
Ridazz Roulette!

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The Days of Our Ridazz.

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Thread Box:
Thread started by 13skids at 04.7.07 - 12:03 am

Hey, if anyone has any questions or comments please feel free to hit us up here. We wil answer any questions you may have. Take not this ride is being held by local DTLA Bike Messengers of the U-Lock Mob. This ride will be an excellent race to gain some street cred. If you don't plan on racing, still show up, we'll have a grip of spectators and a sick afterparty with live DJ's and $1 Pabst beers! FucK YeaH!


Oh and sorry for the typos. I never proof read!

New YoRk

04.7.07 - 12:08 am


whats the distance on each lap?

04.8.07 - 10:18 pm


is there a women's division????

04.12.07 - 6:48 pm


Sounds cool, but I had already planned to go to the Hit And Run ride. Is there a Paypal account where I can send some money, and you guys can just mail me the street cred?


04.13.07 - 12:00 am


is this some fixie only thing? any chance of making the safety ride after this is over?

04.13.07 - 2:46 am


lots of people are saying that the race will be short
and are planning to goto MR after.

04.13.07 - 9:20 am


I think any type of bike is allowed

04.13.07 - 11:26 am


Where in Downtown LA is this?

I'll be coming from UCLA area

04.13.07 - 4:09 pm


I'm looking up 4th and flower at google maps and nothing is showing up..

04.13.07 - 4:12 pm


fixie, try this.

04.13.07 - 4:22 pm


thanks ^

what would be the best way to get there from UCLA? westwood area

(and how long would it take to go from there?)


04.13.07 - 5:28 pm


I just want to say, "That race kicked ass!"

Too bad the IMARTIN Cat-6 rider who held the lead until the last lap and got his ass kicked by Jack was a whiner. "Jack cheated! He sat out a lap waaah waaah. Next time I'm bringing my people! Waaah boo hoo! boo hoo!"

Other than that, and that stupid ass fight that almost broke out at the end, this was an awesome race.

I got my ass beat by the 4th lap, but imma be ready for the next one.

Good choice on the route too - it was scary as fuck.

04.14.07 - 11:40 am


I second the race was scary part.

Man, my only goals were not to get creamed by a bus or passed by a dude in girl's jeans. Skinny Pants mount up!

Yeah, so that race was super fun and rad. The folks who put it on just rule plain and simple.

A couple of things though...

I occasionally ride with the guys on the actual I. Martin team and they've got a good reputation for being one of the friendlier teams around. The "Cat 6" dude in question isn't on that team. Chances are he just bought a pair of the shorts or something.

That being said, in all seriousness I really think he got hosed. When he passed (lapped) me on lap 5 there was nobody even close to him. And no one else passed me in the half lap I rode before pulling off the course.

On the next lap, 6, a saw him blow by another group of dudes at the front and by the 7th lap the race should have been over when I saw him and Jack suddenly duking it out. So for Jack to be in a sprint finish with guy makes absolutely zero sense. If anything he would have been sprinting not to be completely lapped.

Ask around. A lot of other spectators think the same thing.

Also, I don't have any sort of beef with jack nor do I know the other guy. To me it was like watching Iceman and Slider duke it out and really don't care who won. One guy was sandbagging and trying to win some loot and the other guy was trying beat a bunch of people. Big whoop. Maybe the other races can settle the score.

Hopefully they'll be just as fun as the first one and maybe even monitored a little closer and making sure lapped riders are pulled.

But then, we would have this nifty little controversy.

04.14.07 - 12:23 pm


what was the course?

04.14.07 - 12:40 pm


Insane and awesome all at once.

Wrong way up Flower onto some steep on ramp with a pot hole so deep you could see China on the other end.

Right turn onto Hope (I think)

Down Hope to a fast left where it ends at the Library.

Blind and wicked fast right hand onto Grand followed by a super fast right turn onto 5th street. Heavy on the pucker factor if you know what I'm saying. That intersection was chaos with the traffic, stop light, and deer-in-the-headlights pedestrians frozen mid cross walk.

Then, it was a sharp right onto Flower into oncoming traffic to start the fun all over again.

04.14.07 - 1:23 pm


Hell yeah that event was rad!

I was planning on racing until I saw the course: that shit was downright sinister!!! I'm running 170s on a low bottom bracket and I don't have a brake right now, so there's no way in fuck I was going to tussle with the Hope Pl > Grand Ave > 5th Street sling shot, IN TRAFFIC nonetheless! Watching the racers from across the sidewalk there was awesome: everytime someone made an insane turn (and there were plenty) the crowd went nuts! Major ups to everyone who raced!

As far as the "cat 6" dude, I don't know him but I think he's legit (see pic.) The story to date is that he stopped for traffic, and Jack charged it and passed him on the last lap. Messenger style!

I don't blame the guy for being sore. If I was Cat 1 and lost to a messenger in cut-off camo pants I would assume there was some bullshit too. I hope he comes out to the next crit race!

City Hobgoblin
04.14.07 - 1:42 pm


Wow sounded fun. Congrats to Jack!!! HOLDIN IT DOWN~!!!!

04.14.07 - 2:14 pm


That course would be insane if it were closed. With traffic… fuck! The turn from Grand onto 5th was some of the best adrenalin of my life. It was very hard to have any idea about who had lapped whom. I think that I was passed on the eighth lap but I am not certain. Anyway it was a blast. Big ups to Jack for taking it street style.

04.14.07 - 3:35 pm


Wise, man, you were rockin it!

Does anyone know if there are results posted anywhere? I'm really curious as to how everyone finished. Did Tony get 3rd?

City Hobgoblin
04.14.07 - 4:18 pm


Man that race was insane, the Cat-6 guy and Jack blew by me on lap 6 like I was standing still. Jack was prob 50 yards back at that point. It was awesome to see Jack come up for the win, the other guy was definetly a sore loser, I hate guys like that.

04.14.07 - 5:51 pm


i just want to try and set things straight here.
I'm jack, and i didn't cheat. i was right behind the guy who came in second the whole race. at the top of the hill at hope and flower there were people giving time updates each lap, and i was between 6 and 13 seconds back each lap. i ended up passing him when we crossed 3rd street the last time. there was a red on flower, and a bunch of traffic coming out of the tunnel really fast. he stopped, and i didn't. i saw a hole between a gang (yeah, seriously a gang) of mopeds, and hit it. then i sprinted the rest of the way around.
i got lucky. that's all. he was fast as hell, and it was all i could do the whole race to keep him in sight.
if anyone doubts the validity, you should talk with the people that were staking out the top of the hill, or those under the bridge. every time he went past, i was just behind him (the spectators were amazing, and screaming for me to catch him, i really appreciated that). there was no way for me to cut a lap, and no where for me to duck out during the race. the course was designed with these things in mind.
but hey, if people want to say i cheated, that's fine. i don't really care, i know what happened, and i've got $185 in my pocket, so that's pretty much the end of it.

