Bike Thieves Chop Tree?!

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SocialSoundSystem at 06.9.11 - 12:10 pm
I don't know how to embed vids in theis forum... A little help?
They didn't even steal the bike? Poor tree!
outerspace06.9.11 - 4:12 pm
I would of used a portable electric carbide steel cutting saw, cutting through steel of any u lock, chain, or padlock in seconds. Horrible job. Right in front of a camera, very conspicuous, and they cut a whole fucking tree! WTF!!! We are backwards in the US. Why we don't have highly visible public bicycle parking with CC TV is a fucking shame. In the meantime, if you are going to be a thief, at least aspire to be good at it. These monkeys are too funny.
Hippy Sippy06.9.11 - 5:56 pm
What the hell was that? I would have loved to have heard the dialogue of what was said. It looks like the hand clapping guy in the polo shirt was trying to stop the big guy in the dark polo shirt a few times, then at the end he rides the bike for 15 seconds and leaves it. Then they all scattered. I project that they where drinking Cisco or Mad Dog 20/20 to create that play. Being under the influence of that stuff is the only thing can explain what went on. I wonder what city that was in?
That is what happens in that neighborhood on a Wednesday. PARTAY!
sexy06.9.11 - 11:02 pm
Would've been better if rabid squirrels popped out of the trees and ate their faces off.
Then we would've had a popcorn quality, snuff film in our midst.
bentstrider06.9.11 - 11:10 pm
"These monkeys" "drinking Cisco or Mad Dog 20/20" why not use the words your thinking?
Two_Feet06.10.11 - 12:09 am
Watching this over gets better and better. At 1:26 dude in the white polo shirt looks like he body slams the tree. After the tree falls over they decide that it is best to vacate the immediate area for a total of 1minute 45 seconds before returning.
sexy06.10.11 - 1:39 am
This is some funny, ridiculous stuff. Oh man, would have loved to hear the dialogue or at least have some closed captions. LOL.
tfunk40806.10.11 - 1:53 am
what a bunch of LOSERS. wow. fucking good for nothing drunks. good job they got a chuck of shit $35 bike for all their efforts. instead of stealing the bike the dude could have made $45 bucks posting an ad on craigslist "tree chopping services available" yeah. I'm turning into an old man.
Roadblock06.10.11 - 1:36 pm
That circus music they play when clowns drive those little cars around would have made this clip epic
vigilAnthony06.10.11 - 3:16 pm