Thread started by
mikeywally at 11.30.10 - 5:44 pm
we as citizens should have the right to know exactly how much money it costs to have the lapd follow a critical mass.
that includes:
everyone's pay for that night (cops on bikes, cops on motorcycles, cops driving cars, cops flying helicopters, etc.). are there any other city workers involved besides the lapd?
the price of the fuel for the helicopters, cars, motorcycles, etc.
the cost of upkeep of all these vehicles.
does anyone know the approximate per hour rate for an officer on duty?
ok, i just wanted to say duty.
cops on rides are a waste of money. they hurt everyone. the riders, the drivers, and the taxpayers.
Here, here!
This information should not be to hard for the LAPD to provide. Every city of LA department myself, family members or friends worked where able to know all cost of the operations that we where involved in.
The trick will be getting the information out of the PD. Where do we start?
Police Commissioners meeting.
Calling the LAPD BRASS downtown.
Asking our Council Members to help un-cover the cost.
Calling the Daily News and having them get an report out who knows how to get out City budgets. They are famous for posting the pay of city employees (mainly DWP) on their web site. I have wanted to go after this information, write a story on it and provide it to the daily news to run with it.?
Thanks for bring this up Hippie!
sexy11.30.10 - 6:06 pm
On the Los Angeles City website you will find this:
It is a copy of our contract from 2006-2009. We did not get any raises in 2010 so the 2009 numbers are valid. Scroll down to Appendix C for our current hourly pay.
Figure that fuel costs are less less than what you buy at ARCO. I don't know about the helicopter fuel. Maintenance costs on the bikes is minimal. We have mechanics on staff for the cars and motorcycles.
I would start by multiplying the number of officers (maybe 40) by the number of hours they spend on LACM (about 4-5) by the average hourly rate (maybe $40) for a rough total of about $6400-$8000 in personnel costs. Maybe another $1000 for fuel and upkeep on the motorcycles and cars...another $1000 for the helicopter and I will ball park it at $10,000.
Sgt. David Krumer11.30.10 - 9:30 pm
Wow! thats a lot of money
godmode responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
11.30.10 - 9:49 pm
So in a year, its about $120,000?
godmode11.30.10 - 9:49 pm
Don't forget your overtime you guys got for attending these "extra curricular activities"
revolution11.30.10 - 9:54 pm
AVGAS for those AS350s is usually about the same price as premium unleaded.
However, gas-turbine, transmission and rotorline maintenance is where the airship gets hit.
3-4 hours of post-flight maintenance for every hour of flight time for the most part.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
11.30.10 - 10:33 pm
u r a leader more than that underage cocksuckr or that NARC!
bentstrider is a leader to. i think ur right about the copter. i bet it cost shit load more than 1000.
fixie4life11.30.10 - 11:26 pm
Would you learn to speak in tones that our not offensive! You look bad already, don't make the rest of us look bad with that kind of language. I encourage you to find appropriate adjectives to explain how someones action are not in our best interest instead of using derogative nouns. I know you don't care, but the rest of us like to try to speak respectfully to each other and uninvited guest on our website while in a serious discussion, even when we disagree.
That number does seem low, especially for the helicopter. Base pay is not the only cost, there is medical insurance and retirement contribution, along with uniform, vacation accruement. I wouldn't write off the cost of equipment to just be fuel cost. I don't know how the Police department does it, but I know other city departments have charges for miles operated on a car. I would image either the garage attendant or officer have to log the miles traveled on each car. Communicate equipment and other miscellaneous items that come into play when adding the total cost of a project. For however inefficient city of LA department can be, they do have a solid system of knowing cost down to the penny.
sexy responding to a
comment by fixie4life
12.1.10 - 12:25 am
If you factor in benefits than you are probably looking at $60 per hour. But please bare in mind that those same resources would still be deployed regardless of LACM. If you are talking about costs...the real cost is the services and enforcement that could have been utilized in a different way...i.e. opportunity cost. Then the issue becomes not what the "cost" is but if it is the proper utilization of resources.
Sgt. David Krumer12.1.10 - 12:48 am
aww, man! i thought this was a pink floyd thread :'(
coldcut12.1.10 - 1:06 am
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by coldcut
12.1.10 - 1:16 am
I was under the impression that CicLAvia raised if not all of its funding, it raised some funding to cover the costs to hold CicLAvia....
plus, it was the first event such held.... it shouldnt cost that much later on...once people understand what is going on.... if officers are performing their regular routines it should be pretty self sustained.... maybe too idealistic....
dayone responding to a
comment by Sgt. David Krumer
12.1.10 - 9:19 am
it was split between the city and private funding. i believe about 120k each. the cost will fix itself as more events are held. plus sponsorship will compensate for all of it at some point soon.
md2 responding to a
comment by dayone
12.1.10 - 9:28 am
some event wants to be held in LA with major dinero behind it. Do you think the city is going to want a piece of that?
i wouldnt even worry about the policing at Ciclavia because thats a whole other entity. Im not sure why Krumer brought it up. LACM has absolutely no money behind it except whatever is in riders pockets. Different issue.
By bringing Ciclavia up, Krumer doesn't so much highlight what a deal LACM is, but rather whether Ciclavia is being ripped off.
If LACM could make the city money, we would have so much support. Start shopping ridas!!
md2 responding to a
comment by dayone
12.1.10 - 9:44 am
i understand if there is money involved and photo opportunities, politicians and others will be there....
i thought Sgt. Krumer brought up the costs of CicLAvia and LACM to show the costs seem minimal to police CM as compared to the monies used to police (& other city resources used) CicLAvia....
Sgt. Krumer also mentions that whether those officers are at CM or not, whether those motorcycles, cars and helicopters are at CM or not...they would be on patrol.... that is why i mentioned that a lot of the resources used towards CicLAvia should and could be cut down later on...once people understand and are aware of what is going on....
however, you are probably right... as soon as sponsors show up...the costs will not be viewed...but much profit was made....
dayone responding to a
comment by md2
12.1.10 - 9:57 am