The Hit and Run Awareness Ride (Safety Ride 2)

Thread started by
Roadblock at 04.8.07 - 12:22 pm
This Friday the 13th, (of all days lol) we will be riding to commemorate as many of the recent hit and run incidents as we can fit into a route of 15-20 miles across silverlake, hollywood and ending at the Ilia Pankin (r.i.p.) fountain at Wilshire and Santa Monica.
There have been too many incidents, hospitalizations and death and it's time to begin inviting our friends on the road to join us and share our experiences.
Bring signage to leave behind at the incident spots, bring candles to commemorate the dead, bring anything you have to leave behind that will alert drivers that someone was hurt.
Remember, this is NOT about yelling at motorists, this is not about demonizing drivers, this isn't about bashing cars, it's about sharing our experience and inviting motorists to join us next time. The more motorists join in, - even if it's only once a month - the more they will begin to notice riders on the road.
I've got the Jen Diamond incident, Adam Authier, the Wolfpack incident, Jim C, Ilia Pankin incident. please list more we will try to fit them all into the route map. Even if it was a minor incident that you didnt report to the police let me know the details. I will include them in the flyers and we try to can make arrangements to stop at or ride by them. $$$$ roadblock $$$$ at%% midnightridazz dot calm
anyone interested in helping me plan this it would be much appreciated.... email me.
"Remember, this is NOT about yelling at motorists, this is not about demonizing drivers, this isn't about bashing cars, it's about sharing our experience and inviting motorists to join us next time. The more motorists join in, - even if it's only once a month - the more they will begin to notice riders on the road."
Sounds strangely like Midnight Ridazz. It is good to send that reminder out on occasion, even if it's not an awareness themed ride.
Jeronimo04.8.07 - 2:14 pm
Yet another cyclist hit and run. Saw this on the news today. 58 years old and in the bike lane - a car swerved into the lane to hit him. After the accident the man (the driver) grabbed his 4 year old son and ran for it, witnesses called the cops who apprehended the driver. The cyclist is in critical condition; the report says the driver had no ID and no Drivers license.
Here's a link to the story, check out both the bike and the windshield:
Samhain04.8.07 - 6:47 pm
ah! they caught the guy? that link points to the video library and the story fell off the front page. here is a more specific link:
OK so, how do we proceed to lobby the Rancho Santa Margarita Police about this incident. Make calls emails all that stuff. Lobbying is one of our only tools to light a fire under theoir asses. this guy should get the book thrown at him. we can't let up on this shit.
ps what's up with the Jen Diamond case?
Roadblock04.8.07 - 6:56 pm
I want to make a mini-zine for this event
1 8.5x11" paper with small type folded over. real simple.
This can be for fellow ridazz, slipped under car windhields, or left at the sites we visit.
Please send me any and all hit and run stories, data, maps, stats, whatever you have. To be included in the mini-zine. If you are sending in a first hand account or story that you want to be credited for please let me know how to credit you.
I'm doing my own research and will make that available to the group as welll.
There is a short lead on this one so please dont delay.
trickmilla04.9.07 - 12:54 pm
I haven't done a point to point ride yet unless it was subwayable, do large groups of riders generally head back to the starting point together on rides like this? I'm riding Riverside from Burbank to the starting point and if I can get to a subway stop before last train I'll do that. If not I'll head back to the starting point with a group and ride home from there.
toweliesbong04.9.07 - 3:27 pm
I've found that there are groups riding everywhere from these rides.... I usually put the word out as the destination point crowd begins dwindling.... "anyone riding back to hollywood area?" usually a crew of 5-10 people are always going where you are going.
Roadblock04.9.07 - 4:17 pm
there are usually valleyites and others who plan to break of at a point close to a metrostop so they dont have to ride home.
we usually don't make it back in time to catch a train.
also, ocassionally people drive out.
put the word out early on the ride you might score a ride in the direction of home.
trickmilla04.9.07 - 6:25 pm
If your going to the Valley, remember the MTA 656 line, it comes 25 after the hour starting at 1:25 am til 4:25 am at Santa Monica and western and goes all the way to Panorama City, Van Nuys and Roscoe. after that the subway opens back up.
sexy04.10.07 - 4:41 am
No Hit-n-run stats
here still, lots of interesting data about bike accidents.
"The first automobile crash in the United States occurred in New York
City in 1896, when a motor vehicle collided with a pedalcycle rider"
trickmilla04.10.07 - 3:25 pm
hey, so uh, how many stop are we going to be making? thinking of something to do, but I need to know how many to make.
FuzzBeast04.11.07 - 2:30 pm
looks like we will make 3 official stops and several other spots we will pass by in between the main stops.
Roadblock04.11.07 - 3:58 pm
I'm scouting tonight with Rollers. anyone else want to go show up at the fountain at 7pm.
Roadblock04.12.07 - 2:11 pm
Initial route plan....
Roadblock04.12.07 - 4:01 pm
Looking forward to the ride, notice the ride now starts at 10PM. A crew from San Diego will be supporting!!