04.15.07 - 11:22 am


I believe Jack. I wasnt there to see the finish but Jack has no problem with admitting to getting beaten. He's an honest dude. He told me in the beginning of the race he was gonna get creamed because the other guy is a monster. But Jack has street and traffic knowledge which might have given him the edge over the roadies in this type of race. thats that messenger trained edge.. plus Jack is one fast motherfucker.

This ride was INTENSE! that grand to 5th corner was absolutely insane. people stopped to watch and began cheering. the racers we cutting the corner leaning in. I had to step back.

I got good flicks I will post them.

04.15.07 - 2:49 pm


(writing this during the Paris-Roubaix commercial breaks)

OK… apparently what I wrote yesterday was copied over to trustafixarian.com (see your royalty payment soon human powered transport) er, la fixed.com and apparently “my shit was articulated poorly.”

Man, I feel like I’ve arrived even being mentioned on that site. (I’ve never felt cool enough to apply to be a member. )

Anyhoo, here’s what I was trying to say.

I was lapped during the 5th lap on Hope St between Third and Fourth Street. As I was pedaling up W General That Kosciuszko Way (thanks gmaps) the dude at the top said something to the effect of “The guy who’s behind you is the leader.”

I looked back and saw a lone rider chugging up the hill and gaining fast. According to gmaps the stretch from Third up to Hope is about 500 feet in length.

The stretch down Hope to the turn onto Hope Place is approximately 1370 feet.

Jack says he was between 6 and 13 seconds behind the “Cat 6” dude who claims he was robbed of victory.

Let’s just say, hypothetically, that “Cat 6” was going 25mph down Hope Street. (And right now, I’d like to offer a profound apology if my arithmetic is incorrect. Haven’t taken a math class since high school. Journalism majors didn’t weren’t required to take math at our college. I guess we had too much too learn in our quest to poorly articulate our shit.)

1 mile = 5280 feet.

25 miles in one hour (25x5280) = 132,000 feet per hour.

132,000/60 = 2200 feet per minute.

2200/60 = 36.666 (repeating) feet per second.

36.666x13 (Jack’s maximum gap) = 476.658 feet.

An American Football field is 100 yards (300 feet). At its maximum the gap between Jack and “Cat 6” was over one and a half football fields in length.

At one stretch down Hope Street early in the race, my eyes had bugged far enough out of my head to easily see (even in the dark) that I was going 18mph.

Quickly doing the math 18mph = 26.4 feet per second.

To travel 685 feet (half the length of Hope Street ) at 26.4fps would take 25.9469 seconds. Granted, this assumes that I was lapped at exactly half way but, when I was lapped, I sat up and took it easy glad that my race didn’t end under a bus.

During the time on Hope Street, after I was lapped, I was passed by no other riders. Had the gap between Jack and “Cat 6” been 13 seconds, I really think I would been passed. It wasn’t until I pulled off at 5th and Grand that I heard cheering for racers coming around that shit your pants turn.

The reason why I think the race should have effectively ended on the 7th lap (maybe it was the 8th) is because for “Cat 6” and Jack to be battling it out side by side, “Cat 6” would have lapped Jack, effectively ending the race as lapped racers were asked to pull out.

But, if Jack bridged the 13 second gap and caught “Cat 6,” Jack is borderline superhuman and we should all kneel before him. I’d gladly be the first in line to pay him maximum respect for that one.

And if this were the case, I think “Cat 6” would have been too shocked and stupefied about getting thumped like that to lodge a complaint about being robbed of victory. If you ever see a pro race where two guys duke it out in that epic of a fashion, the first thing they do at the end is shake hands. Another example of this happens between Clint Eastwood and that other dude after the climatic brawl ending “Any Which Way You Can” if obscure references are you thing.

As I said before I have no affiliations to either “Cat 6” Jack. Regardless of any of this, the facts are: the race was awesome, Jack and “Cat 6” are wicked fast, LA bike culture rules, and Stewart O’Grady is the man!

Here’s the route of Friday’s race for those interested. The elevation profile is sick!


04.15.07 - 3:27 pm


Hi i'm Nick and i just want to set things straight here.

I was the first person to complete all ten laps at the race, yet was not payed my $185 for my win. Any rider whos been around more than a few years knows that at a messenger race, a messenger always "wins".

The race stayed together for about three laps of with a breakaway group of like eight stronger riders. That bulky guy in the camo shorts /yellow spandex jersey was up there and we were all drafting before the climb. I just gave it some gas up the hill and no one was capable of responding. The next lap I had a large gap so I just drilled it hard, stayed off the front solo without drafting a single rider, lapped the field and was the first to complete all ten laps.

Awesome race, the fans were fucking insane! That corner by the library was nuts, and so was the 35mph corner going the wrong way into oncoming traffic!

After I won, the messengers doing the lap counts and the corner marshalling forced me to ride two additional final laps. (oldest trick in the book! so i saved plenty of energy...) then the camo messenger rider comes charging out of nowhere on the THIRD last lap with super fresh legs from sitting out laps, cutting the course and drafting off lapped riders. He attacked through a brigade of motorcycle cops coming out of the tunnel on the 12th lap. I stopped and waited cause i cant afford a ticket or a crash without health insurance.

then i just bridged up to that guy and was like 10 meteres back going under the bridge.

After the race i just politely asked for my money from the organizers and they refused. The messengers started throwing pabst bottles at me and yelling at me that i was a cheat and a liar blah blah a couple cubby bearded guys started yelling at me, they were like hey fuck you you cat six spandex fag... whatever. i just rode off.

If anyone doubts the validity of my win, just look at the pictures and you'll know.

04.15.07 - 3:41 pm


Brandt-Sorenson - you rocked that race, no doubt. But you're saying that you rode 13 laps around? The ride organizers seemed to have their shit together regarding the lap count. It seems crazy that you could have lapped the whole field, twice.

Most of the people there that night weren't bike messengers, and I don't think anyone wanted to see you lose because you weren't a messenger. From what I saw, it seemed like you had the lead for most of the race, and got beat by some unlucky traffic during the last lap.

