Be Safe
Thread started by
Gizzard at 07.15.11 - 8:05 am
Dear K-town,
This last Wed night (after having left the Passage ride) I ran a few errands driving E on Beverly towards Temple when alluva sudden two guys zoomed by on their bikes and then the rest of the group swarmed my car. That was the first time I've ever been caught in the middle of a ride in a car. As a cyclist I never really thought about what it would be like to be in the middle of a group ride but as a driver, but I gotta admit it was kinda scary. Naturally, I stopped and left plenty of space in front of me so the entire group could take the lane, but once on Temple there were a few dumbass kids who kept swerving into the left lane and missing my car by inches, despite having taken the whole right lane.
I'm not here to tell you guys or anyone how to ride or how to lead your ride... It aint none of my business. (Also this isn't solely directed towards k-town). This is just a reminder to everyone that in order to be respected we always have to remember to share the road (both as cyclists and motorists). Since Wed. I have been thinking "whatif it wasnt me on the road, but instead some angry or unexperienced driver? Would your group have been left unscathed?" I hope so, but its best not to risk it.
Seriously y'all, be safe and MINDFUL out there! We don't need anymore dead or injured ridazz! ♥
Damn I havent seen you in a long minute.
OsnapsonJC07.15.11 - 8:12 am
En serio! No one told me that trying to get my shit together would be time consuming...that and I just primarily stalk the boards.
Gizzard responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
07.15.11 - 8:24 am
this definitely not just Ktown MO. Theres alot of rides I see ridaz box in a car at a red light. So lame! I keep thinking one of these days someone is going to be bit in the azz.
DArK ENERgY07.15.11 - 1:07 pm
LIKE!!! Well Put!!! Cycling needs to grow upward in skill and knowledge as a sport and not just broaden to include any shmuck who can pedal...
FIXMYLIFE07.15.11 - 1:16 pm
It aint so much the boxing in i'm afraid of (as long as my side view mirrors stay in tact) but it's more of the swerving in n outta lanes that pisses me the fuck off as a driver.
I aint tryin to run someone over! In fact i'm trying to do quite the opposite. I'm all for cyclist's rights to the road, but if a dude swerves into my lane, my ass aint gonna swerve into oncoming traffic and have some car crash into ME because some stupid (drunk...or sober, not making any assumptions) kid decides to swerve into the right lane into my car.
And all this is coming from me, a cyclist, someone who's been to many group rides!!!!!!!!!!! IMAGINE WHAT THOSE PEOPLE WHO HATE CYCLISTS ARE THINKING! Seriously... I'm sure I aint the only one who hates seeing the "another cyclist hit" or "another hit n run" or "cyclist killed" posts listed on the new forum topics...
on a lighter note,
Gizzard responding to a
comment by DArK ENERgY
07.15.11 - 4:45 pm