LudiChrist04.12.07 - 7:32 pm
may I suggest that anybody who has extra things to hang the signs, please bring them. wire, zip ties, staple gun. Whatever you got that is non-valdelizing, bring it to help, not everybody will remember to bring fasteners. I was thinking of a hammer and nails, if the orgaziers of this ride feel that is approriate.
Take time to reflex how you (we) would be best off, handling drivers that our not driving in everybodys best interest. Getting pissed off at the moment usually fades away. Really, can you remember all of those drivers who yelled at you. (please don't answer with digression). If you really feel you want revenge, then take the licence plate down, and in time when you can find out where that car is and who it belongs to and you still feel that way, well then take some more time to cool off, and then, thats up to you. Starting a fight on the road does nobody, any good. Let stay calm and be the example. I know we had this discussion on another thread, I just think we should all keep our cool when on the road.
You, me, the pedestrian and the drivers, we will all be better off.
Look forward to seeing everybody sign tommorrow.
sexy04.12.07 - 11:11 pm
I've got a roll of duct tape, as well as my usual bag of zip ties... dunno what else I can cram in my bag (the ten of my regular signs and my camera take up the rest of the space), the 4 large ones are at least temporarily tied to the outside.
So, what's the best way to the start of the ride? coming from union station.
FuzzBeast04.13.07 - 7:11 am
I'll bring extra zip ties just in case anyone needs em', courtesy of DHL!
kyber04.13.07 - 8:17 am
Hey fuzz, what time are you getting to Union? I should be getting out of work at about 5:30-6:00 and could meet up a little early for some beerz before the ride.
420LaHaRR04.13.07 - 8:25 am
We could meet up in front of the library @ 7:00.
420LaHaRR04.13.07 - 1:27 pm
Sounds like a date!
sexy04.13.07 - 3:11 pm
which library? I don't knoaw the area near the start too well... how abut we meet at the red line station at vermont and sunset at 7?
FuzzBeast04.13.07 - 3:12 pm
yo fuzzz,
just email laharr
check his profile, ya monkee
spiraldemon04.13.07 - 3:14 pm
Central Library (downtown)...corner of Fifth and Flower. You could probably take the red line to Seventh and Fig and head northeast.
420LaHaRR04.13.07 - 3:16 pm
well, i was planning on just heading to the start, with the signs I'm lugging tonite, I'm trying to cut down on the amount of riding I do, especially by myself. what time are you guys gonna be meeting up to go to the actual ride, because I take it you guys are going to watch the race if you're meeting at 5th and flower.
FuzzBeast04.13.07 - 3:29 pm
are we starting this at 10pm ?
who is coming back to around the starting point ? so I can join them
don marcos -- bell rider
donMarcos04.13.07 - 3:49 pm
i'm a little new to LA - where exactly is this? i'm located at UCLA
fixie70104.13.07 - 4:08 pm
its by the 5 freeway at the los feliz exit basically. opposite side of the freeway from the bars The Roost and Bigfoot Lodge. If you go more than 3 lights away from the freeway yr lost!
neverclever04.13.07 - 5:03 pm
is this going to be a loop ride? i'm noticing the interactive map isn't accounting for the trek back to silverlake.
this just a 1 way ride?
wolfpack30704.13.07 - 6:22 pm
yeah it's one way but usually rides this like have groups that go back to the start... or you could park a "car" in the middle of hollywood and just ride to the starting point.
also, i just calculated that there may be Dodger traffic in the sunset area... Yay? game starts at 7:40... will last about 3+ hours so they'll be in that area leaving around 10:40 onward? yeaaaah...
neverclever04.13.07 - 7:09 pm
that ride was excellent. thank you.
i can never sleep afterwards!!
so, 4am.
here are my pics from tonight...all of them uploaded to flickr. the good, bad and ugly.
ingipet04.14.07 - 4:04 am
This was a marvelous ride. Thanks and congrats to Roadblock and Mr. Rollers and the MusicMan Big Bike Dan and all involved in the planning for knocking another one out of the park. The vibe I encountered among all walks of ridazz was one of laidback enjoyment and enthusiasm.
And the reception we got from all the people we passed along Santa Monica Boulevard was just tremendously fulfilling.
I've thrown up some of my pix in the gallery and plenty more where those came from can be found in this Flickr set:
Agent Orange04.14.07 - 10:42 am
Thanks Roadblock, and all the sign makers, and installers, and all the bikers, and the folks from the 619. I had concerns about the somber theme of this ride. But I mostly kept them to myself. I was wrong. The spirit of the ride was still there.
The signs were wonderful. The victims of hit & runs were respected.
Ride On!!
the reverend dak04.14.07 - 12:46 pm
more photos:
spiraldemon04.14.07 - 3:32 pm
Rad ride, many thanks to all involved!!
Jeff, you rock, so many excellent pics.
Eric Hair04.14.07 - 6:00 pm
Yo Mr Webmaster
Can you put the links to the pictures on the pictures page. Like a little thumbnail box to the link people put on this thread. When people are looking at the pictures in time from now when the thread is dead, they can see those link from the photo gallery.
