second.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by TheDude
02.1.10 - 3:36 pm
we might become neighbors. checking out a house in 30 minutes.
imachynna responding to a
comment by TheDude
02.1.10 - 4:25 pm
no ridazz in my area :(
Volta02.1.10 - 4:46 pm
once you go to the other side of the hill you will never return.
coldcut responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
02.1.10 - 5:02 pm
I am at Valley 'n' Garfield
come hang out, I will show you all the cool parks and stuff in the area.
TheDude responding to a
comment by imachynna
02.1.10 - 5:38 pm
Depends on what restaurant you happen to roll by.
I mean, meat supply runs low, truck doesn't come in for a week, somethings got to substitute.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by coldcut
02.1.10 - 6:12 pm
Redmap...it's a beautiful thing...
mylinysy02.1.10 - 11:03 pm
You finally cleaned it and filled it up? When's the first one?
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by imachynna
04.21.10 - 9:14 pm
i dunno, i'm trying to push a house warming soon, but who knows how long that"ll take. until then, it's open on vacation days!
imachynna responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
04.21.10 - 9:17 pm
grew up in compton..now i moved up the classier hood.Mid city Normandie and Venice.WOOP WOOP
Huey55504.22.10 - 4:43 pm

Cool! Let's get some more contributions on the Eastside of the riverrr
Dejahvu04.28.10 - 5:06 pm
I'm going to come to each of your houses tonight and eat your faces.
_iJunes04.28.10 - 5:11 pm
You're about to bite off more than you could chew, pretty boy!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.28.10 - 6:26 pm