I was going to try and say hi, and shake your hand at the end for putting on a hell of a show, but I guess you were too busy making your case and telling everyone that we were all involved in some sort of conspiracy. It was cool to see you in action though. You have some insane skills.

04.15.07 - 5:06 pm


Dude, you lapped on either the 6th or 7th. You fucking powered the whole way.
But I also know Jack, and I know that despite his competetive streak, the boy has humility. I highly doubt that he would pull shit like that on you.
There were also so many people on the field, messenger or not, who witnessed the whole race. The pictures will tell the truth, in time.
But your post-race attitude blew. Total fucking J-Lo Bullshit.
If you had attended Cranksgiving 2006, you would have seen a NON-MESSENGER win. A non-messenger also won the trackstand comps, and another civilian won the backward circles comp. So don't be getting all rigtheous there.
And it seemed hard for folks to get on your side, after seeing you throw a hissy fit like that at the end of the race. It's very arrogant of you to presume that you would automatically win because of your standing.
It may be hard for you to believe, but there's folks out there, that can best anyone on the streets. Some of us live-and die on the busy traffic congested roads of this city. Some of us live like this, some of us work like this. We don't thave the luxury-or the interest, to drive out to some backroad, or some sponsored race to show off our Finely Sculpted Coach Trained Hot Bods.

Alleycats and street races are about fun. Some of us chug a shitload of beer, or down a Red Bull and SNickers 'fore the race-and sometimes puke it out. It's about fun, and it's about fucking shit up. It's not about who has the biggest cock.
You're fast. And I can't wait to see your shaved ass smoke me in the next race.
But a little humility ain't no sin.

04.15.07 - 9:09 pm


my apologies go out to nick if he truly feels that he was cheated, but i also want to point out that messengers do not always win courier races. to make that assumption is a slap in the face to a lot of us. there is no messenger conspiracy! (nick, jack is a cool cat, but he is also fresh meat in our little courier community....)

i also apologize if other couriers cursed at you or called you a spandex fag, believe it or not some of us also wear spandex. but also remember that nobody likes a cry baby.

my respect goes out to both riders whom i've seen ride all around the city. both of you are amazing riders. but to prevent future altercations i think "messenger" races should be for messengers only. if you want to race and invite everyone, call it something else. (i heard that some non-messengers are even putting on "alleycat" races on sundays....what the hell is that?)

look, a lot of us are fucking fast riders, but we choose not to race so we don't have to deal with the bullshit that follows every event.

jack, if you cheated, then that sucks for you as a person and you're going to have to live with that...but you don't strike me as such a person.
nick, you seem to be built like a bull and maybe you did win.
but what i want you both to know is that any disrespect towards the messenger community affects all of us messengers. so next time something like this happens, just jump off your bikes and beat the shit out each other, then go to a bar and buy each other a beer....

04.15.07 - 10:16 pm


Does the idea that Jack or any other self-respectibg rider of his caliber would cheat to win a measily $185, at the risk of his reputation, strike anybody else as being totally absurd?

04.15.07 - 11:11 pm


I dunno about these other yuppy-hipsters in echo park, but to me $185 is a LOT of money.... 10 years of bike racing on a credit card adds up quick, and squeeking by from paycheck to paychek working manual labor 40 hours a week, training 20 hours is not that fun...

so if youre riding around on a bike with a wad of upper-middle class priveldge stuffed in the back of your skinny jeans from urban outfitters, just try to keep your mouth shut when i ask for my money.

04.16.07 - 1:30 pm



04.16.07 - 1:36 pm


I know this probably doesn't mean very much to you Nick, but it sounds like you lost...
Through the whole race you looked to have an easy 5-10 second lead on the rest of the front runners and you looked like you were out for a sunday cruise. Then at the end of the race here comes Jack with a good lead at the finish. I don't know, at first you came off as a sore loser, then I hear that you held up at some traffic while Jack charged it, which doesn't do alot for your case (house rules). The additional laps at the end could be a little fishy, (but that only really becomes an issue if you and Jack didn't do the same number of laps, which didn't appear to be the case). I would chalk that up too the loud drunken? mob in charge of keeping a lap count....
All in all, both you and Jack are freakin' monsters that ride at a level most of us will never realize. Thanks for putting on an good show!

04.16.07 - 2:07 pm


Whatta bunch of horse crap. If you're gonna call an event a "bike race", it's a race, no matter what kind of biker costume you're wearing. If you're going to pay a cash prize for the winner, the first person to complete the required number of laps, ya better be prepared to do so. Otherwise, why not just call it a "bike charity ride" fundraiser for whomever the event is rigged for... Jack, Jimmy Bob Bess, or Tommy Tyler.

And quit dissing brandt-sorenson. That guy is fast and legit. I once rode with that sum-bitch and I swear, a doggone douglas fir tree fell and landed square on his shoulders. He wasn't even wearing a helmet and the guy got right back on his bike and kept pedalling. He just shook his head, knocked some of the wood dust off, and was rearin' to go. The damn tree cracked in half right where it struck him. I'd like to see you and your hipster show bike ride off after a hit like that. He had a diamond studded rear fender and a sticker that read "How's my driving? Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT"

Shoot, I tell you what. Next time, the spandex-clad, pseudo-pro, shaved-leg !@#$?s are gonna get medieval on some pansy hipster-poser ass. I say BRING IT!!! (in my loudest monster truck rally announcer voice.)

I'm showing up to the next one of these so-called "races" and if the cheating happens again, it's not going to be cards making noise in your spokes. I'm watching you.

Mr. Hanky

Mr. Hanky
04.16.07 - 2:10 pm


lets settle down with the macho bullshit. Jack has won several races recently, so lets cut through the shit. he is one of the fastest street racers around. why don't you all just show up to the next one and settle this like cyclists.

the point of these races isnt to intimidate the Los Angeles bicycle community into threatening each other.

and Mr. Hanky you might want to take the elastic band off your balls and let your wad go on your boy there.

04.16.07 - 2:31 pm


jesus christ are we on a fucking elementary school playground?

04.16.07 - 2:31 pm


where's crybaby?

