Freedom Ridazz Montebello
Freedom Ridazz
/>Peace and Truth .
Slow pace ride east on whittier Blvd thru the Montebello,Pico Rivera,Whittier cities and river beds. Explore
First Nation native lands.
>Meet up :9pm Rolling :10pm
Meet at Jack in the box .Whittier blvd. & Garfield ave. Montebello .Ca, 90640.>Ride ends where it begins .
>RIDAZZ UNITE! Safety first please respect fellow riders and the neighborhoods we ride thru .
No rider left behind. This is a slow pace ride and we will stop at red lights to regroup.
Bring your essentials:
What not to bring:
-negative attitude-racism
-baby moma drama
Rain cancels ride
>Disclaimer:Rider rides at own risk.#
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.