
Ridazz Roulette!

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Something Else The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #84 - All City Toy Ride V Fry-Day NIGHT #33 - Swarm the Pier Hot Box Parties Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Bela Speed Star Taco Tuesdays data center Handicapped Canines #27 - Safety Ride The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons Fixie Goons CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial CRANK MOB . X . The Memorial

The Days of Our Ridazz.

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Thread Box:
Thread started by 3meter50 at 07.22.09 - 5:13 am

What up with people throwing shit or say shit while driving passing us in the fuckin street. I was riding through Main toward Downtown LA from Lincoln Height, then this fucken car drove pass me and throw a cup of soda, then talk shit.... so rode up to them, to see what the fuck ( they were stoppin, train passin by), they close their window..... there were five of them in the car, I really wanna bust Clair on them but there to many car, so i rode off. Then those fucker drove by again and talk shit again, so I throw a rock, broke their back window..... then i jam down a street near by to a factory near the gold line.


Get their license plate. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that considered assault?

07.22.09 - 6:45 am


same shit happened to my gf, coming back from TT last night. Rolling east on Venice blvd. a car rolled by us slowed a little, then the passenger threw something striking my gf on the face, making her bleed. i took off after the car catching it on La Brea, when i confronted the asshole that did it, he got all scared rolled his window and forced the driver to take the red light. getting the license plate # was useless cuz the car didn't have any license plate.

07.22.09 - 9:10 am


that's WHY they don't have plates. i'm so sorry to hear that.

responding to a comment by AIDS66
07.22.09 - 9:43 am


If only a car was rolling through the intersection...SPLAT....poetic justice.

responding to a comment by AIDS66
07.22.09 - 10:52 am


Sometime you really wanna do something but you are out number......

07.22.09 - 11:03 am


I'm thinking might help for human attacks too 3 in diameter appears to fit in a water bottle cage....

responding to a comment by 3meter50
07.22.09 - 11:42 am


Man.. you're going to kill somebody with that... ha

responding to a comment by Roadblock
07.22.09 - 11:46 am


That bear spray would learn 'em good.

responding to a comment by theladiesman
07.22.09 - 11:49 am


learn em' good when they freak out and hit the gas instead of the brakes and smash into a car in opposing traffic right?

responding to a comment by dusky
07.22.09 - 11:51 am


ooooh man..... it could get really ugly.....

responding to a comment by theladiesman
07.22.09 - 11:53 am


stink bombs. just crack one into someone's window.

they'll never fuck with a bicyclist again.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
07.22.09 - 11:54 am


The issue of cars without license plates is something I think we really need to attack head on and call attention to. It is illegal, and numerous times now we have heard stories of drivers abusing their lack of accountability without plates. I've considered going to a big parking lot and calling the cops and bugging them about every single car I see without plates or the window identifying placard that is supposed to be displayed while plates are in the mail. I think it might also be a provocative idea to make bumper stickers and hit cars without plates, with perhaps a message to call attention to their abuse, saying something along the lines of "No Plates, No Responsibility".

07.22.09 - 12:04 pm


I want real results... stink bombs will only make them more pissed not incapacitated...

responding to a comment by _iJunes
07.22.09 - 12:07 pm


yeah, that is a big issue. i think drivers that don't have plates frequently do so with the intention of running red lights and getting away with their irresponsible actions. when red light cameras first started going up, a lot of people got busted for no plates or no front plates, but as with the cell phone law, things eventually returned to the status quo. it might be time to ask for a crackdown. after all, the city is losing revenue from these red light cameras, arent they?

responding to a comment by GarySe7en
07.22.09 - 12:43 pm


Seriously stink bombs? wtf? What is this middle school. Need to chuck a stick of dynamite in that bitch. Lol

responding to a comment by Roadblock
07.22.09 - 12:43 pm


WOAH. Sorry to hear about that, I would say to call 911 or at least break or slash something on their car. Damm that sucks.

responding to a comment by AIDS66
07.22.09 - 12:48 pm


hey i think we should carry sling shot, if they get far.... you could shot something, break something and get away, then hide somewhere..... by the time they make that u turn or turn on some corner.... you will be gone.....

