next week, West Side Mosey: Delete My Thread Edition
You are invited to post your most gruesome drunkfest drama on MR and then ask roadblock to delete delete delete. The first deleted thread wins a very special prize!
Bonus points for getting your account booted!
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by theshues
04.4.11 - 8:08 pm
Hows about deep sixing those annoying cheap cycling kits ads?
Creative Thing04.4.11 - 8:16 pm
The guy that started the thread is an insane liar, thats why it got deleted. He had no right to bring it up on here, he was just trying to cause more pain to the person that it happened to. He's really not a good person, just really mean and spiteful.
Freckled_Toad04.5.11 - 1:05 am
OMG ... I think the lights are changing.
Joe Borfo04.5.11 - 1:25 am
or maybe it's just being swept under the rug to hide the fact that alcohol and drugs are sometimes used excessively on party rides, like the FMLY ride.
coldcut04.5.11 - 1:45 pm
Yeah that's it because there aren't a million other threads that talk about Drugs and Alcohol, or the fact you can look at basically 10,000 copies of the same lame photo of some douche drinking and doing drugs on a ride.
Rocket Scientist you are not.....
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by coldcut
04.5.11 - 1:55 pm
oh, captain obvious, how does one become one with the troll? to make snide comments without recognizing sarcasm or irony is truly an artform which you have perfected.
coldcut responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
04.5.11 - 1:59 pm
"what happened to the strict rule on deleting threads??[sic]
Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
-Walter Sobchak
sack or crack you choose04.5.11 - 2:18 pm
As far as I know. The rule has always been: "anything can be deleted for any reason without explanation". It's happened plenty of times before, even over relatively benign subjects.
trickmilla04.5.11 - 2:55 pm
i heard sack or crack you choose was the one who gave that girl all the bad pills
newarkhouse04.5.11 - 4:31 pm
"He had no right to bring it up on here, he was just trying to cause more pain to the person that it happened to."
If you knew the history of this website and what these forums have seen in past threads you would realize that the thread you speak of is but a streakmark in the whole scheme of a big giant drama turd that occasionally stinks up the whole room here on MR.
It's really nothing to be alarmed about or let it cause you pain. This is a public forum, and used to be one of the most strictly non-regulated forums at that, which made it awesome. Someday facebook will go by the wayside and delete all of its content, but this forum will be here ticking on making people laugh and disagree and occasionally add their own streakmarks to the gigantic drama turd.
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by Freckled_Toad
04.5.11 - 5:41 pm
Did somebody call the REI return staff Nazis again?
sexy04.5.11 - 6:46 pm
So... the thread is easy to find in the google cloud... just saying :)
DancesOnH2O04.6.11 - 10:45 am
im serious tho, is there a ride for this?
theshues04.6.11 - 11:19 am
Ahh... yes, the Deleted Threads Ride. AKA the World Naked Bike Ride.
DancesOnH2O responding to a
comment by theshues
04.6.11 - 12:02 pm
strict rule on deleting threads
The "strict" rule is, and has long been:
The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. [It's only been above the forum for, what, ever?]
Furthermore, I have seen a number of threads deleted on numerous occasions for spam, personal attacks and just blatant asshole-ishness.
I have no idea what was said in the deleted thread, but I am sure it was deleted for a reason. Stop bitching because you can't get your drama fix at someone else's expense. Go watch Jersey Shore or something. Christ.
shotgunBOOMBOOM04.6.11 - 12:58 pm