I am note sure if Bikesnob would approve of his portaging technique.....
Foldie05.26.10 - 2:31 pm
:( That was sad, and beautiful at the same time... I'm still wiping off the tears...
Gizzard05.26.10 - 3:17 pm
This Truly is one of the sadest things to have to do. I walked out back one morning to feed my rot and she was having a ceizure ( i thinks thats how you spell it) she was cippled on the left side of her body. i had to carry her out to my car and drive her to put her to sleep. Looking into your dogs eyes for the last time is a VERY depressing moment! they know what is happening, and its hard not being able to really help like you wish you could!
R.I.P Oden
R.I.P Saddie (14yrs old) Youll forever be in my thoughts!
rub_my_crank05.26.10 - 3:31 pm
if you want to use 'c' at least make it c-zure
_iJunes responding to a
comment by rub_my_crank
05.26.10 - 3:35 pm
these guys actually played at my high school during lunch....
sexy05.26.10 - 5:13 pm
Wow some much love
now that's rad!
pop iggy05.27.10 - 1:29 am
Hey Sexy did you know Oden's drummer is the head chef at the coffee table in eagle rock.He has a new band (same singer) called DC4
blackout_blacklung05.27.10 - 9:03 am
DC3 was dez cadena of black flags band after he left black flag.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by blackout_blacklung
05.27.10 - 9:13 am
I couldn't even finish watching this movie.
I put down both my dogs in the same year and I still havent recovered from it.
This might as well have been me and my sisters...
July05.29.10 - 12:41 am