07.22.09 - 1:01 pm


we need to start carrying bats

responding to a comment by 3meter50
07.22.09 - 1:06 pm


$10 bucks at Outdoor World/BassPro Shops.

responding to a comment by 3meter50
07.22.09 - 1:07 pm


i have a slingshot at home but never used it against anything or anyone

responding to a comment by bentstrider
07.22.09 - 1:14 pm


You guys are unreal. I think you've all been out riding in the sun too long.

When you do these things, first, be sure you're in Helpers neighborhood, and second, be yelling "Midnight Ridazz" as you ride away. That will for sure help get the message across.

07.22.09 - 1:14 pm


Let's see, in the past 4 years I've been hit with ice, water, glass, plain old trash, a car and an SUV.

People, on rides I've been on, have been hit with eggs, glass bottles, fists, feet, shovels and bullets.

I've been told (yelled at) to get a car, a job, a life and to get on the sidewalk - a million times.

I guess what they're all telling me is that I'm a second class citizen, because I choose to ride a bike. Never mind the job, and ignore the fact that I actually own a car, I enjoy my life and I think the sidewalk is unsafe for bikes. I'm just a worthless piece of shit in their eyes.

How in the world are we supposed to change their views? Through legislation? Public Service Announcements and AD campaigns?

Fuck that.

I feel like a criminal, like they're forcing me into an underground world. Because the status quo doesn't approve of what I love. And it's no longer a choice for me, but the way I live my life. It doesn't seem fair, because I enjoy most of the thing they enjoy too. I like to watch sports and drink beer. I like to go to the beach. Heck, I like technology! Including automobiles, airplanes and trains! I love trains, I love to travel by air! I even own a gas-guzzling pick-up truck.

So what the fuck?

I'm hungry.

the reverend dak
07.22.09 - 1:17 pm


we aren't ranting over Helpers post in this thread. This is about ridazz that have been struck with bottles and other stuff from people in cars. Go to the other post if you want to make a point.

responding to a comment by dave
07.22.09 - 1:18 pm


Right?! One day they're talking about being the good guy, and promoting peace through leadership and respect. Then here they are, the same guys talking about fucking up cars. It's unreal, and sad.

Which reminds me, where's my U-Lock?

the reverend dak
responding to a comment by dave
07.22.09 - 1:18 pm


while a bat is to big and long...... and it a close range weapon...... you need something that it a long range so you get away...... or get a u lock for a close contact and a sling shot for long range attack..... both of them are small to carry.... dont take many space and it light.....

responding to a comment by palucha66
07.22.09 - 1:18 pm


dave's point belongs here, you're all being hypocrites.

the reverend dak
responding to a comment by palucha66
07.22.09 - 1:19 pm


Super Magnum Bear Spray with Hip Holster... Wow that is agreat looking product.. Just the visual is scary... If anybody looks at you with that, knows what it is, they will definitly look the other way...

07.22.09 - 1:19 pm


This reminds me of the time this shit happened to me too. I was just hitting the boulevard, feeling great, ready to do a few miles. I wasn't more than a 100 yards away from my place when someone driving by throws a half empty soda from Micky Dee's at me. It just skimmed over my back and landed on the sidewalk. I watched the Bronco SUV speeding away and watched the light about half mile up the road. Sure enough, the light changed and hung them up. Knowing the lights, I knew I could catch them no problem if they didn't make a right. Lucky for me, they didn't, and stopped there in the slow lane. After pedaling like hell I rolled up on them and laid a huge hack right on the dude's lap in the passenger seat. I looked in very briefly and it was four brothas in the car. My next instinct was to make sure they couldn't catch me so I doubled back. They looped around the block, making three rights. By the time they were back on the boulevard, I was on the other side. They would have had to four wheel it over the median. Not an easy task, plus it would have bought alot of attention to them if they did. I think getting out of the car wasn't a good idea cause they might have been in hostel territory. So they basically stayed right there, a block back from where they meet me wondering what I was going to do, and what they're going to do. After about a minute they decided to take off. I decided to go back home, change my clothes, bike, and helmet. I'd do this all over again if it happened again. Felt good to finally be able to dish out some shit, than be taking it all the time! Just make sure you got a way out and not get yourself into deeper shit.

07.22.09 - 1:21 pm


should of gotten some bear mace

responding to a comment by User1
07.22.09 - 1:25 pm


get used to it. you'll encounter asshole drivers all the time, and most of the time you're powerless when the drivers speed off. I've been shot at with paint ball guns, had all kinds of shit thrown at me, and have had words with ignorant drivers. but in the end there's very little you can do.

