What are You ?
Thread started by
OsnapsonJC at 11.13.09 - 4:25 pm
Thankful for ? Its almost thanksgiving and I'm thinking about all the things I'm glad happened to me this year ....
I'm thankful that 12 jurors had the balls to convict a menace on the road. Cause it would have been hell out there if they didn't.
I'm thankful that LB is looking brighter than it did a year ago today for riding.
I'm thankful that there's turkeys to celebrate Thanksgiving.
User111.13.09 - 4:32 pm
Im thankful for all the sick people I have met in this last year.... I have a solid job .... and I get to eat Thanksgiving in 3 states and see all my family ....
OsnapsonJC11.13.09 - 4:38 pm
Jobs, MR and Family you can't beat that. +1
Foldie responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
11.13.09 - 4:39 pm