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richtotheie at 04.3.10 - 8:41 pm
4/1 Cute boy on tall bike near Hollywood High School - w4m - 18 (selma/highland)
Date: 2010-04-02, 11:43PM PDT
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My friend and I were in a black Dodge Caliber around 6:45pm on 4/1 right across from Hollywood High School. You were on really tall bike and you are absolutely gorgeous. As you passed by us and realized that we were both staring at you, you smiled at us. Wow, I must admit that your smile is amazing and it totally brightened up my day, so thanks.

you mean this guy!
srry ladies hes taken.
Huey55504.3.10 - 8:46 pm
but you ladies can dream of him his name is Andres.
Huey55504.3.10 - 8:51 pm
tallbike connections...lol should be dating game.
Huey55504.3.10 - 8:52 pm
I want a tallbike. I heard they sell them at Walmart
palucha6604.3.10 - 10:46 pm
part of the beauty of the tallbike is that money *cant* buy you one......like love.
tortuga_veloce04.4.10 - 1:42 am
But welding equipment and supplies aren't cheap either.
And getting kicked out of a welding shop after they refuse to perform work out of liability reasons gets a little old.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
04.4.10 - 1:48 am
Search LA craigslist for "bicycle welding". The guy in Redondo Beach will do a tallbike if its not a total disaster.
petr0lb0mb04.4.10 - 9:26 am
I was actually looking into modifying my recumbent to take a 26" rear wheel.
And Redondo is tad far for a weld job.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by petr0lb0mb
04.4.10 - 6:57 pm
I met him at barchops, yes, he's a cutie pie!
Girl Power responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.4.10 - 6:59 pm
Tall bikes are total chick magnets. It's a well known secret among tall bike riders. Secret's out though, soon you'll see fixie talls everyday.
tallbike messiah04.5.10 - 12:27 am
Back Then: A fixed gear from Republic Bikes.
Now: A fixed gear tallbike
Future: Full carbon fiber track tall bike.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by tallbike messiah
04.5.10 - 12:36 am
sorry huey, he's just not into you. get over it. he will be emailing these lovely ladies i'm sure.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.5.10 - 2:21 am
im married.lol im the one that telling him on his facebook that ladies are looking for him.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by larsenf
04.5.10 - 2:28 am
tall bikes are for hopeless romantics <3
andres8404.6.10 - 10:10 pm

tall-bikes are for violence not love.
stillline04.8.10 - 2:50 am
Lindsay ******: The other person who rides their bike to school tried to holler by leaving a note in my helmet with his number on it... he rides an urban outfitters/republic bike. yeah. the fuck. right.
get it straight. republic bikes = chick repellent.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by palucha66
04.8.10 - 2:54 am