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Los Angeles Clitoral Mass 2014


This Saturday August 16

START TIME: 1:00 pm

Roll Out : 1:30 Sharp!

> > M E E T - U P - I N F O R M A T I O N < <

Cum one, cum all to Clitoral Mass 2014! Clitoral Mass represents solidarity between womyn, queer, femme, trans, gender non-conforming

and two-spirited individuals from different walks of life to promote solidarity in bicycling, encourage safety, health in our communities and

taking back the night.

We envision a movement in which womyn from all over the world organize their own Clitoral Mass in their respective communities in order

to shift consciousness about social justice through bicycling for everyone.

This ride is open to all womyn, womyn identified, gender-non-conforming, queer, trans, two-spirited folx only!

> > We do recognize that the name Clitoral Mass does refer to cis-womyn's reproductive system. However, it is not meant to exclude

anyone. The name is a play on words intended to be playful and simultaneously create some sort of acknowledgement/acceptance/pride

in one's historically oppressed body. While this is a frequent motif of ours, we do not make apologies for using fem-posi symbolism and do

so to reaffirm and reclaim our bodies and do not in any way do it with the intention to marginalize the many forms and genders that

constitute "woman." We prescribe to a decolonized/WOC feminist interpretation of womynhood, which includes womyn and womyn-

identified folks, or two-spirited/queer/trans folks. Long story short, ALL WOMYN-IDENTIFIED FOLX no matter what reproductive organs

you have or do not have are welcome on this ride!

{ { Grand Park LA } }

-- http://grandparkla.org/ --

> > Meet up: 1:00 pm | Roll out: 1:30 pm < <

> > TA K E - T H E - T R A I N < <

We encourage everyone to bike in, walk in or bus in! If you are taking the red line, exit ***Civic Center/Grand Park Station*** and exit

towards the "Temple Street" exit!

> > T A K E - T H E - B U S < <

For more information on what Metro Bus' take you to Grand Park, click the following link:


> > W H A T - T O - B R I N G < <

Yourself, your friends, your bike, cash for awesome Clitoral Mass Merch! We will be providing snacks, granola bars, water, toilet paper! But

feel free to bring your own snacks if you'd like!

> > W H A T - T O - E X P E C T < <

Our Clitoral Mass Route Committee has been working tirelessly on the route to make sure this ride is DO-able for EVERYONE! We will

have a number of pit stops throughout the ride where we will have restroom breaks, snacks, water, music and live entertainment!

> > E N D I N G - L O C A T I O N < <

No need to worry! We will ALSO be ENDING at Grand Park LA!

- - - - - - - - - - - -.

Event page on Facebook:


Contact info for this ride: mizcarolita@live.com


Posted by Crystalrawwr

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