07.22.09 - 1:30 pm


Honestly, I'm starting to see incidences like this become less common whenever I choose to ride through areas with alot of senior citizens.
Apart from all the horror stories I've heard, their slow and cautious driving usually works to my favor, and their also likely to be less full of testosterone.

It's just too damned bad that we're short on alternate routes due to freeway, river and aggro railroad police.
Throw us to the wolves!!!

responding to a comment by dave
07.22.09 - 1:30 pm


Everybody needs a high volume powerful blast of highly concentrated pepper spray in a dense fog..What a description of the bear spray..Can't stop thinking about it...Such a great idea...Animal repellent to use on humans...

07.22.09 - 1:41 pm


Joe Borfo
07.22.09 - 1:48 pm


When we talk about hundreds of people riding in the streets then yea absolutely it's about leadership and proMoting peace. But what about when the tables are turned and it's one cyclist versus a carload of assholes? Sure first thing is to try to avoid and confrontation however there have been people who straight got robbed for their bikes. So I don't think it's hypocritical to have a way to defend yourself. There have been bike jackings and harassment that endangger peoples lives. Sometimes you have to be able to defend yourself and bearspray Or dome type of mace seems pretty good for that.

responding to a comment by the reverend dak
07.22.09 - 1:54 pm


when people scream at me, i try to catch up to them and ask them, really nicely, "you were passing me really close," or "hey buddy, were you trying to kill me?" and then if they don't apologize, they usually come back with "you're not supposed to block traffic."

if it's the latter, i'll say, "actually, thats not the case when there's a narrow lane or when there are a lot of potholes. even if that wasnt true, that doesnt give you the right to try to assault me." if i'm packing my 21202 flyers, i'll give them one.

there are plenty of people that just don't realize the cyclist's perspective and are grateful that i talked to them. the rest of them just come back with a "fuck you" and drive off, but i hope and believe that they drive away a little wiser and more thoughtful.

07.22.09 - 2:05 pm


If a car is truelly harrasing you there is allways a shater rock to the front window.

07.22.09 - 2:07 pm


Holy shit aids666, sorry that happened man. She okay?

07.22.09 - 6:00 pm


Roadblock, that's good shit...lol. Just be sure there's not a viscious crosswind if you use the bear spray, that'd suck hairy sweaty balls.

I remember one time, I was riding south on Figueroa, crossing Venice, when a pick-up truck came within a foot of my rear tire, laying on the horn, scaring the dogshit out of me. I switched lanes to the right, and there was an unpleasant exchange of words for about 15 seconds.

It all ended when I asked him if he wanted to go to jail. After doing so, he kept talking shit, so I sprinted forward (by this point, we'd just passed beneath the 10 fwy) pulled out my phone, got on it, and started screaming his license plate number as the phone rang for 911. He slammed on the brakes, hung a right, and hauled ass to the 110 north on some backstreet parallel to the mercedes benz dealership.

Now that I think of it, that's the second time that tactic was used to deter an asshole driver. Once they (some) see that you're actually ACTIVELY facilitating a really shitty day for them, they back the fuck off.

07.22.09 - 6:20 pm


*switched lanes to the left.

07.22.09 - 6:20 pm


nice. 19 times out of 20, your wits and your appeal to common sense are your best weapon. when that fails, grab the bear repellent.

responding to a comment by BlAcKnYeLLoWfUji
07.22.09 - 9:48 pm


be realistik!

07.23.09 - 8:27 am


Normally, I'd think of something witty to say in response to your sarcasm, but this picture kicks ass, and has me stuck in a state of awe...lmfao.

responding to a comment by Helper
07.23.09 - 8:32 am


@ 3meter50

That's a crazy story. When it happened to me I just snuck up on those bees and scared the crap out of them. ... It might have been smarter to do nothing, but revealing them as the scared little punks they are was truly delightful.

I'm sure breaking that back window was a joy to behold!
Hopefully it was their parents car. hahaha.

07.23.09 - 3:17 pm


i was riding in a bike lane and this jackass tried swerving into me then he adjusted his rear view mirror to see my reaction. i caught his ass at a red light and started kicking his passenger door and spitting on his car. his gf was in the passenger seat curled up in the fetal position scared like "like OMG!! do something honey" he stayed in his car :(

we all need the bear spray or even better a .38 special... yeah?

