The Passage of a Few People Through a Rather Brief Moment in Time #237: Convergence
One or more persons during a certain period drop their usual motives for movement and action, their relations,
their work and leisure activities, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the
encounters they find there.
It's a bike ride.
Started by user nathansnider and user theroyalacademy.
It meets every Wednesday at 8:30pm at California Donuts #21.
We ride at 9pm.
We'll endeavor to return before the last red line trains (around midnight).
On the fifth year of this bike ride, you might expect:
- more inconvenient passageways
- more full moon picnics
- perhaps more "cover" versions of other people's rides, performed with amateurish enthusiasm
- certainly more amateurish enthusiasm
- disorientation
- reorientation
- pool halls
- bowling alleys
- dance parties
- karaoke
- imaginary histories
- scavenging for fun and sustenance
- more geocaching
- more oblique strategies
- more Oulipian constraints
- traffic median tea parties
- A medium pace (maybe not for beginners; certainly not a hustle)
- We're not in a rush; we don't need to run every light.
- Maybe some distance;maybe some hills
- Victory donuts!
This week:
Convergences! The world is so full of convergences that you can find them all around you, if only you look. Well,
yes, in some sense, it is rather unremarkable that small features converge to form larger ones, or that common
forms are repeated in unrelated contexts. Due to basic geometry, or the laws of physics, or simply random
chance, such patterns are bound to manifest themselves. And since we humans are so skilled at recognizing
patterns, it may also be unremarkable that we experience a certain joy when we find these convergences and
parallels, even where none are actually present.
But there are certainly some convergences present tonight. They happen to be of a rather literal and prosaic
variety, it's true, but if you are so inclined, you are certainly welcome to search for the more elaborate and
metaphorical ones along the way.
35 miles this week, all rather flat, with a couple brief stretches of poorly-paved, if not entirely off-road, riding.
Talk, talk, talk...
Check out our web site!
(and our tumblr!)
(and join the mailing list!)
The hacienda must be built.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.