My Suggestion
sexy04.14.07 - 8:29 pm
I put some photos in the gallery, more here:!/april-2007/
mr rollers04.14.07 - 10:31 pm
As of Sunday 4/15/07 9:20pm, all the signs that where hung on Santa Monica and Wilshire Blvd are still hanging, accept for two. FB yours is still up there, hanging proud and tough. Tommorrow is Monday and the city workers at back on the job, we will see how long they last. Two days is a good run.
sexy04.15.07 - 9:30 pm
Thank you Roadblock, Big Bike Dan and others for putting on a very conscientious bike ride to raise awareness on safety. There were a lot of new riderzz out there and everyone said, "It rocked." Veterans said, "Where's Toby"
I posted a video on the Safety Ride 2 which was the first Midnight Ridazz experience for my friends, Stormy & her daughter Kimi
alansam6704.15.07 - 9:48 pm
I loved the ride.
I saw the signs up last night in Echo Park.
It was funny the range of responses that drivers got about what we were doing.
Some guys in a mini van in K-Town asked what this was and an extremely drunk dude was like "MIDNIGHT RIDAZZZ .. WERE ALL ABOUT GETTIN' DRUNK AND RIDIN' " ...
Some chicks in B.Hills asked me the same question and I told them in slightly preachy way "a driver killed a cyclist here and the coward drove away" ... then i saw the pall on their faces and I said with a smile "but usually we just ride for fun ". But I think I freaked them out anyway.
trickmilla04.15.07 - 10:09 pm
"Can you put the links to the pictures on the pictures page. Like a little thumbnail box to the link people put on this thread. When people are looking at the pictures in time from now when the thread is dead, they can see those link from the photo gallery."
I'm not sure what you saying? you mean links to flikr?
Roadblock04.15.07 - 10:09 pm
We drove up from San Diego, and had the most amazing time. We will be back with a bigger crew.
If any riders are in SD and want to find out about rides check us out
LudiChrist04.15.07 - 10:14 pm
. People are putting there links to there various sites, that store there pictures on the Bicycle Forum. Could you put those links in the Photo Gallery for each particular ride. That way they can just post the link and everybody can click to that page to see those pictures. The person who has the photo page won't have to load them into the MR photo gallery and there will be less space used on this site.
Yes, put a link to there photo page on to each corresponding ride.
sexy04.16.07 - 1:19 am

Ride On San Diegans! I hope to ride with you in SD soon.
I forgot to tell everybody:
I found JESUS at the 7 Eleven! HE'S BACK!
I got his picture to prove it.
He even blessed me with Bunny ears!
Dot Com.
Joe Borfo04.16.07 - 1:41 am
hey sexy, I could go through the work of including people's photo links and all but then that would be encouraging people to put all their great photographic work on other sites instead of the almost mighty and ever underfunded Midnight Ridazz website.... I want people who really care about their photography to take the time to put their best flicks up on THIS site and include themselves in the history of this ride. putting flicks up on flikr is great for the billion dollar corporation that owns it and I dont discourage fact it's great PR for MR.... but it would be nice to keep this site flush with good flicks too since Midnight Ridazz is a mammas and pappas operation. dont get me wrong the flickr accounts are awesome I'm not hating, just not willing to put in extra work that in the end works against the interest of this site.. that being said I might be able to set up someking of flikr keyword based photostream..... dont hold your breath through it's gonna take a while.
Roadblock04.16.07 - 11:20 am
Borfo that fuckin photo is GENIUS. can you slide that lil diddy on up in the gallery yo?
Roadblock04.16.07 - 11:22 am
yo roadblock,
my pics have already been posted!

spiraldemon04.16.07 - 11:32 am
I meant to ask this earlier, but who was the guy in the white Bronco with the flashing yellow lights that was blocking traffic for us when we came onto Glendale Blvd? Undercover cop of some sort? In any case, it was pretty cool.
mr rollers04.16.07 - 5:11 pm
This was a ride where I finally got to chat with some friends. Thanks for waiting for people in the back and thanks for not racing. I saw a couple kids on the ride as well, and that was awesome!!!! Thanks!
illuminateLA04.16.07 - 5:23 pm
hey borfo. you know jesus was giving you bunny ears cause he knows you're the easter bunny in disguise.
FuzzBeast04.16.07 - 7:41 pm
As of 9:30 Monday April 16th, Wilshire and Santa Monica has four signs still up. Sorry FB you got cut
sexy04.16.07 - 10:04 pm
Man... I rode by the start point and noticed that the sign Fuzz and I put up on the island is gone. It was perfect too.
digablesoul04.16.07 - 10:13 pm
Haha, my signs always come down quick... except for a few, which have topped the one month point.... one of which is still up.
FuzzBeast04.17.07 - 3:03 pm
ha roadblock, I just saw this thread after I already posted on the other thread that we should do a hit and run awareness ride... I think we should do it again. anyone else?
Ayla12.3.09 - 3:03 pm
damn. this shit is old school... 3 years later and we still have a huge problem.
Roadblock09.13.10 - 7:53 pm
old school for sure
louisiana09.13.10 - 7:57 pm