04.16.07 - 2:31 pm


thing is, Jack is known to our cycling community and we know he is no joke. he places and wins in legitimized races be they messenger track velodrome et al.. he's fast, it's really hard to believe he could get lapped... let alone twice.... is there an official results book we can look at? did any of the organizers release their version of the lap counts?

one point:not all races are the same or ask for the same applicants... there is a reason that cyclists are racing in categories like cat 1 2 3 etc. there is a reason cat 1's arent allowed (or would even bother) to race against cat 5's in the schedule of legitimized cycling races.... there is a reason Lance Armstrong isnt "competing" when he does the Ojai charity ride. it's about maintaining dignity by only competing at your level. If lance actually were to compete against the field in that charity race he would be seen as a bully of sorts not the sportsman that he is. Nick is obviously a serious competitor at Cat 1 (if I understand correctly) and 10 years of racing experience... certainly argue-ably over qualified for the field he was competing against.....

Nick by no means seems to be a bullying type so there had to be a legit reason he felt the need to compete in a race like this... and by the way a lot of people were talking about it and most thought it was bad ass for someone of that calibur to even show up to an underground street race like that. so it must have been the traffic and street obstacles that seemed like an equalizer of sorts or? we've all seen it we all know Jack is crazy in traffic, maybe that was the x factor as predicted.

Nick... Are you absolutely sure you lapped Jack? twice? did you have anyone spotting lap counts for you on the side? did anyone claim to see Jack hide? do the organizers have an official standings to check out?

04.16.07 - 3:55 pm


Yo it's Joe a.k.a. New York. I am on of the organizers for this race and I hope everyone had an awsome time. Today back at work and also over the rest of the weekend I heard all the controversy. To make a long story short, all I can do is apologize for, at the time, not being able to provide for volunteers to monitor the race from bullshit like this happening. My apologize go out to Nick especially for not being able to give him a fairly judged race. This will not happen again! To make it fair, I'm not gonna talk about opions on who may of won or whether the winner won or not. Instead the $185 grand prize for the 37 racers who entered, will now be pushed into the SECOND RACE! Thats right, we're starting the prize at $185 plus all the entry fees from the racers on 4/27. At no point did we ever wants this to happen, or want a messenger to win, or anything like that. If we did we would of just made it a messenger only race. AND LAST, this goes for Nick & Jack, if you guys want a rematch, let me know and on race #3 5/11, we'll arrange that on the same course, same laps, and we'll figure out the prize later.

One again I hope everyone had a good time, i was really happy with the turnout. Thanks to everyone who helped out, if you have pictures or video please send an email to nycfixie@ca.rr.com so I can add them to our sight. Also stay tuned, in the next day or so i'll have the next flyer up for April 27th with all race info and so on. It will be the same style criterium, just on a different course. Only this time we'll be implicating a new tracking system from a staellite in space or something and well have some closed circuit cameras wacthing your every friggin move!

Love Your Hommie NY

04.16.07 - 5:59 pm


Sorry for the typos, i hate to proof read and i suck


04.16.07 - 6:01 pm


OH and this goes to Nick, I only refused to give you your $5 bucks because before letting me figure out with the other staff what happened you were already claiming all sorts of shit and you got way too upset to fast. Had you hung around and explained your point, we could of came to a conclusion and we wouldn't be having an E-Discussion. Next time lets all just take a moment to be organized and remember that this is all for fun. If your in it for just the money (which I did get a feeling of, mainly cause you wouldn't register untill you saw that there was $185 instead of $20 when you first checked in), then it might not be a race for you. We all want to have fun, and the cash is just an easier way of organizing a race instead of getting all the sponsors and prizes and BS like that.

New York

04.16.07 - 6:19 pm


Seriously though, where is crybaby?

04.16.07 - 6:45 pm


Probably doing manual labor at Mcdonalds.
Coming from a guy who used to work in a Burger King [in Echo Park] AND grew up in Silverlake.

I think it's funny how it's all sectarian strife right now. You got the "hipsters" vs the "messengers" vs the "roadies", replete with blanket statements on each category. As some of you witnessed,
the messenger scene is not made up kerchief wearing fixie hipsters. Nor is it made up of baggy pant wearing mountain bike thugs. Not all "hipsters" are riding to be "cool". Any of these cats who busted down for the race merit respect for trying something different, and crazy. And both of these camps can be seen blending into the race set. Hanky-boy, SOREnson, did you know, that some of the other spandex wearing fags racing were also messengers? Or just regular guys who like riding? We're in this because we love biking. So please refrain from the chest thumping. It's not impressive, and it's really annoying.
We're in this because we love biking. It just so happens that we have other interest as well.
Like beer, for instance.

04.16.07 - 7:14 pm


I second the beer drinking...

04.16.07 - 7:22 pm


hey does anyone know how i could get ahold of that chick in the blue shirt hanging out at the start of the race?

she dropped something on the ground, i picked it up, put it in my jersey pocket but the race started and then i never got a chance to give it to her.

04.16.07 - 8:01 pm


Hey you guys are gonna love this. In the light of everything, this is the next flyer. Oh and i think you are talking about rebecca. Just show up at the next race and you'll see her there.

New York

04.16.07 - 8:06 pm




04.16.07 - 8:41 pm


I didn't see this race and didn't know anything about it til I read this thread today and looked at the pictures of Nick who I never seen before.

I may be wrong, but I was driving South on the I-5 freeway, and I look over at the River bike path and see some guy who looks just like the pictures of Nick, then I go downtown and see Jack riding on the Streets. I was going up fifth past Flower

Maybe it does have something to do with where you train, but what do I know.

t may not have been Nick on the river path. That bike with the front rack may not have been Jack. Nick has a distinctive look, sure did look like both of them

04.16.07 - 10:36 pm


The secret password for the next race:

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Select Start

p.s. I "refunded" Sore-loser-enson his $5 because I thought it would shut him up. But the show was easily worth more than $10.

I disagree with the "be nice" posts. We need more guys who are willing to be total dicks at bike events - it keeps the drama level at all time highs and alienates everyone. What could be better for the illegal bike race scene?

04.17.07 - 10:06 am


fuck this hipster bullshit but i say fuckin dimwitts real good job putting this fukin rAT race on! "hey I'm from new york i can run a alley cat duuuh fucking ingrate ass messengers half the town sorta believe jack cause they friends with em and half the town thinks brendt won it cause none you fucknuts counted the laps!!!!!!!!! the fuckin people spossed to be running a race correct but instead smoked too many primos and snort meth so jack finally confessed up and gave back the dough huh assholes? just give spandex boy his money he deserve look at his sexy myspace page hahah 2 more of this bullshit race eh? jajaja jooooke

Dum Dum
04.17.07 - 6:29 pm



04.17.07 - 6:55 pm


live the nyork messenger life!!!! cart boxes of shit and legal papers for da man and spend the $50 i make a day on durgs and meth huck huck huck ja jajajaj throw a race and then dont pay attention cause im anarchy i live for myself duuuuuude huckhcuk jajaja fuck da man!!!!!

