Wolfpack Hustle VS. a JET

Thread started by
Roadblock at 07.14.11 - 2:20 pm
who's gonna win??
Gary Rides Bikes started a twitter buzz going about Wolfpack A vs. Jetblue's "carmageddon" Burbank to Long Beach flight special. Door to door who's gonna win?!
Are we talking door to door? i.e. including grope time?
bobdotorg07.14.11 - 2:31 pm
which door to which door, how much driving is involved for the person on the plane? I still think the bike especially since a good portion of it will be on a path.
enzomatic07.14.11 - 6:39 pm
Seems the fairest way to do this is airport to airport. From the time the passenger enters burbank airport to the time they get out. No car trip making it even worse.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by enzomatic
07.14.11 - 8:26 pm
I peeped this on twitter and I hope someone films this.
OsnapsonJC07.15.11 - 11:34 am
oh its on...................
JetBlue agrees to bike vs. plane Carmageddon race
She adds: "If they're too tired to ride back home, bikes fly free with us for the month of July in celebration of Tour de France. Enthusiasts can even kick back in our comfy leather seats and watch live coverage of the 2011 Tour de France in-flight."
Damn, I didnt know that!
DArK ENERgY07.15.11 - 12:03 pm
oh yea, my money is on the bikes! Too many possible delays with the plane. As long as its from when the passengers walk through the doors. Hell, the bikes might even get there before the plane takes off!
DArK ENERgY07.15.11 - 12:06 pm
On most of the new articles they keep mentioning that the cyclist will obey all traffic laws. I also saw one that stated they were gonna have someone on the ground to document their trip. That whole obeying laws thing may be a problem.
sancho107.15.11 - 12:19 pm
a good portion will be on bike paths probably so a good paceline can be put together. get people to head out earlier and get assholes to keep their dogs outta the way. Perhaps you can do this in a massive lead out. keep a small group in the draft and have people pulling their ass off for a few miles then dropping out and doing all the work for the final group to finish. maybe people along the way can join in and pull for a few miles themselves.
enzomatic07.15.11 - 1:00 pm
This sounds sooo awesome!!! :D I wish everyone well....if I have time..I'll stroll through to do some pulls... LOL :D
FIXMYLIFE07.15.11 - 1:13 pm
Looking at it I think people interested should do a 'B' and 'C' group as well. I'm pretty confident WPA will take it easily.
enzomatic07.15.11 - 1:19 pm
it would be so rad if there was a group the same size as the plane that raced and won. Not sure what size is tho. Probably 100 or 150.
DArK ENERgY07.15.11 - 3:03 pm
This is so awesome that this is really happening. I had no idea when I started tweeting about this yesterday morning we would have a real race with national media coverage going on such short notice. Props Roadblock for carrying the idea forward.
GarySe7en07.15.11 - 3:26 pm
What time would people be doing these or this ride?
FIXMYLIFE07.15.11 - 4:18 pm
This is insanely....just really....awesome..
palucha6607.15.11 - 4:22 pm
Ride starts at 10:50am in Burbank: http://www.bikecommutenews.com/2011/07/los-angeles-cyclists-to-race-jet-blue.html
TAR07.15.11 - 5:02 pm
gado_gado07.15.11 - 6:38 pm
u guys should have marketed this as a big huge pack. the ridaz are leaving 1..50 hrs before the scheduled take off. shit I think I could beat it with a beach cruiser if that's the case. then to top it off the finish line is at the end of the la river bike trail. defenutly beach cruiser material!
whos taken bets? damn I wish Jetblue was!
DArK ENERgY07.15.11 - 8:26 pm
where can I livestream this? lol
Rage07.15.11 - 9:37 pm
Rage07.16.11 - 12:42 am
Im all in on Wolfpack. Jet Blue aint shit.
JOKER07.16.11 - 12:47 am
This is very exciting! Wish everyone racing a safe race and victoryyyyy! In a few hours you guys will be celebrities, lol.
