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Sun Chaser.The Ride #23 We chase The Sun in a major way!!


Sun Chaser The ride is rollin' once again this upcoming Sunday. May 18th

Vibe w/ us & The Sun @ Venice!

Meet 3:45pm at Chik-Fil-A in Hollywood (at Sunset & Highland)

Rollout at 4:45pm

Sunset at 7:52pm

We ridin!

Every Sunday….like church, but better!

Hollywood to Venice Beach & back.

About 27 miles round-trip.

For the uninitiated, this ride changes slightly every week based on the sunset time, so check here weekly
for ride deets. We make our way

to Venice Beach usually by hittin La Brea south to Venice Blvd, then taking that all the way to the bike
path on the beach (we usually stop

at a 7-11 half way down Venice to fill up on snacks, beer, all that shit). We roll up the path a bit to the
drum circle and kick it there for a

while. Afterwards we do what the collective group is down for, sometimes we hit the park by the pier and
climb shit, sometimes we hit the

arcade or end of the pier, sometimes we chill by the water….whatever we want before heading back.


Your working bicycle

Your friend

Your chill vibe





Sunglasses (we’ll be riding into the sun the whole way down Venice blvd)

Maybe some bud or brew if you’re into that.

A towel or something to claim your spot in the sand.

you get bonus cool points if you bring a drum

Hit me or the homie up for more question or if you wanna catch up with us somewhere as we chase down
The Sun.

Link up with me @ 5won2.2oh2. 7eight3nine

or C U R T @ three two three - three nine five - one three one four


The Official website www.sctr.com

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sunchasertheride

Twitter @SunChaserLA

Posted by Nue_Gye

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