Dum Dum
04.17.07 - 7:57 pm


wahh! stop it, I was trying to sleep

04.17.07 - 9:37 pm


Dum Dum

You live up to your name. You are just mean! Nothing funny about your post. I don't think anyone is laughing. Does your mummy not like you, or do people you are physically attractive to, ignore you?

All I know is when Mommy went to court, against my so call Daddy, (he says he not my Daddy). The judge said that he is my Daddy and you have to pay Mommy money every month. That was it.

The lawyer said the judge ruled in Mommy’s favor. So Daddy has to pay. Daddy got all mad but that person with the ugly look on their face, in the green and tan uniform, with the gun, looked at him, and Daddy calm down. I asked Mr. Lawyer what happen, he said, when people go before a judge, and the judge rules, then that what the final decision is, then he said something about appeals, but I don't understand that.. Mr. Lawyer said, just like in sports competitions, when the Judge makes a ruling, that the decision. If another player doesn't like it and gets mad about it, they call that "bad sportsmanship". Mr. Lawyer called that man with the gun, a deputy, Mr. Lawyer said they are there for when someone doesn't like what the judge says, he won't go stupid Dum Dum in the court.

Anarchy?, isn't that when people get along and do everything in cooperation with each other. That way people are free to associate with each other, in a society where there is trust among one another. People say that will never happen, because some people will take advantage when given that much freedom. Are they talking about you Dum Dum? Like posting mean words on the community space. I don't think you are as you say you are, just not educated yet, that means you are a Dum Dum

Mommy said that NY guys goes through all the trouble of making flyers and posting it all over the Internet. He plotted out the course and he doesn't make no money for himself, he gets no new toys out of this race stuff. That sound kinda of like Anarchy, because you have to be a real giving person for Anarchy to work, and he has given a lot. No money to cover his expenses , nothing. I wonder how much it cost him to put on these races. He must not have had to go to court against another mommy.

Last time NY put on a race and got all these people and companys to give things, like that drink that makes Mommy grind her teeth, and to sponsor the race. He charged some money, put gave it to those guys that ride around on bikes and deliver stuff for other people, when they get hurt. That NY guy must be rich, maybe not with money, but with heart.

I hope we don't have to have playground attendants, or angry looking guys with guns at our races to control people that don't want to go along with the rules.

That guy that the judges say won the race, if he gave back the money, to stop people from crying, that was nice. He sounds like he is trying to calm everybody down by giving up the money for the next race. I guess he doesn't really need the money cause mommy says he is one of those scientist guys who plays with spaceships. Mommy said, "he knows Mommys" He went through the trouble of keeping the playdate race on last Mommys Day alive. When the kid who was suppose to put on the Mommys Day race didn't show up, he made the race happen, he even made the spoke card at the last minute. That how Mommy said, "she knows that Jack knows Mommys."

Dum Dum you better go to school and learn to play nice and not talk so mean, or no one will ever like you. The doctor say that people that act like that, will be lonely and grow hair on their palms.

If kids don't want to play nice, please stay home. We are just trying to have fun out here.

04.18.07 - 12:28 am


Seriously, fuck all you spandex-clad hipsters. You guys are ruining the scene with your stupid messenger bags all plastered with logos of teams you don't even ride for. Why don't you all go back to the suburbs and listen to your little Decemberists albums, and take your $10,000 carbon fiber fixed gear conversions with you? Fuck!

04.18.07 - 3:46 am


Cry Baby saves the day (again).

04.18.07 - 3:55 am


Crybaby, thanks for defending me but I still got some shit to say. First off Dum Dum, you wanna talk shit about me, wanna say I do meth when I don't do shit but drink or smoke weed sucka? You basically took the stereotype of what outsider hipsters think of your DTLA messengers and applied it to me. I'm callin you out and lettin you know your a little e-thug bitch, mainly because you only got the balls to talk shit on the fuckin midnight ridaaz website you little leva.... Next, for the record, I don't make a single goddamn fukin thing on any of this, not the race, the bar, nothin, and I put my own money into it just to see people have fun. Yeah i'll admit we fuked up on the judging, but who the fuck expects a cat 1 racer to come to an outlaw race and then lap the whole pack (twice he claims). Must of been the money that drew him out, especially cause he wouldn't even race untill there was enough racers worth his running.

All you fuckers need to remember that this is for fun, and yeah it gets competitive. But to all you fuckers who wanna come out, see what cracks, and then go home and hop online and talk shit, stay the fuck home... We don't need weenies like you around, and if it wasn't for events like the ones I throw and other messengers hold, you'de be doin themed rides for the rest of enternity. So enjoy riding with a bunch of cruisers, slut.....

04.18.07 - 8:26 pm


I have to say it is really cool that you have put your time and energy and money into making fun events like this. Sure, having a cash payout that is as good or better than the typical local spandex style bike race is a motivating factor for getting the racer types to show.... but even more so is the change of scenery. Urban underground style racing is a nice way to mix it up and looks like a lot of fun!

This "event model" seems really similar to the Portland Oregon Roller Derby events. Cheap beer, pseudo-rival hype, risk of carnage, and hipster "counter-culture"... Lot's of fun. Just hope nobody gets run over in traffic while participating in a "waiver-less" sporting event, organized by one responsible party. Or that the local authorities don't know how to use a google search engine to follow up on motorist/citizen complaints.

Would hate to see these things go away. Keep up the good work and thanks for making a reasonably fair compromise regarding the last event's turmoil.

Mr. Hanky
04.18.07 - 9:00 pm


i love themed rides and cruising! arooooo!

04.18.07 - 9:32 pm


AngelCity, I was with you until right near the end there. I support what you're trying to do, but what's with the hostility towards theme/social cruising rides? I don't see the "theme ride cruisers" attacking you or your event, in fact of lot of us want to come check it out and cheer these guys on. Is that wrong somehow, or am I just so lame that I don't get it?

I admire these racer cats for their bicycle prowess, but we can't all be them. I'd hoped this was about a celebration of bike culture, not about being part of some exclusive club. Isn't there room under the tent for the rest of us?

mr rollers
04.18.07 - 10:48 pm


AngelCityRatRace wrote:

We don't need weenies like you around, and if it wasn't for events like the ones I throw and other messengers hold, you'de be doin themed rides for the rest of enternity. So enjoy riding with a bunch of cruisers, slut.....

Woah. Burrrnnn.

