Endourse Box Cd4
Thread started by
sexy at 07.19.10 - 4:38 pm
I move that midnight ridazz.com endorse Steven Box for City Council for the 4th district.
Let this thread be only for a vote of midnight ridazz endorse of Box for City Council
please only response once. Let the numbers be the deciding factor.
Lets hope this thread has the highest numbers of +1's in the history of the website
I know midnight ridazz claims to not be political, but it is about bicycles. For as long as I have known Steven Box, he has been fighting in city hall and on so many levels for us to all have safer streets for us to ride on.
Could you imagen having one of us on the Council. Lets make this happen dream happen!
What we need to do is plan a ride to register new young voters 18-30. People who feel powerless, who view voting as a waste of time since the guy who gets elected won't help them. We need to change that. We need to inform these new voters that they have a voice, but they need to vote so their voice can be heard.
328rides4ever07.20.10 - 8:38 pm