City Council Vote!! March 8th
Thread started by
Roadblock at 02.25.11 - 7:47 am
Who lives in the north west valley CD12 area??
Please VOTE for city council Brad Smith or Kelly Lord.
Do not vote for Mitch Englander! These races have super low turn out. Your vote makes a difference! Vote by mail if you can or find your polling place here:
If you live in studio city Hollywood Los Feliz in CD4 Tom La Bonge district VOTE for Fellow midnight Rida and pro bike and pedestrian activist Stephen Box!
youthquake LA. Ride your bike and vote.
champagne02.27.11 - 3:25 pm
For my district, Huizar or Martinez?
Joe Borfo02.27.11 - 3:31 pm
No idea. 2nd the question-- Illlumination on CD 14 city council candidates appreciated.
champagne responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.27.11 - 6:22 pm
For my district, Huizar or Martinez?
I'm not voting for Martinez as much as against Huizar.
Huizar spent the last two years in office trying to shut down, chase away MJ dispensaries.
He never heard a retarded NIMBYist request he didn't act upon.
Like when he shut down a large solar panels installation in Montecito Heights after they had gotten all their permits and after they had built half of it because that's when some Mt Washington residents decided it wouldn't look pretty from their decks across the Arroyo.
marino responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 9:05 am
Huizar may have some faults, but he has been very supportive of the progress for bikes in LA. He always seems attentive and supportive at council meetings when it comes to cyclists rights and infrastructure development. He could do a lot more though. And he should be told this. As the incumbent I think he'll win. I know nothing on Martinez except that his campaign spams me with phone calls.
Also, I'm stumped as to who choose crack is.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by marino
02.28.11 - 1:35 pm
Huizar is a face man like Labonge. He is there to take pictures and give speeches.
But I guess without legitimate opposition, he will continue to be, like most of the CD incumbents, a bunch of special interest goons.
Borfo, I don't think we have had the pleasure yet.....
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 1:55 pm
Martinez is a single issue candidate, plus he's a business man - and business men (especially flamboyant ones with TV shows) are worst than politicians, they both suck.
I'm writing you in Borfo, for D14.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 2:02 pm
Huizar is a phony sack of shit just like LaBonge.
PC02.28.11 - 7:45 pm
These are my endorsements:
If you live in CD4 vote for our own STEPHEN BOX
If you live in CD12 Vote for KELLY LORD or BRAD SMITH
If you live in CD6 vote for RICH GOODMAN
Roadblock03.7.11 - 6:59 pm
and if you live in Malibu write in SHEENSTEP
Roadblock03.7.11 - 7:00 pm
I live in CD12 who should I vote for Smith or Lord? Why?
sexy03.7.11 - 7:52 pm
I just wanted to point out that Stephen Box is not THE cyclists' candidate.
All three candidates ride bikes. I've been on rides that Tom LaBonge has organized. LaBonge listened to Ingrid and made 4th street a bike blvd. He's not a bad guy.
When Stephen Box finishes third and last tomorrow, it won't be a defeat for the LA cycling community. It will be a personal defeat for Box whose arrogant and abrasive style has alienated many in and out of the cycling community.
marino03.7.11 - 11:08 pm