Bike Fitting??

Thread started by
MELON at 04.7.10 - 9:07 pm
Getting ready to cycle x-country in early May and was wondering if anyone knows a good shop to get fitted on my bike, and/or someone to talk to...
Also, while I'm here, I'll be having a fundraiser for said trip on April 30th. Ride to event is posted here:
You can get a fitting at Budget Bicycles in Eagle Rock. I work there and we charge $25.00. We put your bike on a trainer and we use plumb lines and a goniometer. You can make an appointment by calling 323-254-4160. Hours are Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-7 p.m. We usually don't do fittings on Saturday because it is super busy on the floor. Hope to see you there. Ask for me, Tony.
mrtonytiger04.7.10 - 9:56 pm