NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
boycot the video shoot. Dont waste the credibility of the only cool thing in LA on some hollywood d-bag whos just trying to take something real and important and use it to promote something fake and contrived.
Why all the hate? So the guy's an actor and in a band. .what's the big deal? Look at it another think an open casting call to "ACTORS" would be better? Have some class and don't be so closed minded..
wow. i'm not surprised at the small, closed-mindedness that i'm reading here. this is exactly what the threads on MR have come to, maybe always been.
truth: in order to feel better about yourself, you have to put someone else down.
truth: your penis isn't big enough to keep your mouth shut, so you have to make fun of someone whose life is better and BIGGER than his.
truth: hatred is like acid, it destroys the vessel that conceals it.
whichever the reason for the shoot, what are you doing with your life? if you were ACTUALLY doing something worth while, you wouldn't care about the little shit.
bondink responding to a comment by barleye
10.10.09 - 10:58 am
Why all the hate- If you think these people are using the scence -go and use theirs- Go check it out and if you want to be in it then ride your bike while they are filming- If not eat their food and ride your ass home.
good. i'm glad you have your OWN opinion ... for a minute there.....
and selling out, selling out is going to a Nike Ride because they offer free beer. really, they are just holding that ride so they can see what you knuckle heads will buy, what is "cool" what shoes you will wear, etc.
now, that would be selling out. but a ride's just a ride. and perception is 9/10ths of the law. so who gives a fuck? right?
stop masturbating to yourself where we all read your shit. go ride your bike!
bondink responding to a comment by Foldie
10.10.09 - 11:53 am
i not hating on the guy. i hope all the success to the guy. it is that i am a huge fan of some the projects the guys works on. kudos to him for showing love and giving an opportunity to community of bicycle ridazz he is envolved with.
I personally don't like the guy because I've actually had to deal with him. I can care less that he's an actor or what not. Who isn't in this town? The techs and the rest of the band were way cool and friendly people. So he rides a bike, that's great. It really is. He just didn't need to be a dick to everyone in the studio.
Speaking to the question of whether he rides or not, I believe the answer is yes - he was on SFVCM earlier this week, riding a bike. That's all I can say with any certainty - I haven't met him, didn't talk to him.
I think most of us have enough info at this point to make up our own minds about whether we like him or his music, or if going to his video shoot is a good or bad idea. But I think the debate has been useful.
I can't make it anyway - turns out I have other plans.
Why would someone want to help some rich fuck exploit the scene for their own gains? The riding community is a give and take system. Not a take and take system. So the dude rides a bike, BTD, that's not giving.
What they did last night was fucking lame. They have no desire to be part of the bike scene. BTW, I asked the chick that was handing out the fliers if it was a paying gig. She said no. I asked what's motivation to do this thing, the answer was that to ride. Thanks, but no thanks!
WE DIDN'T INVENT group bike riding....WTF? the haters sound like a bunch of prima i already said...If they put out a casting call and they get a bunch of jc penney ad actors riding bikes....after all is said and done, you'll all have your integrity...right? LAME.... if you wanna do the video, do it....if not, no reason to talk shit about it.
the dude rides a bike, he likes to ride bikes, his band is making a video and he'd like to have a bike scene(s) in it....he came to the most logical place to find people to be in his video....MIDNIGHT RIDAZZ.....
what's ironic is that if he DIDN'T come to M.R. for'd all be screaming WHY DIDN'T HE COME TO US?
Hi everyone, this is Jarred Leto I just wanted to say you all are hurting my feelings with this thread and now im going to make a song about it and make even more money. Thanks for the inspiration.
Wow WTF that was by far the gayest event I ever chose to be a part of. Me and my boyz had to leave when they told us to sing along to the music while riding down the 6th street bridge...I think that took the seeing jerred letto ride a bike with other CLEARLY non Ridin ass actors in the front made me feel even more ashamed!
...I think I lost a piece of my pride back there....and on top I missed family guy!!!!
ATX responding to a comment by User1
10.11.09 - 9:23 pm
I was down on the 4th st bridge checking out what was going on. It was funny cuz I rode down to the start of the bridge and the cop told me to go up with the other riders, and I told him I am not a part of this crap. Went over to the other side of the bridge and followed with the cars as they were filming. I also saw about 10 low rider cars show up at the staging area while they were filming the riders. Is he trying to get LA in wrapped up in his little video.
Those who went I hope you had fun. Me chillin on the 4th street bridge with my Tecate watching the sunset was great.
Foldie responding to a comment by ATX
10.11.09 - 9:28 pm
I was no town during this thing and had no desire what so ever to go by this thing. Good luck with those that went. I can't wait to hear about how this thing went. Seriously!
This thread reminded me of how some folks got all worked up about the Foo Fighters shooting the video for "Times like these" under the old, HWY 18 bridge in Victorville.
Most of them thought it was going to bring in alot of troublemakers, but in the end, 50-60 locals got to throw shit over the side of one of the oldest bridges in the city.