Um...and yet, here you are advertising your event, for about the tenth time, to all of us cruisers and theme riders. Could it perhaps be that you need us as much as you claim we need you? Could it also be that instead of shit-talking one another, we should all be working together to make the underground races and the themed cruises more fun for everybody? Or would that entail a loss of precious, precious "cred" for some of the folks on one side or another of the alleged subcultural divide?

Just thinking out loud here, mind you.

04.19.07 - 3:21 am


Now don't get butt hurt.... My point was that L.A.'s rides are 97% themed rides, with out others throwing races, thats all anyone would ever do....

04.19.07 - 8:05 am


Mr. Hanky, thanx for jinxing everything, be a lil bit more negative next time. And PC, we don't "need" you guys, we extend the invitation not to shut anyone out.... Show up with your cruiser if you want....

04.19.07 - 8:08 am



This is a perfect example where arrogance makes people look very very silly. Have you ever seen PC's ride? It's definitely not a cruiser. In fact, it's probably something that "you people" (you otherized yourself, so I'm just gonna roll with it) would ride.

But really, we all ride bikes, who gives a shit what our motives for doing so are?

04.19.07 - 10:10 am



04.19.07 - 10:12 am



04.19.07 - 10:18 am


I think cry baby might have anarchy confused with communism.Anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.Communism is the one with all of the "lets share everything and be friends" bullshit.And if history has taught us anything, its that communism always works.I think its really funny how all of you hardcore urban cycling outlaws spend so much time sitting in front of your computer thinking of snappy comebacks.I could be wrong though...I'm sure a good number of these posts come from Sidekicks.Oh well, I have to go now.I have a life.

mad dog ultra kill power
04.19.07 - 10:23 am


Wow, this whole thing just stopped making sense. Is the part where the Serbs start their missile attacks while the Shiites retaliate with suicide bombings in Somalia?

I think Angel City is pointing out that there's a bunch of trolling turdjunkies who didn't even race, but log on to talk shit. I don't know if any of you like that, and I find it amusing-to a point. And yeah, guess what? Most rides are themed. It's not so often when a streetrace takes place. That's not wrong. Who doesn't like ridin' around? But this is a new a concept, and I think the organizers should get some props for bringing something new. Yeah, there's controversy, isn't that how good tales get started? If people are gonna trip on what goes down, maybe said people should walk around the 'hood a little more, and see that not everyone runs on the same program.
Some people get so easily riled, and some folks just plain like starting trouble. Muy symbiotic.

04.19.07 - 10:27 am


I should have done this a while ago.

04.19.07 - 10:35 am



Sheee-it, this squabbling and these fussy posts makes Midnight Ridazz look bad. NY wasn't hating on Midnight Ridazz, think about it, ya don't advertise to people ya hate. All sides have spoken. There's another race in 10 days and I for one am stoked!!

City Hobgoblin
04.19.07 - 10:47 am


The guys who put on this race haven't done anything new or original.Alleycats have been goin down for years.And why is LA so far behind the hipster learning curve?The rest of the country has already moved past chrome Pistas and shag haircuts.You people are chasing an old trend.

mad dog ultra kill power
04.19.07 - 11:47 am


Los Angeles has the best bicycling scene in the country right now. At Midnight Ridazz everybody rides together. as for chrome, it never dies. Pista bikes, have been rockin for 122 years.

if yuo've moved on to the next trend because you're ultra hip you ultra mad dog killer buzzed cut head piece, then good for you. But I think there is a good chance you've met less than 1 percent of the Los Angeles Bicycle Scene.

04.19.07 - 12:31 pm


Check it out, dudes: I've got this totally new concept for a bicycle event. What we do is, we have a bunch of people ride their bicycles as fast as possible, and the first guy to cross the finish line wins. I call this new concept a "race." It's going to revolutionize the bicycle scene!


OK, fine. I'll be off sulking on my cruiser and rolling up my tight hipster jeans if anybody needs me.

04.19.07 - 1:11 pm


1)I was refering to the chrome Bianchi Pista that seems to be standard issue for every prick with a trust fund.
2)I have never been part of this urban cycling trend and I never will be.
3)Anyone who thinks the scene in LA is the best in the country is delusional.Do some more traveling before you start making bold statements.The scene in LA is a joke.And somebody tell the wolfpack to stop filming their rides.Nobody is impressed.

mad dog ultra kill power
04.19.07 - 1:29 pm


I am a lone wolf.

I care nothing for trends.

I scoff at your puny "scene." Scoff, scoff! (That's me scoffing.)

I am far too cool to post on this pathetic website. This thing you're reading? It's not a post.

I must go now, for I am far too important and busy to waste my time with you fools and your Pistas and trust funds.

See you in a few hours!

04.19.07 - 1:41 pm


mad dog ultra kill power
04.19.07 - 1:49 pm


mad dog ultra kill power is a joke obviously.

he just registered today. obviously has some low self esteem. And I think we all know who he is.

Also i've ridden in the northwest in new york, and plenty of other parts of this country over and over again. even ridden my bike across country. you go to places like Oregon, New York, San Fran and its mostly cliques or weekend warriors.

I've never seen as diverse of rides as in Los Angeles in any other major cities in this country.

mad dog ultra kill power what city do you prefer? You like mountain bikes? road bikes?

And you might not realize this but the chrome Bianchi Pista is one of the cheapest complete road bikes you can buy new. It's $500. So unless you are stupid, or can't get a job at Mc Donalds or rather spend 50 bucks a week to drive a car, then most people who do not have 5 kids can figure out a way to get a Pista, especially if its their only means of transportation.

04.19.07 - 2:07 pm


San Francisco is mostly cliques and weekend warriors?!?!?!You've got to be kidding.SF scene is the illest in the nation.You'll be singin a different tune after MASH drops...then all of you chumps are gonna be sweatin' San Fran.

mad dog ultra kill power
04.19.07 - 2:16 pm


this thread needs to die....

04.19.07 - 2:23 pm


yes, please . . .

mr rollers
04.19.07 - 2:28 pm


As soon as MASH drops?

yeah the movie looks cool, but i think we are on a different wave length. If you want to pull tricks and show off how many testosterone shots you've injected in your johnson, then sure define San Fran as ill because of MASH.

thats why I say Los Angeles is sweet because its not all about showing off, and saying what a badass you are. thanks for proving my point.

At least I know you do worship rich boys, since you worship that movie.

04.19.07 - 2:30 pm


No Death to Thread,

I'm enjoying what Mad Dog Ultra Kill Powe,r is saying.