Also, really awesome that cyclists are getting some media attention in a positive way. =D
Nadia_is_Russian07.16.11 - 1:16 am
MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/43776814#43776814
alexdc07.16.11 - 7:05 am
aw yeah. rachel maddow's got her money on WOLFPACK
ephemerae responding to a
comment by alexdc
07.16.11 - 9:02 am
TWITTER FEED!!!!! ASAP attention....
myfoxlamyFOX Los Angeles
Flight v Bike- yep, trying to work up a story.. @RICKatFOX @rantg1 @kevintakumi @jetblue @wolfpackhustle
Adrian_The_BEAST responding to a
comment by trickmilla
07.16.11 - 10:41 am
Jon Budinoff
Fabian Vasquez
Stephen Andranian
Aram Dellalian
Wish there was a girl representing. :( oh well. HUSTLE, GUYS!!!
shotgunBOOMBOOM07.16.11 - 11:12 am
yeah, where's Beatrice?
oh well. Go Wolfpack, GO!
twitter follow - #FlightVSBike - this is epic!
gado_gado responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
07.16.11 - 11:22 am
My unborn baby boy says GO WOLF PACK!!
DJwheels07.16.11 - 11:38 am
So far looks like WOLFPACK A is well into LAKEWOOD
JetBlue Flight 405 isn't scheduled to depart for another 20 MINUTES.
shotgunBOOMBOOM07.16.11 - 12:03 pm
woops, I mean Downey. Map says they are in Downey right now...
shotgunBOOMBOOM07.16.11 - 12:07 pm
they hit long beach already, I bet they are already at the light house...waiting for confirmation from the wolfpack twitter feed.....
shotgunBOOMBOOM07.16.11 - 12:26 pm
Gary is in LB now too! But he's got to walk to the finish...
gado_gado07.16.11 - 12:30 pm
I'm REALLY impressed. Great job, guys!
Rosiekins07.16.11 - 12:44 pm
I'm not. It's WOLFPACK A of course they were going to win!! :D
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
07.16.11 - 12:46 pm
Your inability to be impressed is unimpressive. =]
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
07.16.11 - 12:51 pm
so wats the deets? where was the plane when the pack rolled to the finish line? Did it manage to take off before the pack crossed the line?
I would have been surprised if they didn't win myself.
DArK ENERgY07.16.11 - 1:36 pm
Was there ever a doubt? Way to go, guys.
mr rollers07.16.11 - 1:43 pm
Is there any play by play for non tweeters?
Jeff Yess07.16.11 - 2:45 pm
people are talking about this as far away as canada! the story is running on every major network on the west coast!
tortuga_veloce07.16.11 - 8:59 pm
does anyone know that some fat puggy dude on a beach cruiser could have won this race? probably not..............
could have been been a great sale pitch.
DArK ENERgY07.17.11 - 2:58 am
m/ Success.
Def follow #flightVSbike on twitter for all the status updates from various race participants, pics, links, vid, yada, from the race.
(I tweeted a ton of links/content during the flight from @ohaijoe and shared all related content @bikecommutenews)
For those not on Twitter, Topsy has a great aggregation of tweets including all pics, video, and media coverage tagged with #flightVSbike around the web:
Can't wait to see all the video footage. Pretty sure every second of the race was documented on vid.
ohaijoe07.17.11 - 10:30 pm
Rachel Maddow covered #flightVSbike start to finish m/
ohaijoe07.18.11 - 7:50 am
I think this is going to have to be an annual team time trial, who wants to put some dog tags up for next year and start getting swag? Teams of 4-6 leaving 8 minutes apart. team with 3 members at the finish in the shortest time gets tags. we can have rules about how many roadies vs fixies in each group.
enzomatic07.18.11 - 11:25 am
Congrats fellas. Talked to Cole at Linus while he was working on Saturday and heard about the race. We predicted 1.5 hours... So stoked you made that presence for us cyclists.
Awesome job.
nthkl07.18.11 - 12:00 pm
"Hell, the bikes might even get there before the plane takes off!"
urs truly called this way at the beginning of this thread! ~8)
thank you thank you, let me know if you ever need the odds called.
at ur service!
DArK ENERgY07.18.11 - 8:12 pm
"Hell, the bikes might even get there before the plane takes off!"
urs truly called this way at the beginning of this thread! ~8)
thank you thank you, let me know if you ever need the odds called.
at ur service!
DArK ENERgY07.18.11 - 8:12 pm