Bridge Demolition July 16 and 17

Thread started by
Roadblock at 06.2.11 - 2:10 pm
Mullhulland bridge over the 405 is being demo-ed and the whole freeway is getting closed down. This would seem kind of fun to go watch. Anyone want to ride up to mullhulland somewhere and watch or film?
Bridge Demolition To Close I-405 On Weekend Of
July 16-17
A weekend closure of the I-405 Freeway –between
the US-101 Freeway and the Getty Center Drive ramps–
is scheduled for Saturday, July 16 (beginning at
midnight) thru Sunday, July 17. The closure is required
to allow safe demolition of a portion of the Mulholland
Boulevard Bridge, part of the freeway improvements
project. For the latest on road closures and
construction delays, as well as project updates,
go to
This does sound interesting, so long as they just blow the shit up. But over a two day period?? Seems like a good opportunity to 'decorate' the bridge in advance. I doubt theyd remove whatever was on it. Heh heh..
JOKER06.2.11 - 10:21 pm
This seems like a really cool idea. 405 Fwy Ride!!!
X-Large06.2.11 - 11:10 pm
Completely off topic but,
Did Borfo get a job?
Is He in jail?
ericduville06.3.11 - 9:35 am
I was planning to take some pictures of it.
Velocipede06.3.11 - 10:43 am
Borfo moved to Thailand. He'll be back in 2013.
Freeway Ride!

barleye responding to a
comment by ericduville
06.3.11 - 11:07 am
The big question in my mind is whether they are somehow going to just dismantle and lower the bridge or whether they are going to blow it up rockstar style?
Roadblock06.3.11 - 11:52 am
an article in the la times last week said it was closed down from i think the 10 to the 405 for the width expansion...not just the bridge. a midnight ride till we get chased off sounds fun...even though the police are trolling this site....let's do it...
barleye responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.3.11 - 12:00 pm
I doubt we could actually ride the freeway, fun as that sounds... I'm just curious when the bridge comes down... I doubt they will actually blow it up come to think... it would put a serious dent in the road surface below.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by barleye
06.3.11 - 12:03 pm
The freeway fun will begin as early as 7 p.m. on July 15, when workers start barricading ramps on both the southbound and northbound sides between the San Fernando Valley and the Westside. Lanes will start shutting down at 10 p.m. to ensure full closure by midnight. Workers will lay a 6-foot-deep bed of sand under the Mulholland bridge to protect the roadway from scrapes and gouges as 45,000 cubic feet of beams, girders and debris start coming down. The freeway is slated to reopen by 5 a.m. on July 18.
On the northbound 405, the entire 10 miles between the 10 Freeway and U.S. 101 will be closed. On the southbound side, a four-mile stretch between the 101 and the Getty Center Drive ramps will be blocked.
Staying away would be good practice. The July work will demolish the bridge's southern side. Once that has been rebuilt, another extended closure will be slated about a year from now so that workers can dismantle the northern side.
For updates, visit the project website or follow the project on Twitter at and Facebook at
barleye06.3.11 - 12:06 pm
what a fuckin WASTE of taxpayer money. They could have just built a godamned rail system down the middle of the fwy from the orangeline to the greenline instead
Roadblock responding to a
comment by barleye
06.3.11 - 12:38 pm
The forums are so boring I think we drove the cops away!
buckchin responding to a
comment by barleye
06.3.11 - 2:09 pm
sounds like this could make an awesome Sutdiodrome film.
but seriously... most expensive carpool lane ever?
onethirtynine06.3.11 - 3:54 pm
Even that Inspector America on the History Channel labeled it a get waste of funds in relationship to all of the other infrastructure work the US needs. I guess we can't say that Brad Sherman doesn't bring home the bacon. I just need to start me a concrete and road construction company to get all that gov't cheese.
Regarding riding a construction zone. I would highly suggest against it. Seems that the worse accidents I have ever heard of and been involved in personally (pre ridazz stories) was in construction zones. There may be things in the road or holes or barricades that you ain't expecting or don't see. I would stay away. You might be asking for hooray for crash photos
sexy06.3.11 - 4:32 pm
NO! Bridge Demolition Hustle will NOT BE STOPPED!!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
06.3.11 - 5:02 pm
the demo is just a decoy from another calculated catastrophe that will be impossible to escape from when the freeways closedown!
it's a fuckin conspiracy!
but seriously though, i know i'm just stoned lurking the boards for the first time in 7 months but it could still happen...
so if there's a ride we should arm ourselve's right? ...with like ninja weapons and shit? cause i have some
sklank06.3.11 - 9:31 pm
But then all the rich industry peeps who live Beverly Hills adjacent would still have to sit in traffic while driving their black SUV's up to their 20 million dollar Mc Mansions off Mullholand Dr. Those cuties sure do have a lot of sway in the legal system and where our taxes go.
I guess the other 10 millions commuters from the Valley to the Beach can sit in traffic rather than hop on a train.
I think that all the freeways should be modified to accommodate bike lanes and trains. And give up a couple lanes from cars.
Girl Power responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.4.11 - 12:55 am
We're shutting down this operation. And we have files on all of you guys.
Your days are numbered before we turn you all in. Ride while you can. Hahahaha!
FBI06.4.11 - 1:32 am
Anything planned or is this now off-list?
gado_gado06.12.11 - 3:08 pm