Pass me my bottle and the smashed peas and carrots.

Somebody is going to have to get his panties out of the bind that they are in.

So far he has made little to no sense what so ever.

Go on Mad Dog Ultra Kill, keep chasing your tail.

I'm glad your life entails ranting about you don't like about bicycling in Los Angeles. Go Frisco!

rahh rahhh rahh Get em Mad Dog raruurhhh

04.19.07 - 2:43 pm


SF is not cool because of MASH. MASH is dope and just happens to be an SF flick. SF is fly because of the riders and the races.And yeah they are a bunch of show offs.Without competition fixed gear riding doesn't progress.Deal with it.

mad dog ultra kill power
04.19.07 - 2:51 pm


on 04.19.07 - 1:23 pm
mad dog ultra kill power wrote:

"Oh well, I have to go now.I have a life."

apparently you don't have a life. I come back from my lunch break, and you're still ranting.

get a life.

04.19.07 - 2:58 pm


Oh fuck yeah this shit is hilarious! Classic!

I went to university in the middle of the state, with about half the kids from LA/SoCal, and the other half from Bay Area/NorCal. A lot of the Bay Area kids would say "fuck LA!" And the LA kids would be like "huh?" because they had no idea there was this rivalry. Hell, I was from LA and I didn't know NorCal felt that way either. It was pretty funny.

Anyway, that was Freshman year. By the time everyone got to be juniors or seniors, they had met enough kids from other places to get over that way of thinking, and then no one cared or took it seriously where you were from. Most of my best friends from college are all from the Bay Area, and they moved back since.

So yeah mad dog ultra kill power (cool name!) reminds me of one of these 18 year old kids with no life experience who wakes up covered in barf and ice house all the time.

SF has some bomb ass riders, and they've been doing it longer, sure, but poo poo'ing all over LA is kinda retarded. And most kids from LA don't really care about any of that stuff. We just like to ride.

City Hobgoblin
04.19.07 - 4:29 pm



Oh but thanks for the opinions man, I think a lot of people were thoroughly entertained!

City Hobgoblin
04.19.07 - 4:30 pm


I like the part where Charles Bronson fights the Stormtroopers myself.
I know. I shouldn't be wasting my time on this-I'm almost walking away.
But I tried the course. It's sick. It's tight, it's scary, and you get to see most of the fucking action. It's gonna rock. Yeah, Alleycats have been done forever. Theme rides have been done forever. People have been riding bikes forever, what's your point?
And to those that complained that it's all hipster this, hipster that...
Bug off. Please. This hipster talk is played. It's out of fashion. You guys are old. Last time I whined about hipsters was a year ago. What's a hipster anyway? I always thought that it was people who lorded their knowledge about obscure shit over others. Think Trekkies, except folks are actually interested in their knowledge.
So.... Do the math. YOU who whine about hipsters, ARE the hipsters. Or have way too much time.
It's played, like the Bianchi pista angle. Would you call a kid with a limited edition Keirin frame the same? I have. And it's stupid.
And maybe we're not bustin tricks [but there are others in this city who do, so keep yer eyes open] all MASH style. So what? We're riding bikes, and enjoying it. Are we supposed to enjoy the simple act of riding a bike a certain way?
Should we ride fixed?
Cruisers? Roadies? Wear tight jeans, baggy pants, cut-off dickies?
Spandex. Please, tell me. What's the right way to ride? What method of riding will please you?
Give it a rest. Unless of course, any of you are itching to find a reason to be offended, in which case, dig in!

04.19.07 - 8:04 pm


wait, everyone has missed the point. weren't we supposed to be talking about how i cheated, how i could have never conceivably beat nick, and how there's a 'messenger conspiracy' in every non sanctioned race?

04.19.07 - 11:02 pm


Shaddup Jack. Gawd! Quit reading Ayn Rand already. Fucking ubermen....

04.19.07 - 11:20 pm


This pales in comparison to the "hipster conspiracy" at every themed ride. Haven't you ever noticed that at every one of these things, a hipster ALWAYS finishes first?

And I guess we're supposed to believe that this is a so-called, quote-unquote, "COINCIDENCE"??????????????????????

04.19.07 - 11:48 pm


all this talk.

i just wanna punish any rider who thinks they can hang on my wheel....

lactic acid beatdown !

and if by some freak of nature youre wattage output is greater than mine, please bring the suffering. i love it....

04.20.07 - 12:26 am


and by the way, Jack is a cheater.

The guys just on a bike to get chicks. Yeah where do all those business ladies go downtown when they get lonely? to the 6foot7 camo pants messenger hanging out under the bridge with a fancy college degree under his belt.

and by the way, both jimmy and orlando told me jack showed up to the girl on girl ride in los feliz and peeled away after like a mile with two skirts with uggs on purple beach cruisers, and every time i'm in the kitchen the dudes in there tinkering with some bourgie USC blondie's fixie.

Meanwhile i'm training daily, twice a day, with the focus of a buddhist monk.......subsisting daily on cheap espresso, beans, bananas and toast.

04.20.07 - 12:46 am


I know who I want to grow up to be like. I like furry boots.

04.20.07 - 4:45 am



I want a camo diaper

04.20.07 - 4:47 am


And a pink bicycle, without breaks

04.20.07 - 4:48 am


Oh poor Brandt-Sorenson. He has it so, so hard. lets all feel sorry for him. He has a hard time getting girls, and has never heard of student loans.

well we know one thing, he has an expensive bike. obviously a white male who has no idea of the meaning poor but likes to use money to put other people down. Just another privileged american, whos obsessed with stardom and wealth.

04.20.07 - 10:46 am


Who is Orlando anyway? What does he really know? And is it true that you can actually meet chicks volunteering at the Kitchen, hmmmmmmmmmmm?

04.20.07 - 1:05 pm


Pacino. I like your generalization of Nick. You've really done your research. Great work! Knowing the true story of his circumstances myself, I must comment on the error in your assumptions. It's ok. You can certainly say what you like on this safe online chat box.

But if you ever wanna achieve the smack-down stardom and prestige of being a midnight ridazz underground race poster boy, a la "jack vs. nick", you have to produce more than just bubble gum scented burps. It requires strength and panache! Maybe some real world substance and grit?

Mr. Hanky
04.20.07 - 4:52 pm


Oh yeah, pacino? Nick could win this thing on a 1971, metallic gold Montgomery Ward Hawthorne 10-speed, complete with original reflectors, stem mount gear shifters, and kick stand. But where would you be? Oh yeah, too busy in the local starbucks bathroom, layering some toilet tissue in your shorts to help with chaffing and to absorb some of the rectal drip when you try to ride ONE lap at that pace.

