Beastside Mosey: Summer Rash
Its summer time...and the lazy is fast, gravely and bloody.
The Beastside is back again to fuck with your life style in new and unique ways that say, we want you to feel pain. If you haven't earned
your official Beastside tattoo, AKA a scar, then this is an excellent chance to get a mark of the beast on your lily white ass.
We're going to be meandering around the city for a nice ride round' prior to making our way to a Mini-Bike track for some fuck-flaming-fun at
a pre-chosen location for mini-bike races.
You know the deal, basically dont act like a dick. But in case that doesn't come naturally to you, here is a list, print it out, and cross each line
off at you civilize yourself on a bike.
1. Stay behind the music bike.
2. Respect the rules of the road.
3. Stay on the right side of the road.
4. Do not skid. We are not going fast enough for you to need to ever skid.
5. Stop at the lights.
6. Leave no trace.
7. Help enforce the rules.
The details, They're at the bottom because basic bitches only read the introduction.
Meet in the parking lot near 654 N Spring St at 9pm. Bring what you need because China Town blows and there ain't a quick-e-mart nearby.
Once you show up, enjoy yourself. We're going to be meeting at 9pm, rolling at 10. We should have an hour of riding before we hit our first
stop. Second stop we're going to be having Mini-bike races on our own custom course. Best time gets a mini-trophy made by Rick Hill. Other
then that. SMD. See you this weekend.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.