07.23.09 - 3:34 pm


I actually prefer the Javelin with the "soft-launch" and "radar-guided" features.

This way, you won't give your position away when firing and you could also lock onto another target after.

responding to a comment by Helper
07.23.09 - 3:36 pm


I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....

07.23.09 - 3:46 pm


do your hold your breath and close your eyes as you run away or something? >.<

responding to a comment by Dropkick_bruce
07.23.09 - 4:07 pm


Well first off congrats on taking out their window...In my opinion the rock/car ratio translates the same to the soda/rida on the hazard scale...

Same stuff happens to me more than I like but I just shine it on these days. However, just a few nights ago a minivan full of teens threw a cup of ice (very poorly) and missed of course. My legs were feeling good that night, so I was up for a sprint. For once, I actually caught up to the car and then proceeded to punch their rear window and scream at them...When I looked inside they were scared shitless to say the least. what people don't realize is that throwing ANYTHING from a moving vehicle is indeed assault. All it takes is a rida to get hit and startled to the point of crashing where serious injury or death could result.

Now, the major difference here is that I live in a small town were the odds are i'm dealing with bored teenagers. You guys are up against gang bangers and freaks of all sorts down in the city so I'm not sure if I fully endorse revenge at all times...Just make sure you have an escape plan, or get that license plate number!

07.23.09 - 4:08 pm


I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....
I think that the the Super Magnum Bear Spray that deploys a whoping distance of 35 feet and produces a high volume powerful blast of pepper spray that is highly concentrated into a dense fog is a highly effective weapon....

Joe Borfo
07.23.09 - 4:09 pm


Shater rocks are really the best way to acomplish this. they are really portable. but I really would only suggest doing this if a car will not leave you alone and you really feel threatend for your live and have no other options.

responding to a comment by tiGRReagle
07.23.09 - 4:14 pm


With the 35 foot advantage you can cause some serious damage specially on a car/van filled with menacing up to no good troublemaking bear dick eating douche bags.....

07.23.09 - 4:18 pm


Old fork,
old latex tube
used 1/4 " rear hub bearings


responding to a comment by bentstrider
07.23.09 - 5:12 pm


what type of fork??
is it broken?
why is it free?

responding to a comment by Dedicated818
07.23.09 - 5:14 pm


Free forks are available from local bike shops as they are often replacing bent forks
from brakeless fixie riders,they seem to have a habit of crashing into things.
check the junk bin, or go to the co ops they have old junk forks

responding to a comment by palucha66
07.23.09 - 5:45 pm


I was thrown in jail, and charged with attempted murder for using peper spray.
$50,000.00 bail
and yes it was in self defense !
The police are just out to make as many felony arrest as possible.
even if it involves twisting the facts.

responding to a comment by Roadblock
07.23.09 - 5:52 pm


Wow...My dreams of getting my hands on a bear spray have been diminished....What kind of pepper spray did you use...store shelf kind or animal repellent.....Would you suggest a u-lock beat down, chain whipping, or the old time middle finger retaliation...When it come to confrontations...

07.23.09 - 5:59 pm


"attempted murder for using peper spray"

get the fuck out.

Joe Borfo
responding to a comment by Dedicated818
07.23.09 - 6:44 pm


it was delightful, for me for doing that because i was already in the mood of anger..... of the accident of when i got hit by a car.... on the way to the ride with no name.... then a couple day later got stuff throwing at me..... that wasn't a pleasure recovery......

responding to a comment by trickmilla
07.24.09 - 8:26 pm


I did mention slingshots already, did I not?

And the Javelin definitely isn't as concealable or as price-minded as a small-arm, so we'll save that one for when Airwolf is on our ass.

responding to a comment by Dedicated818
07.24.09 - 8:54 pm



I bought a 2 gig memory card for my camera (under $20), got a couple reflector mounts from the local bike shop (free), a couple nuts and bolts from the hardware store (buck or so) and I put together a camera mount.

Now big brother is on my side.

07.24.09 - 10:18 pm



08.15.11 - 8:39 pm


Aggressive drivers, they must have not had their propane today.

08.15.11 - 9:00 pm



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