Oooh. Burn.

Mr. Hanky
04.20.07 - 4:59 pm


Mr. Hanky,
where are you at? Oregon? You might not realize this but i'm a girl. I'm not some lame guy you can bully around with threats. And I know more about you and your boy toy than you think. Its great that you want to carry him around by the balls and worship him, but I don't ride bikes like that. I ride to ride, not to say how awesome my friends are.

also your boy didnt win last time on his expensive ass bike, but if he wants to bring that 1971 Montgomery Ward Hawthorne, i'm all for it. and in fact will bet you 50 bucks if he does show up on it he'll lose.

also please correct my supposed assumptions about nick, you forgot to do that in your post. I'm curious because about 80% of what he writes on this site is ridiculous. I'm not saying he's not fast, i'll give him that. but maybe you and him should taunt the category1/2 race circuit instead of the Midnight Ridazz website.

04.20.07 - 6:10 pm


You guys are really goin at it...internet style. I thought I was the one who was pissing people off. Guess I'm no longer needed here...back to Myspace I go.

mad dog ultra kill power
04.20.07 - 6:25 pm


This is now the illest message thread in Ridazz history.

I am going to bring every camera and person I know to this race. We should all pick colors to show who we support.

I am wearing pink, in support of jack-enstein.

Sorenstne? What color? Plaid? Camo? Polka dots? You decide. Be sure to let us know.

04.20.07 - 6:58 pm


Honestly, I don't know where all of you are from. But back where I come from, if you talk a lot of shit, you are pretty much required to throw down.

So my advice is for everyone to show up at the race and just start beating the piss out of each other. Then once you get it out of your systems you can reminisce over a nice tall whiskey and get on with your lives.

I'm tired of reading about "who has the biggest balls." I need to be able to see it first hand and base it on concrete evidence, like pools of blood!

Put up or shut up.

04.20.07 - 7:01 pm


Watch your ass racers!!! Nick is getting ready to rumble!

Actually, his stuff on YouTube is interesting. I think it is pretty cool that an athele of this caliber came down to try and hustle some money.

04.20.07 - 7:11 pm


Profoundly creepy.
So uh.... You uh, ride around in your Camaro Convertible trying to pick up girls at the JR. High there, buddy?
Do a little comb-over while in the restroom?
Snort some EPO 'fore the race?
Inject some testoterone you took from a dying bull at the zoo? Actually, I'd like to see these two genetic freaks of physical... Freakishness compete in a downhill race on Full Suspension Huffy bikes. NOW that would be a sight to see!
....Okay, I'm gone. This display of egos has me hankering for Eggo waffles.

04.20.07 - 7:37 pm


camo pants/shorts are GAY! especially if your 6'7............

kish mir in tuchis
04.21.07 - 4:20 pm


kish mir, let's leave the homophobia at the door, thanks...

I've refrained from posting in this debacle for a while, but come on people, 105 posts, just fucking let it die already!

04.21.07 - 4:42 pm


whats wrong with being gay?

hey who started this midnight ridazz thing anyway............

04.21.07 - 5:10 pm


hey molly cameron's coming to the tattoo convention next weekend, i think shes gonna race and give beatdowns to smack talkers.......


04.21.07 - 5:14 pm


that sites gotta link to trustafixarian.com

04.21.07 - 5:16 pm



You guys are all shitcicles. It's all about nowheelers. When you can win a city race with a no wheeler, then we can talk. Or, I can help you out with some technical advice on removing the wheels from your bike. Until then--there is no job or racer category that will make you worth shit. Go wheelless!!

04.21.07 - 5:40 pm


hey, here's an idea. lets get a bunch of cat1-2 and pro racers to come to alleycats and unsanctioned races, and make all of us that aren't life committed to racing look like chumps. nick; no one is saying you couldn't beat me on a closed course race, that'd be stupid, and false. no one is saying that pro racers aren't fast as fuck. we're out, trying to have fun, maybe take a friend's cash. if you're super $$ motivated, why don't you get a better paying job or something? if you're going to sit out and not register for a race because there's a $20 pot instead of $200, that's just lame.
i'm not saying that 'real racers' aren't welcome, it's always nice to have some one fast to push you, but if all you're going to do is bitch about poor organization, lack of competition, and say people cheat, why don't you just go to races that have referee's on motorcycles, guys in SUV's with rollers warming up at the start, and a bunch of sponsors advertising their new ass cream or sports drink?

04.21.07 - 7:12 pm


whats wrong with being gay?

hey who started this midnight ridazz thing anyway............

04.21.07 - 8:10 pm

nothing!...........im not gay but my boyfriend is.

kish mir in tuchis
04.22.07 - 9:35 am


HAHA the evil friday the 13th thread refuses to die ...
Just like the movies it gets worse and worse.

I gotta give it to you Nick ... at first I thought you were a self-rigthtous asshole; now i am starting to appreciate your Rowdy Roddy Piper image. I just hope nobody mistakes your asshole theatrics for real and decides to kick your ass for real.

Bikes are all about love after all

- a trustifixarian with out a trust-fund, skinny pants, or a fixed gear bike.

04.22.07 - 10:53 am


my personal experience has taught me that an iroc and some fucking judas priest gets more chicks in the high school parking lot at 3pm than anything.

04.22.07 - 12:03 pm


lets get serious for a minute here... wheres the chick with the blue shirt and poneytail hanging out under the bridge?

04.22.07 - 1:48 pm


She's recovering right now. That's Rebecca. She went down at the last Wolfpack ride. Refer to the Wolfpack Casualty thread for more info.

04.22.07 - 5:34 pm


look how messed up that wanna be pros teeth are

probably all strung out on pot belge

04.23.07 - 2:27 pm



LACM - Western/Wilshire - 7p
Cash Race - 1st/Fig - 8:30p
Hollywood Ridazz - Hollywood/Vermont - 10:30p

04.26.07 - 11:03 pm


This is going to be so cool. I hope someone brings gun - then we'll all have chance to be in the news later. Midnight Ridazz has been too positive - and reporters in this town are sick of it. Where are the "Criminal Bike Gangs Terrozizing the Southland"? Downtown, 8 p.m. - TONIGHT!!!!

"I would like to thank my homoerotic YouTube videos and my massive ego and my erectile dysfunction for the victory.", future quote from the winner .

04.27.07 - 5:13 pm



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